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2024 is the Year of 420

a Vocal writing resolution

By kpPublished 5 months ago 2 min read
2024 is the Year of 420
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

“Write it and let it go” is the intention for this year. Above all, I want to release myself from the shackles of perfectionism. At least, that’s the goal. Whether I attempt fiction or more personal essays in creative non-fiction, I know I need to write more freely, edit once, and publish without second-guessing myself. I tend to get caught up around three pages. It’s a curse I have written with for years, breaking only occasionally when inspiration boldly strikes. I have so many unfinished drafts floating around the three-page mark. This year, I am leaning into the curse and allowing myself to write and publish all the three-page stories and essays that my heart desires. 2024 is the year I give up the “shoulds” of my writing and embrace what is. Short-form narratives are as valid as any novel when done well. Quality can be anything, length be damned.

I suppose it’s easy enough to follow the trend and see where my youthful confidence began to wane. That’s a story for another piece, though. What matters here is breaking the pattern by compassionately allowing it to exist. Understanding why I can be so hard on myself and my writing now and why I may be afraid to share personal truths, forgiving the doubt I feel from those critiques and anxieties will be essential to my 2024. Understanding and forgiveness are a challenge for anyone. Depending on the context, it is often more challenging for some than others, but personal forgiveness may be the most elusive.

Writing was always cathartic for me, once a daily practice that was palpably missed if I ever failed to make the time. I won’t make demands on myself to be that consistent again; instead, I’ll allow myself to express what I feel organically. I practice my craft therapeutically, removing the militance I once subjected myself to. In this way, writing will remain purgative and relieving, as it once was. Maybe now, without the stress and pressure that kept me from finishing or sharing much of my work.

If I were to place an arbitrary quantitative goal for the year, it would be a publishing goal. I could aim low and say I’d like to publish my 69th story on Vocal this year. I could shoot a bit higher and say reaching 420 published stories and poems is attainable, especially if I want to release myself from this inner self-saboteur. Very well, 420 published stories and poems on this platform by December 31st, 2024.

I’m unsure how much I want y’all to hold me accountable to this goal… Maybe some gentle nudges from time to time. If I go radio silent for too long, comment on this post. Please remind me of this promise to not be so hard on myself. Chances are I forgot and worked myself into the Hoover Dam of writer’s blocks. Thanks in advance for the assistance and, as always, for being a stellar writing community. Here’s to a great new writing year for all of us!

Writer's BlockVocalCommunity

About the Creator


I am a non-binary, trans-masc writer. I work to dismantle internalized structures of oppression, such as the gender binary, class, and race. My writing is personal but anecdotally points to a larger political picture of systemic injustice.

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Comments (2)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran5 months ago

    Perfectionism is something that I struggle with too so I totally understand that. Nahhh, I'm not gonna hold you accountable to this goal. Like that would be me giving yo stress, lol! And I wouldn't do that even if you want me to hahaha. But I do hope with achieve those goals! I wish you all the best!

kpWritten by kp

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