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Walking Through the House

Light and below

By Pamela Nina BlanchardPublished 3 months ago 11 min read
Light and Dark

It started with a bright day, sun shining and blue skies. The town hardly bigger than the capital of Yukon, Canada. Walking through the streets of unrecognizable buildings, the sights and smells unknown to the native nose. Where was this place? So unfamiliar and strange, these houses, these roads and these people all on a different scale. Everything beautifully green and full of colors of the summer, sweet fragrances of flowers in the soft flowing air, all except a smell of smoke that is odd to the area. No house should have the fire stove going so where was the smoke coming from? Following the faint smell of smoke wasn't hard, with every step closer I took brought more smoke and less people. I walked a few more blocks down the street to where I hadn't seen much signs of anyone in the streets, the further on it seemed like the whole town was empty. The sky grew dark and smoggy with smoke and the sounds of happiness faded from the world, there was silence throughout the buildings an eerie feeling of loneliness. Everyone gone but me standing on the sidewalk with white flakes of ash starting to float down, covering anything and everything with color. As I walked down the street of abandoned houses the air became stifling hot, like the sun was still beaming down on the land, which wasn't true because the smoke covered all that was visible a few moments before. A wave of heat in the wind came rushing past as I walked on a few more blocks, I stopped at a house that seemed to be inviting me in, the scene reminded me of the end of days, I scanned the area an seen that many houses and buildings were on fire or smoldering as if fire from above shot down and hit the houses and buildings. I turned back to the house in front of me and surveyed the windows on both sides, the upper windows and the front door which seemed to be untouched.

With all that was going on, the world turned to a dark and gloomy place, the sounds dissipating with every minute that went by. My senses dull with confusion, as I walked closer to the door, it was a white shine of a brand new house that was built during the spring. Flashes of thunder and lightening fills the sky all along the horizon, streaks of booms far off in the distance. Fear ran through my body and soul filling every corner, thoughts of where everyone else went. What had happened? To many questions that couldn't be answered. Reaching the steps took more time then I thought, almost seeming like an entire day. Where the time went was a mystery just as where all the people went, not even a domestic animal was seen or heard. As I wondered I walked slowly up the stairs with no thoughts but on the situation I was in, I reached out my hand and touched the front door, hoping if I knocked I'd hear someone answer, I knocked my knuckles on the door three times and waited. Not sure as to why I knocked I grabbed the door handle and let myself in, I called out for anyone as I opened the door wider expecting a loud creak from the door to my surprise it opened softly and quietly.

Fully in the house I seen that the house was untouched of the outside world in the front hallway leading to the stairs to upstairs and down the hall to the kitchen, on the left was a doorway to the living room which had a swing door that separated the rooms. even on the kitchen door way was a swing door, these doors looked light and easy to move, when I walked to the den doorway it felt like heat was coming from that room, the stairs felt cool and the hallway to the kitchen was dark and cool. When I pushed on the living room door I did feel that the door was warm on my side, on the other side I could see light coming from the window, a bit confounded by this I walked in front of the window and seen that outside was all destroyed by fire. The feeling of safety hit my back and made me spin around to face another door that lead to the dinning room, the door was yet another swinging door, heavy looking with a worn out spot of hand use that pushes the door open. I walked over to the door, as I moved from side of the room to the other i seen pictures and paintings on the walls, not recognizing anyone in the pictures, I could have sworn one of the paintings had moving people in it but by looking it over the painting had been melting and dripping, the heat wasn't too bad for me. I continued to the dinning room door, stopped and listened for and sounds, hoping for anyone else was overtaking my emotions. The dinning room was a bit darker then the living room and had a deserted feeling, dinner wear out on the table, chairs astray like being moved in a hurry. I looked around the room and noticed all the windows, this room had more windows then the front, another door way but this one was high and with two swing doors and mirrors on the walls.

The things that decorated the room was of an older era, I couldn't make out the design of the things but knew they were expensive, and old. My attention turned back to the kitchen doors which seemed to have electricity in the room because the light shinning through the cracks of the doors. I was a bit puzzled about this because everything outside was on fire, yet there was the light. I felt like calling out but thought twice about it just to remind myself of that movie I had seen a few yrs ago about the world ending and laughing at it because it was a movie made by comedians. I wasn't laughing at this one, this one felt like it happened so fast that no one knew what had happened at all, one minuet people were out and about talking to neighbors, the next people were gone. No answer and no sounds so I pushed on the right side of the doors and peered into the kitchen, all was good, the floor was clean and warm the light really was on, smells of something cooking coming from the stove only to see that nothing was on the stove. The kitchen was bigger then the other rooms and more inviting so I walked in with ease, a sort of comfort that I have seen and have been in this kitchen before was on my mind. Just in this room I got this feeling, the other rooms gave me the feeling of emptiness, of darkness an eerie sort of dampness. I could feel a light breeze on my back so I turned and to my surprise the whole back wall was gone and the outside was everywhere in my sights.

From the dining room looking through the windows it didn't show any sign that the entire kitchen wall was gone. This illusion didn't hold too long, I discovered that the windows were there just that they were not real, someone had painted the kitchen side on the walls and made it look like they were really looking out the windows. To me it seemed very real as I looked out those windows moments before. My mind was brought back to the room and the shock of the missing wall ebbed away, wonder and curiosity hit while I inspected where the wall should have been. The scene out the back was entirely different from the front although I could see the back scene from the front lawn, this time it overlooked the entire town, the sky was very two sided. A very dark side that's totally clear and stars shing brighter then usual, the other side would have been light but the sky was full of clouds and smoke that the light was covered by them. It to me still seemed like the light side of the two sky's. You would say that that was a normal sight but this sky was light and dark on top of each other not side by side. The light was on top of the dark and the separation of the two was very noticeable. While I pondered on this I heard a noise, a movement by the dining room, so I walked to the doors and peeked in to see where the noise came from, all of a sudden the voice of a man spoke up, this shocked me to the point where I felt like running. As I turned a bright warm light came from this man and stopped me in my tracks, his voice was deep and comforting. A voice that hits the soul and sooths the scared feelings all around, a voice of warmth and safety.

I turned back around to face the man, his aura was emanating with so much energy that it wasn't hard to miss. " Come my child, you don't need to be scared." the man said, looking at this man gave me a sense of calmness, that it was okay to talk to him, the man continued to talk. " I want to show you something, this has to do with your future. I've been sent here to show chosen ones the right path, they have strayed from the Fathers path and needs to be guided back. Let me show you where you would end up if you continue on the path you find yourself." He walked from the kitchen opening to where the range stood, the smell of something cooking turned to something being burnt, like brimstone, hair and flesh started to fill my sense of smell. As the man got closer he bent down and picked up a handle that appeared in the floor, lines also appeared around the handle to form a cellar door with hinges red hot. Stem and screams started to come through the cracks in the floor, the burnt smell getting stronger by every second, this new door put fear into my mind, heart and soul, I knew where this door might lead to the man just needed to open it to confirm my suspicion. Like all the other doors this one was heavy as well, maybe even heavier, the weight of the door didn't seem to bother the man for he lifted it with little effort. It took ages for the door to be lifted from the floor when it wasn't there before, time didn't seem to matter as soon as the man showed up and relativity didn't matter, all that was there was us and the skies.

As the opening to the door got wider the screams and stems came rushing out with hisses and spits, the sight wasn't black anymore a color of reddish orange like a big fire pit was under the house. The smells got worst with every inch the door was lifted, the sounds got louder and the scene changed from safe and calmness to fear and loathing. The whole time the man lifted the door open I noticed that the sky got lighter at the top, when he got the door wide open I seen that stairs appeared, the screams were of terror, fear, despair, pain and loneliness, there were voices of crying and praying, and begging to be saved. Hands and arms begun to climb the stairs along with cries for help begin to spill out of the opening the people who were climbing the stairs seen me and started to climb faster, I jumped back in surprise and thought I'd be on the floor by now however the people under the floor were being held back by a force of fire around the walls of the opening. Reaching out at me begging me to drag them out, as the shock of this sight dissipated I took a step forward and looked down into the opening past the people, there was ground, the was lava flowing there was stems and screams all over the place, the people were burnt and chained. They couldn't escape this awful place even if their souls depended on it. Which made me feel mad at them, as the feeling creeped up my body the man looked at me and said, "We all have a choice. A choice to live a good life, a choice to choose the good rather then the bad, to follow your heart into a life of goodness under the Fathers love." He slowly let the door go back down with the people on the other side screaming their sorry for their choices and for help, chills ran down my body as the door closed, the stem stopped and the cries faded. The burnt smells gone and the lines of the fire around the door disappearing, then the man turned to me and placed his hand on my left shoulder, slowly turning me to the open gap that was suppose to be a wall, the sky was one now, the split was gone and only showed light shining like a sunset and sunrise at the same time.

The colors danced like the northern lights dancing at sounds from the ground, the man stood beside me and waved out his hand towards the sky and said " There's that choice as I just showed you, the choice of the path that you were heading down, full of pain and suffering, of despair, of lies and loneliness, those people had all their lives to choose the right path, they choose to ignore that they are loved weather they know it or not, that their souls belong to the Father and all they had to do was to choose him. Those people are the truly lost, they cannot be saved unless they give up to the Father, they don't know how to do that though, they did not listen when the Fathers people came to tell them with this good news, they choose to turn them away and life the heinous lives." There are few of us that have this chance to intervene and bring back as many as we can to the right path, for you there is a very special place I want you to see." The man pointed to a spot in the clouds and made the scene come closer and a picture of chairs in the clouds began to form, the color of the lights still danced just not as bright as before and soft to the eyes, the chairs looked like thrones all surrounding one big one with very elaborate carvings. He pointed to a chair on the left and said. "This chair is where you will sit when it is time for you to come home, we have been waiting for you to make the right choices, this place is where you will go when it is time to return to the Father." The chair was a beautiful chair, bright white marble with cushions, vines with bright green and dark green leaves covering the arm rests and back, and a step in front of the chair.

The man brought the scene back to earth where the fire still raged on and smoke raised higher and higher. The sun began to rise and clear the smoke, the fires died down to where there was no more fires and the people started moving about, the sounds and noises of human movement came back life. I looked around where I stood and it was the back door of my place, the wall was back up except that it wasn't the house I had walked through before, it was my actual place I live in in real life. I awoke and the memory of the dream was still fresh in my mind, I thought about every detail about the dream and hung on every word that was said in the dream, this is the best description of my dream I had in 2010.

solo travellgbt travelfact or fiction

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    Pamela Nina BlanchardWritten by Pamela Nina Blanchard

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