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Top Countries for American Expats

In the age of discounted flights and remote work positions, more and more Americans are finding their dream life abroad and settling in the top countries for American expats.

By Annie KielyPublished 7 years ago 7 min read

For most people, America is the destination, rather than a place to depart. People and families from all over the world struggle for the opportunity to come to the United States and start their lives again. In an age where travel is more accessible, and many jobs can be completed remotely, some young Americans have found that the American dream is, funnily enough, easier to find somewhere else. Some of the countries that young, American, expats now call home may surprise you. If you're thinking of finding a new home, check out this list before narrowing down your options, and make sure you consider to one of the best countries for American expats!


Australia is home to some of the most diverse wildlife in the world, but many Americans feel right at home

If you're thinking of moving away from home, you really can't go any further than Australia. Part of the appeal of the Aussie life is just how remote it is, with wildlife and landscapes that are wholly unlike the United States.

Austalia is the perfect place to choose if you're outdoorsy, and are a little wary of culture-shock. Australians definitely have their own thing going on, but familiar brands, traditions, and foods will help you settle into your new life, and you won't have the burden of learning a new language. If you want to head to Australia, get moving! The secret is out, and the Aussie housing market is heating up as a result. If you'd like to say G'day and stay for the long haul, the time to buy is now.


What better place to move than America's friendly neighbor to the north? Stick close to home and enjoy all the benefits of becoming an expat without crossing the globe

If you're looking for a new home, why not consider our familiar, friendly neighbor to the North? Canada is actually one of the top choices for American expats, especially ones who might be prone to culture shock.

Canada is different than the United States, no doubt, but there are a lot of similarities between Canadian and American culture that make this transition more easy. You'll be able to get most of your favorite foods and brands, access American television, and pop home for a visit when things get lonely. As a bonus, if you're still being paid in USD, you'll enjoy the conversion rate that will work in your favor (and those dollars will go even further with universal healthcare on the table).

There are so many companies operating on both sides of the border that, chances are, you might be able to find an employment opportunity that takes you there, eh?


Many American expats moving to China find there is a period of adjustment as they overcome language and cultural barriers.

China is one of the most challenging countries to acclimate to, even for experienced expats who have lived all over the world. China has a very distinct culture, with social norms that are startlingly uniform within the country, but very unique. With large, crowded, and busy cities, Americans who have just arrived in China may find more of a language and cultural barrier than they first anticipated.

That said, China is a beautiful country full of things to explore, and plenty of employment opportunities for Americans. It may take some getting used to, but thousands of American expats have made a happy life for themselves here. If China is on your list of potential places to move, make sure you do the necessary research and language preparation to ensure a happy beginning in your new life.

Czech Republic

American expats living in the Czech republic warn that learning to speak Czech before arrival is essential

The Czech Republic is heating up in every way, and expats from America and around the world are flocking to explore and live in this beautiful and historic country.

The main feature that has attracted this wave of interest is the cost of living. Your expenses in Prague are about half of what they would be in New York City, and there is endless food, culture and entertainment to be explored. For people with savings, or those working remotely, this price ratio has been a dream. One pro-tip to keep in mind before heading off: having a grasp of Czech is essential to doing well in this country. Unlike many European countries, not everyone speaks English, and you'll find it easier to settle in and take care of yourself if you learn some of the language first.


If you're hoping to move to Germany be prepared! The application process for expat Americans can be quite complicated, but so worthwhile.

Germany is a top European choice for American expats seeking a new home. The booming economy, variety of emerging industries, and a population that has a lot of English speakers is part of what makes Germany so attractive.

American expats love the professional opportunities that Germany has to offer, and the historic buildings, amazing food and craft beer definitely add to the atmosphere. As a bonus, living in Germany gives you the opportunity to visit and explore much of Europe, which makes it an ideal place to call home.

If you are hoping to move to Germany take note! It can be a heavy bureaucratic process to sort out the necessary paperwork. Luckily, Americans have 90 days to get settled and get their paperwork in order, and most are very eager to stay.


If you've got savings, Greece is the perfect place to move, with very low cost of living and so much to offer

If you're looking for a beautiful place to live, chances are that you won't find a better spot than Greece. Greece has an absolutely unique and beautiful aesthetic, loads of sun, and food that is worth staying for alone.

The cost of living is very low in Greece, which is an attractive option for Americans. That said, the cost is low because Greece is in the middle of an ongoing economic crisis, which might not bode well for a job search, so be sure to have something lined up before you go!


India can take some getting used to! New American expats are often shocked by the frequent power outages that occur

You might not have considered India in your search for a new place to live, but it is really a destination to be considered. Expats from America, and all over the world, have found that India provides them the perfect blend of food, culture, entertainment, employment opportunities, and low expense. American expats have noted that culture shock for new arrivals can be pretty intense in India. The fast-paced and crowded city streets, eating conventions, as well as the many languages and dialects spoken there mean things can take some getting used to.

If you'd love to live and work in India, consider applying for jobs at some of the large, multinational companies operating there. Cost of living is low, but you might find local wages leave something to be desired.

New Zealand

If you'd love to live in New Zealand, the time is now! The housing market is heating up, and Americans have the chance to make a profit in the coming years

New Zealand is the perfect country to move too if you're looking for adventure with some familiarity. New Zealanders speak English, and have a lot of cultural overlap with Americans. This means you can move to a beautiful and adventurous country that could not be further from home, without going into complete culture shock.

The main reason to try out New Zealand is for the adventure. There are so many sports, outdoor activities, and a beautiful landscape to explore, that this is the perfect spot for outdoorsy Americans looking for a change. Keep in mind though that the cost of living in New Zealand is rising, and you may find it is more expensive to maintain your current lifestyle there - so be sure to have a solid financial plan if you want to go live among the Kiwis.


New arrivals in Malaysia love the food and the friendly, warm people

Looking for a new home where your money will go further? Think Malaysia! Malaysia has a cost of living that attracts expats from across the world. Despite lower costs, the country is full of the conveniences and amenities that any American is used to, and provides a safe and transit-friendly home for newcomers.

If you're hoping to move on a whim, Malaysia has other benefits! It is relatively easy to move to, gain citizenship for, and buy housing in Malaysia, unlike some of the other attractive choices on this list. So if a last-minute adventure is in your future, Malaysia might be your ideal new home.


Switzerland has a huge population of American expats who have found a new home

Switzerland is one of the most beautiful and peaceful countries in the world, who wouldn't want to live there? With natural beauty, Switzerland also enjoys a very high GDP, with amazing public amenities as a result.

This high standard of living has attracted newcomers from around the world. In fact, there are so many American expats living in Switzerland, that there are social and support groups you can join when you first arrive, to help you feel comfortable quickly. The booming economy is a great bonus for any expat who needs to find work as well!


Thailand is the place to go if you're looking for food, fun and adventure.

Thailand is a country that attracts expats from all around the world. With a healthy cultural mix across the country, Americans are joining many Europeans in making a home of Thailand. If you're planning to move to Thailand, keep in mind that it may be suited to shorter stays than other countries on this list. It can be very difficult to buy land as a non-native, and the visa regulations can be quite strict. If you're looking for a few years away from home and in a different environment, Thailand is a great choice! If you're looking to buy property and settle down permanently, maybe take a look at some of your other options.


The UAE is the land of luxury, and many rich expats from around the globe are flocking there

For anyone looking for a lavish lifestyle in another land, the United Arab Emirates has become the destination. This emerging paradise tends to attract the super wealthy, since there are no taxes in this oil-rich country. That said, it is a wonderful place for people of all walks of life, and provides very lucrative employment opportunities for those willing to relocate.

You've likely heard about the new luxury hotels and homes that are being built in the UAE, and many of the people living in them come from around the globe.

There was a time when leaving home to start a new life somewhere else meant that you'd likely never return. Setting off on a boat toward your destination, you'd be lucky if your letters reached home within months of sending them. Today, moving around the world is a much more accessible idea. With more connection and job flexibility, many young Americans have found their dream life by putting down roots in a new home, and it is easier than ever to follow in their footsteps.


About the Creator

Annie Kiely

Annie Kiely is a freelance writer, editor and researcher who lives in the 'burbs of Toronto with her pets and her partner. Annie is an advocate for wellness, mental health education, and literacy. She loves animals and gardening (and food).

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    Annie KielyWritten by Annie Kiely

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