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A bit of me

and more of the rv

By the nomadic trioPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
home sweet home

As some of you know already, I live out of my RV. It's been a glorious yet trying year to say the least but the cats and I have managed. Between parking at KOA's, conservation areas, business and church parking lots and most recently, my current job; the cats and I have been fairly comfortable. It's my home. My refuge. My safe haven. The one place that will smell of chocolate chip cookies for 3 weeks after they’ve already been made.

the curtain hides the driving cab from the inside

and a full size bed to snuggle kitties while watching a never ending movie list

96 square feet of living space isn't much but it's mine. It’s cozy and hopefully welcoming to friends and family. It will smell of incense or sandlewood candles. And it still has all the comforts of home that I could ever want. I have plenty of storage and closet space. The mirror covered door hides a toilet room with a sink. The three burner stove and oven cooks everything from boiling water for coffee and my favorite fat kid meal of spaghetti. Minus a shower with hot enough to make Satan sweat water, I'm definitely not lacking anything. But I have places I'm able to go to for those much needed showers. The most important thing for me though, is the fact that I'm NOT tied down in any one place. I can legit get up and go anywhere that suits my fancy. And I don't owe anyone anything. So while I might not have to stay where I'm at, it's nice to be in one spot for a little bit and work a more "traditional" job of taking peoples orders to save up that much more until I decide to move on again.

I swear they aren't related

The cats are literal opposites in every single thing minus their blonde-ness. They are a great source of entertainment when it's late and staring at a screen is no longer optional. Freya, the shorter one with the white chest, is the loud, ever present, people loving little chonk. Ash on the other hand is....well he's Ash. Not trusting of many people but me. He is laid back and loving but will run at the slightest of noises and it takes him all of half an hour to calm down. Even longer if someone steps inside for awhile. They are both rescues. Ash was found in a cardboard box with his litter mates by the dumpster and less than a week old considering eyes weren't open yet. Thank God I had an elderly cat (at the time) that was able to teach him how to use the poop box. A year later, Freya was picked up (or pried) from the middle of the road. Some ass hatery dick decided to super glue her paws to the road. Aged 4 and 3 years old, they have been stuck with me and my shenanigans. Living in an apartment? Fine-ary! RV lifestyle? Even better! Home one wheels moving? I HATE you! Although they do beautifully whenever we are on the move and don’t get under my feet. They will stay in the back, hiding. I know, I know. I need to get them in carriers when we are headed out. Have you met Ash though? He DESPISES carriers and I have one to many scars proving it. They have an area that is partially blocked off where they go to by themselves and is for the most part safe.

Flower power anyone?

It isn't much but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. So if you see the orange wheels going down the road, don't be afraid to honk out a hello. We are always down for new, like minded friends! Friends who don’t mind sitting around a fire pit or an overly snuggly cat.

family travel

About the Creator

the nomadic trio

Just a nomad with two cats who refuses to live with most of societies rules. And who doesn’t like to occasionally change up their views with rent free living?

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    the nomadic trioWritten by the nomadic trio

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