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Things All Women in Relationships Should Know About Money

Money plays a huge role in every relationship, so don't be clueless about saving and spending. Here are the things all women in relationships should know about money.

By Jacqueline HanikehPublished 7 years ago 4 min read

When it comes to money in a relationship... it's a big deal. Especially when you and your partner are living together, money is basically the backbone to your lives. I know, it's sad to say, but we do live in a world where money runs the planet. And in this case, it's running the relationship.

Anyways, for women, they're "not supposed to worry" about any money issues — according to certain people. Because what women are supposed to do it just handle the children and care of the home, but money is just as important to them as it is to men. Like I said before money runs the world, so while everyone is living on the same planet, we'll worry about the same things.

So, in relationships, women do need to know a couple of things when it comes to money — same goes for men. It's something to make a relationship stronger. To expand your knowledge on money between you and your partner, here are the things all women in relationships should know about money.

Gender roles shouldn’t be a thing — especially with money.

Let me just start this list with the most obvious before I really get into detail. I'll say this again, gender roles aren't a thing — especially with money! Everyone works, it's what we do in life in order to fill our pockets with cash to pay off bills, mortgages, personal spendings, etc. So, you can't tell me that women "shouldn't be worried" about handling money, because they certainly have responsibilities, too.

And as for you who's reading this and wants to know the things all women in relationships should know about money, if your partner tells you that he/she is responsible for any money business, you let him/her know that it's just as big as a responsibility to you as it is to them. You work hard, you better grab that money, and be responsible for bills or for pleasurable spending.

Gender roles should never ever stop anyone from working hard and getting paid.

Always save!

This should be a personal role as well as something to discuss in your relationship, but always save your money! It's something that both partners in a relationship should do.

Yes, I feel you, it's probably difficult to save a little money, especially when there's bills to pay off (and spending for pleasure — yikes), but we have to find a way to put away a few bills to the side. Honestly, the money you've been saving for a while will definitely come in handy in the future in your relationship. So, never think you're saving for no reason — a reason will show up out of the blue.

So, from the things all women in relationships should know about money, saving is crucial. And refrain yourself from buying that pair of shoes and put the money in your savings jar... I know, I'm sorry. It's just another reason why women need to be saving more.

Have an emergency fund.

Alongside of saving extra cash, every single relationship should have an emergency fund — I'm serious. Don't read this and think this is a ridiculous tip, it's actually one of the more important things all women in relationships should know about money.

Discuss with your significant other about having an emergency fund. If you still think that it's unnecessary, tell me, what would you do in a critical incident involving your car, house, or either one of your health? If something were to suddenly happen like a car accident and you don't have insurance or your insurance just expired? Yeah, good luck. This is why in every relationship, both partners should save up for an emergency fund, in case the worst happens.

Talk about splitting bills.

This is a big one — splitting bills. Since the two of you are living under the same roof, both partners should be responsible for keeping the house up. Communicate in your relationship!

In this case, talk to your partner about managing the bills and who's paying for what. Think about paying for the electricity and water bills, food, mortgage, car insurance, student loans, etc. Yes, there's a lot to throw your money into, which is why you should discuss it with your partner. One person in the relationship shouldn't pay for everything, despite their income amount. So, always have a financial plan.

Don’t compare your income to your partner’s.

From the things all women in relationships should know about money, you should always keep this in mind. Whether you're making much more or less than your partner's income, never ever compare. Be proud of how much you make, because you're working hard for that money. Making a lot or making a little less than your partner, money is money — we need it in life.

But if your partner is either boasting about how much he makes or complaining about how little he's making compared to you, you tell him straight up that it's just money. And it's going straight to the bills, savings, emergency fund, etc. Just be grateful that the two of you have everything handled when it comes to paying off bills.

In the end, all the money in the bank account belongs to the two of you.

From the things all women in relationships should know about money, when you're in a relationship, the money that both you and your partner make combines into one. It's true, the two of you basically become one person. Everything should be under one bank account which contains the money that both partners are making. But if the two of you have separate accounts for different reasons, then that's probably how you guys handle the money.

But in all honesty, the money that you or your partner make is both of yours, because you guys are using the money to pay off bills for the house, cars, student loans, etc. And don't be stingy about your money — the two of you are in this together, it's called life.


About the Creator

Jacqueline Hanikeh

Reading good literature plays a huge role in my life — and so does online shopping and wine.

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    Jacqueline HanikehWritten by Jacqueline Hanikeh

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