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How women's health concerns are constantly dismissed.

By Alice SaldiniPublished about a month ago 3 min read

Losing my period for an entire year felt like losing a part of myself. Each month, the absence reminded me that something was wrong, a silent alarm that my body wasn't functioning as it should. I tried to brush it off, to convince myself it was just a phase, but deep down, I knew something was off.

Doctors' appointments became a regular part of my life, but instead of finding answers, I found invalidation. Each visit was an exercise in frustration and disappointment. “It’s all in your head,” they said, dismissing my concerns with a wave of their hands. They didn't understand the anxiety that came with missing cycles, the fear of the unknown. Each visit ended with a hollow promise: “Come back if you still don’t have a period.” And so, I found myself in an endless loop, sent back multiple times with no solutions in sight. Every time I left the clinic, I felt more defeated, more invisible.

Desperation led me to the vast expanse of the internet. I devoured articles, forums, and blogs about weight maintenance, inositol, vitamin D, exercise, and foods to avoid. I learned about the importance of de-stressing, though the sheer volume of advice felt overwhelming. My search engine seemed ready to explode from the barrage of queries: “How to manage PCOS naturally?” “Best diets for PCOS?” “Can PCOS cause infertility?” Each click brought a mix of hope and despair. Some sources promised miracle cures, while others painted a bleak picture of lifelong struggle.

The fear of potential infertility weighed heavily on my mind, adding to the stress and confusion. I read about women who struggled for years to conceive, their heartbreaking stories a stark reminder of what could be my future. The thought of never being able to have children gnawed at me, an unspoken dread that loomed over every decision I made.

The pill was offered as a solution, a simple fix for a complex problem. "It will regulate your cycle," they said, as if that was all there was to it. No one mentioned the side effects. The hormonal shifts brought mood swings, weight gain, and a sense of detachment from my own body. It was as if I was trading one set of problems for another, with no clear path to feeling like myself again. The pill might have regulated my period, but it didn't address the root cause of my condition. It felt like putting a band-aid on a deep wound.

Living with PCOS feels like navigating a maze with no clear exit. The journey is filled with twists and turns, misinformation, and moments of hopelessness. Every day is a battle against an invisible enemy, a fight to reclaim control over my own body. Yet, amidst the struggle, there is a community of others who understand, who offer support and share their own stories of resilience. Their voices, found in the corners of the internet and in support groups, became a lifeline. They reminded me that I wasn't alone, that my struggles were real and valid.

PCOS is not just a medical condition; it’s a battle for recognition, understanding, and ultimately, self-acceptance. It's about learning to advocate for myself in a medical system that often dismisses women's health issues. It's about finding the strength to keep searching for answers, even when it feels like the world isn't listening. It's about recognizing the small victories, like finding a supplement that actually helps or having a doctor who finally takes me seriously.

Every day is a step forward, a move towards understanding and managing my condition. It's about finding balance, about learning what my body needs and how to provide it. It's about hope, resilience, and the unwavering belief that I can overcome this, that I can find a way to live fully despite PCOS.

In the end, PCOS is a journey of empowerment. It's about reclaiming my health, my body, and my life. It's about refusing to let a diagnosis define me and finding the strength to keep moving forward, one day at a time.


About the Creator

Alice Saldini

Hi, I'm Alice (pronounced ah-LEE-che), and I have a profound love for both writing and reading. For me, writing is a beautiful and powerful tool that allows me to express my innermost feelings and thoughts.

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Comments (1)

  • Manisha Dhalani30 days ago

    So much truth in this. I had PCOS but I managed to overturn it with a lot of discipline. I know a LOT of women who still struggle with this and what you said about invalidation is so true. Please take care.

Alice SaldiniWritten by Alice Saldini

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