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Misogyny As Ghanaian Blogger Frank Addo Sexualizes Women For Women's Month - A Look Into Why Women Are Being Raped & Murdered In Ghana

Every post the man made is more disgusting than the next, why are women in Ghana ignoring this?

By IwriteMywrongsPublished 3 months ago ā€¢ 7 min read
Collage Created by Author Using Screenshots from Facebook

Friday, 29 March 2024

By: TB Obwoge

It wasn't a surprise to see this page which I don't follow on my Facebook feed. The next surprise was how the person posting, seemed to always sexualize every woman he posted. Third NOT surprise, it was a Ghanaian man.

With the rampant and ignored rape culture in Ghana, there should be no surprise that some men in Ghana think nothing of women's bodies. Sexualization of women and even girls was something that not only happened to me but something that I saw all too often.

Children in Ghana wear uniforms to school, you can even identify their schools if you know the uniforms. Something I learned to not like as I saw Ghanaian men, that would not only look at but make sexual comments to these girls.

Girls are children, a campaign I've been trying to push but men all over the world refuse to stop calling grown women, girls.

Grown men looking at the bodies of young girls in the their school uniforms is all too common in Ghana.

The behavior of Ghanaian men is getting out of control, no one in the country is speaking about this, there was one exception which I will highlight later.

This misogyny in Ghana is leading to the murder of women, mind you the rape culture in Ghana is hidden. Even some mothers in Ghana will shame their daughter for being raped or sexually assaulted.

In many parts of the world, especially in African countries, girls and women aren't allowed to report rape of a senior person. Especially if that person is a religious leader, government official or cultural (tribal) leader. Families are out here hiding rape and sexual violence.

Ghanaian men like this Frank Addo seems to give you a look into the issues that men have in Ghana. Women seem to be for sex and sexualizing not for much else besides bringing children into the world and being mothers.

The fact that all humans come from the bodies of women you would think men would have much more respect.

Frank Addo the random blogger, took it upon himself to post African women entertainers. When doing so every post would mention that the woman was single. When people objected to the fact that he added this as a last line and questioned him, he insulted them.

Screenshot from Facebook

Mentioning someone was married, is usually part of the events that had taken place in the person's life. When it is omitted, someone would then assume they're not married. Since I was blocked from viewing is page, I was unable to see if he indeed posted men in the same way.

Frank Addo,, also would mention, "she's so pretty!" Or if the woman had a nice body he added that, "her curvy body" or "her voluptuous body", why was this needed to give a history of someone's acting or singing career?

When is anyone male or female in Ghana going to call out this behavior?

A group of people who are always screaming about "culture, culture, culture" yet they display some of the most disgusting and inhumane behavior in the world.

Not to mention that West African countries are statistically some of the worst countries in the world to be born a female.

Screenshot from Facebook

I've also tried to ask why Ghanaian (and most Africans I've come in contact with) call women lady or girls, when asking a Ghanaian this, they tend to either laugh or get angry.

I don't know because I wasn't educated in an African school, I also find it odd because most usually call men just that men. You will find some calling them boy or boys, there is a popular song used on TikTok videos where a woman is singing about "yous a fine boy."

Many Black American men would find being called a boy offensive, as boys are children. Due to the racist history of the United States, Black men are belittled, calling them boys is dehumanizing.

Screenshot from Facebook Post

Frank Addo insults those who asked why he added single, he adds that even Facebook has a relationship status. He seems to think that everyone has to use that relationship status, to which millions of people don't.

Screenshot from Facebook page of FRANK ADDO

Instead of understanding why on almost every post people mention the adding of single, you would think he would simply stop doing it but he refused, this again is also Ghana. Thinking that you know best even when women (and some men) are telling you it is offensive to them.

Screenshot from Facebook Comments

Screenshot from Facebbok

Screenshot from Facebook

Here he calls us "women" yet in every other post he uses lady, when I asked about this and called him out on sexualizing women he blocked me. With men like this is not only Ghana but the world, there is never a need to wonder why women are treated so poorly, raped and murdered. This man is a part of the problem and refuses to see himself that way.

Sadly he has a few thousand followers, as for them being African esepecially Ghanaian not sure any will call him out. Since you can see not many are making a word about the femicides in Ghana, unlike women have done in Kenya.

According to the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS), 24.4% of women between the ages of 15 and 49 have experienced sexual violence from an intimate partner at least once in their lifetime. A public health report also states that 33ā€“37% of women in Ghana have experienced intimate partner violence, which includes sexual violence, physical violence, and emotional violence.

Source Ghana UN.ORG

When you read statistics about Ghana, you have to understand several things about the country.

1) There are little to no digitalized records kept in Ghana. Even police reports can and have been purchased by those with the money to do so. There is no form of record keeping, such as in Kenya, a master log is kept in a very large ledger.

Within there is a very brief bit of information is written and a DCI number is given to each report. Ghana does nothing like this and in 2024 women still claim they're charged rape examination fees.

When they're raped many women can't do anything about it, girls even worse some are easily intimidated and rape of children happens more than you will ever hear or read of a report. Ghana also does this to try and promote tourism and push the peaceful country narrative.

2) Women have reported that some Ghana police officers are refusing to take reports on gender-based violence. One women told me that a woman police officer informed her, that her being beaten in her face by a man was a "domestic issue" that she refused to add to the woman's police report.

3) UTV News Ghana, which in its own page description admits that it isn't a news outlet, that the page was to promote the culture of Ghana. However this page which is followed by some 2 million people on Facebook, often sexualizes women worse than this Frank Addo blogger account.

United Television (UTV) is a Ghanaian 24 hour channel that showcases the cultural diversity of Ghana in its news coverage, local sitcoms and general content. Its main medium of communication is the local language (Akan).

Source: UTV News Facebook Page

Screenshot from UTV News Ghana's Facebook Page

When Ghanaians came to comment about this photo, UTV News Facebook page admins ignored their posts, this photo was not pulled down. This is Ghana!

Mic Yamoah

UTV Ghana Proud to highlight this? Someone's wife?

Kobby Blay

You are maximizing and validating such conversations, in the name of engagement, there are ethics and limit to this game..apply some wisdom and safeguarding esp involving the body of the host which has nothing to do with the conversations

Ernie Rawat Luthra

UTV Ghana pull it down. You can't disrespect my host like that.

NOTE: Just a few weeks ago in 2024, Ghanaians were posting on UTV News live and they were saying that there was live sex on UTV's Facebook page, the most have been streaming a movie and there were about 40 plus comments under several different Facebook posts about live sex on the page.

Ghana's gender minister, seems to be as useless as ever when it comes to making her voice heard on the countries femicide and rape culture. Her inaction in the country is embarrassing, however the hatred and attacks on homosexuals is rather common and what Ghanaians seem to care about.

Almost as if the homosexual population are the ones killing women, if they were then I'm pretty positive that then many Ghanaians would speak up on women's rapes and muders in Ghana. Ghana is and forever will be lawless, there is no prize in calling yourself a peaceful country, when no one reports incidents to the police in the first place.

Police who are just as corrupt and immoral as the government of Ghana.

Here is a post from a Ghanaian who is known for being a comedian, he is the only person so far to date that I've found on social media making a statement about the violence towards women in Ghana.

The sad past is that the acts of violence have not only gotten worse it seems to be a part of their culture which might be why no one cares to protest these women's deaths.

I the author of this piece was even sexually assaulted in Ghana, by a Ghana police officer. I reported directly to Ghana police, they didn't care and I was told that there is nothing that they can do, even with his name and a partial voice recording of him saying some gross things to me. Only one women cared and she too didn't help me her name was Abena.

Why is the United Nations telling Ghana how to treat women and doing surveys in Ghana? Why isn't the government of Ghana doing this? There are only 14% of women in politics in Ghana, these woman aren't saying anything about the issues in Ghana.

This United Nations survey was released in 2024 but the results were from 2022, this is again Ghana. They pat their selfs on the back claiming they're doing better on the results that are already 2 years old that took 2 years to be released.

Women are less than humans in Ghana, despite being a larger group in population to the men in Ghana according to the country's own census. People continue to immigrate to Ghana, especially Black Americans, putting theirselves at risk for rape and sexual violence and costantly pushing the move to others.

When there are much safer and progressive countries in Africa for women. Such as Rwanda, Botswana, Seychelles and a host of other Southern African countries.

feminismtravelgender rolesactivism

About the Creator


Iļ»æ'm the president of a nonprofit. I've lived in 3 countries, I love to travel, take photos and help children and women around the world! One day I pray an end to Child Marriages, Rape and a start to equal Education for ALL children šŸ™šŸ½

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    IwriteMywrongsWritten by IwriteMywrongs

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