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Me And The Prince

Why I'm Not Waiting for Prince Charming to Wake Me Up

By Saso ElsaiedPublished 4 months ago 3 min read

As a young girl, I always dreamed of finding my prince charming who would come riding in on his white horse to sweep me off my feet and take me away to a happily ever after. I thought that he would be the answer to all of my problems and that life would be perfect as soon as he arrived.

But as I grew older and faced the challenges of the real world, I realized that waiting for a prince to save me was not only unrealistic, but also disempowering. I came to understand that I am the heroine of my own story, and it is up to me to take control of my own destiny.

I refuse to sit around and wait for someone else to come and rescue me. I am strong, capable, and independent, and I don't need a prince to validate my worth or solve my problems. I have the power within myself to overcome any obstacles that come my way and create my own happily ever after.

I am not a damsel in distress, passively waiting for someone to come and save me. I am a warrior, fighting for my own happiness and freedom. I will not rely on anyone else to determine my fate or define my success.

So, to all the princes out there, I appreciate the sentiment, but I don't need you to save me. I am perfectly capable of saving myself. I am taking control of my life and my future, and I won't wait around for anyone else to make my dreams come true.

Growing up, I was always told that one day a prince would come and sweep me off my feet, rescuing me from any troubles or challenges that came my way. But as I grew older, I realized that I didn't want to rely on someone else to save me. I wanted to take control of my own life and face my struggles head on.

I have always believed in the power of independence and self-reliance. I know that I am capable of overcoming any obstacle that comes my way. I refuse to sit around waiting for someone else to come to my rescue. I want to be the hero of my own story.

I have seen too many people put their lives on hold waiting for someone else to come and fix their problems. But I refuse to fall into that trap. I will not wait for a prince to save me because I am perfectly capable of saving myself.

I have always been a firm believer in taking matters into my own hands. I refuse to sit around waiting for someone else to come save me, especially when I am more than capable of saving myself.

In fairy tales, we often see damsels in distress waiting for a prince to come sweep them off their feet and whisk them away to a better life. But I refuse to buy into that narrative. I am not some helpless maiden in need of rescue. I am a strong, independent individual who is capable of creating my own happy ending.

I refuse to put my life on hold waiting for someone else to come along and make everything better. I believe in taking control of my own destiny and shaping my own future. I will not waste my days waiting for a prince who may never come. I will not be content to sit idly by, hoping for someone else to come along and rescue me from my troubles.

Instead, I will face my challenges head on. I will take risks, make bold decisions, and stand up for myself. I will fight for what I want and create my own happy ending. I will not wait for someone else to come and save me because I am perfectly capable of saving myself.

Waiting for a prince to come save us is a futile exercise. Instead, taking control of our own destinies and shaping our own futures empowers us to create the life we truly desire. By being proactive, setting goals, and taking decisive action, we can achieve our dreams and become the hero of our own story. So why wait for a prince when we have the power within ourselves to save ourselves?


About the Creator

Saso Elsaied

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Comments (1)

  • Charlene Ann Mildred Barroga4 months ago

    It skillfully refutes the antiquated idea that people should wait for outside approval or help, enabling people to take control of their own lives and write their own happily ever afters.

Saso ElsaiedWritten by Saso Elsaied

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