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Love is Part V

The Tales of The Ancient Egyptian Goddesses

By LOVE IS SERIES . šŸŒ¹Published 2 years ago ā€¢ Updated 3 months ago ā€¢ 14 min read
šŸŽ¶ Nena - YEŠ˜DRYšŸŽ¶

ā€œBy living a life based on wisdom and truth, one can discover the divinity of the soul, its union to the universe, the supreme peace and contentment which comes from satisfying the inner drive for self discovery.ā€

-Ancient Egyptian Proverb

SEKHMET : The Protector āš”ļø

šŸŽ¶W.A.Y.S- Jhene Aiko šŸŽ¶

I would title this chapter of my life ā€œSomewhere between incineration and emergenceā€. It is the title of the poem book Iā€™m working on and a state Iā€™m truly always in, although this year has been a constant flip of the hour glass for me. At this space in my life Iā€™m 35 weeks pregnant. With birth of new life comes the inevitable death of an old version of myself. I have one foot in the old version of me and one foot stepping forward into this new divine role Iā€™ve been asked to play. This title is also aligned as Iā€™ve learned to love my fire this year. I always operated in a watery soft energy and took so much pride in being a source of unwavering peace and unconditional love. But we become human to learn unconditional love for all versions of ourself. Spirit has pushed me into realizing my power lies in being what my existence feels called to express freely and not suppressing any part of me as to not rock the boat. But also knowing when to sway between the water and fire within me. Thus the title stands in a multitude of ways.


I am a fucking scattered, goofy, free artist of all forms. A naked wild child who dances in the middle of the kitchen and who kisses the soil with her third eye. A creative who gets lost in the complexities of this existence. When I look in the mirror I see a goddess. I see a little girl. I see the blossom of a wombman. I see a mother. An artist. I see a human. I see a pillar of strength. I see compassion. I see resilience.

Iā€™ve lived a majority of my life hiding parts of myself as to keep the peace or to not seem difficult. This put me in a position to not enforce my boundaries & gave people the green light to choose how to treat me instead of me showing them how to. This year Iā€™ve loved and lost many because I refused to not be my own protector. People who really had my best interest loved watching me step into this, ones who saw me as someone they could use did not.

The Ancient Khamitian goddess Sekhmet. She was known as a vicious warrior who was born from the eye of Ra to implement punishment for those not following the law of the land. What a lot of people donā€™t know is that Sekhmet was a powerful healer who preferred to bring love and warmth. But those who did not recognize her power, the warmth would turn to flames and burn them to teach them a lesson. She was considered the lion goddess and was also associated with serpents. Serpents wonā€™t attack you unless you challenge them and have them cornered. Sekhmet had a similar energy. She came to me in a meditation and we cried together about how painful yet necessary it is to have to accept that not everyone we touch we are meant to heal. We are only here to heal ourselves and allow others to be healed in that reflection. Not everyone will value us enough to feel our warmth and some may need to feel our flames to recognize our true strength and to know our boundaries. Not everyone deserves our love or totality. She taught me that, thatā€˜s okay. That the world may view her as vicious but that she shares her truth with the ones who can empathize. Eye am forever grateful for this beautiful embodiment of NTR and spirit & Iā€™ve learned my worth enough to receive her.

I love my ability to see the god in everyone I meet. It is the sweetest gift and even sweeter now that I know how to use discernment to see them while also knowing when distance is needed.

I choose to show pieces of my being that others try their hardest to hide away. Teaching them that we are all the same on a core level. I have the ability to see into any ones energy field and project their truth to them in a way that makes them feel seen, acknowledged and accepted. I can connect with someone from any walk of life because I see the soul of people and not their temporary form. Their higher selves speak to me. Their spirit team speaks to me. I work for the most high therefore I will always be purposeful and impactful in everything I do, be and am.

My womb space has been many different enviroments. A place where trauma has attempted to take its retirement. My inner child, hiring every applicant. No pre-reqs or requirements. So open. So vulnerable. Unprotected. Iā€™m sorry, I couldnā€™t protect you love. Giving up your power to who ever was more dominant. Your pain is prominent and I acknowledge it. My womb space has been many different environments. Renovation brought me face to face with myself. Making space for new life, brought me to sacrifice the cob webs. The spiders showed me about death and how birth canā€™t be unearthed with out its depths. My womb space, my love, my yoni. I am freeing you from your debts. You are financially free, owing no one a check. Just a temp check on how youā€™re feeling. I can protect you now. Youā€™re healing. No longer co-dependent or kneeling to someone elses idea of who you should be. Evicting inhibitors. Becoming sovereign again. Society hates a wild wombman dripping in independence. They can no longer win her over, her every movement is in tune with the moon cycles. She is renewed. Transcendent & recycled. She can now separate herself from you. Feel how she feels & move how she moves. Creating every fiber of her existence from the orgasmic dance of being Her. My womb space has been many different environments. But now I listen to the whispers of what she has always been. An alchemist, a conjurer of worlds. I can hear the priestess clearly within & move only with the momentum of the flow of her intuition. Trusting her unknown & embracing her new found throne. I know you feel Her strength. It sends chills down your bones.Uh uh, nah nah. This ainā€˜t like before. Take them shoes off, before stepping thru this sacred door. -Natasha Beauchamp

I am learning to set boundaries and how to ASK for what I need without feeling like a bother. How to communicate clearly what is vital for me to be my most optimal self in every moment. This requires surrendering the interdependence between all of us, especially our closest soul ties. Believing we are worthy of what we need to not only survive but thrive. Often times it isnā€™t something we can do alone. It takes a village to raise and support a human.

I had to forgive myself. There were many energies stuck in my root chakra when I started setting boundaries and acknowledging anger I never touched. But they were reflections of me. I was truly, deeply angry with myself for not protecting myself. It took 23 years and my father transitioning for me to take a stand for myself and my inner child. It was hard. Once again I pride myself on being the calm waters but it was causing an imbalance in me that was no longer sustainable and Iā€™m still unraveling it. My inner child has forgiven me but I am still learning to be gentle with myself. This is reflected in being a mother. I often demonize myself for not being patient enough or loosing my cool with my sun. I too , am human. Learning grace for myself helps me to hold a genuine heart open space for others instead of trauma bonding.

Resilient. Secure. Honest

I never felt super connected to my direct ancestors, (Before my father and my maternal grandmother passed over). In a white family, I never felt a belonging. I never innerstood why I chose to incarnate into a lineage associated with being an oppressor of melanated beings, of wombmen and the divine feminine energy. As Iā€™ve connected to certain people in my family line, especially on my paternal side, I learned I took this placement to break the generational curses they created through the trauma of raping, murdering, segregating, torturing, and stealing from others. By becoming the exact opposite. By standing for whats right. By investing my energy in the healing of all that has been attempted to be broken and by assisting building the rise by becoming a brick in the wall of righteousness for it. By literally changing the DNA that was passed down in this incarnation with neuroplasticity so that I may be a bridge of oneness. To teach others that look like me to be aware of truth and break evil cycles.

I donā€™t feel as if I belong to a certain lineage. I feel like I belong to all of them. Ancestral and ethereal. My bearthday is 2/22 and I feel as if Iā€™ve incarnated to be a bridge between all kinds of worlds. We are moving into a new age of oneness and I feel as if I was given the gift to see all sides, all souls and all truths in order to be a major part of that shift. To help bridge the world between flesh and spirit. Knowing on a deep level we are all just love. From the same source. All just different art forms from the highest artist. The world between nature and animals and this modern society. Hearing their truths. Sharing them & protecting them. The bridge between spiritual teams and their people to assist others in returning to their truest selves. To free all of us from the separation of egos while also respecting the definitive nature of this experience. Balance. Somewhere between incineration and emergence.

Love is everything and nothing. Love knows no bounds. Love is god in its wholeness. It is omnipresent in everything that exists. Love is truly unconditional. Aseā€™

NEFERTITI : The Alchemist āœØ

šŸŽ¶ Ungodly Fruit- Wax Tailor šŸŽ¶

I am light. I am also shadow. Duality and oneness at the same time. This is what makes me powerful. Iā€™ve always connected to the energy of the ancient and mighty serpent . The keeper of wisdom and forbidden knowledge. The dragon that most people fear. My ability to transform at such a rapid pace even leaves me in awe.

Iā€™ve discovered higher levels of insight through healthy eating, meditation, movement practices, massage and tantra, rituals in nature, divination tools, study/reading, automatic writing, art, music , speaking and any form of creating has shifted me into this beacon and spark of true luminescence. Some people cannot see the real me. . . my aura would blind them.


I am a master of many crafts. Still a student nonetheless. I have faith in the most high. Mama Gaia and Father Sky. I enjoy spending time alone. There is grand comfort in my solitude. Sensitive by nature. Iā€™d like to think of myself as a passionate priestess. Aligned with the tides of the ocean and the cycles of the moon. I am womban. I am womb.

During this phase I have chosen to pay attention. To be open to magic and miraculous happenings because this life truly is filled with complete and total supernatural enchantment. I love how easily I am able to learn a lesson to actively and intentionally break a cycle. The focus is always on freedom. To free my mind, open my heart, rejuvenate my body and to lead the people righteously.

Each time I shed old layers of self, I have to create space for the new layers of self to emerge and take form. This involves a higher level of acceptance and awareness of who I am & who I am choosing to become. I am not always peaceful. In fact, rage pain & sorrow are the source from which some of my greatest strengths are derived from. My most powerful pieces of writing come to and through me during times of great sadness , sorrow , grief and confusion. I choreograph beautiful dance movements when I am angry and need to express and release the overpowering fire energy in my temple. I paint beautiful canvasā€™s filled with creative spazzaz when I am heartbroken. It takes for one to know true sufferring to then understand true love . Love is the wayā€¦ but sufferings first.

Nefertiti came to me through the gift of sight. Revealing to me that she is a seer, like myself. A prophet with the ability to transform and transmute light. She has encouraged me to honor all of my psychic and ethereal abilities and to utilize them as my gps to navigate through this maze called life. I imagine that this ancient Egyptian Queen resembles me in the flesh and all of my beauty. My tall slender body, elegant neck and arms reaching towards the heavens. The body of a dancer, posture of a leader and the grace of a goddess. It is said that Nefertiti lost eyesight in her left eye during a pivotal point of her reign as Queen of Egypt. Iā€™ve worn glasses for a large portion of my life until losing my last pair recently. I discovered that I donā€™t necessarily need my two eyes to see when my third one will never steer me wrong and will forever behold the truest truths. I see clearly now more than ever before. The awareness of myself is the awareness of the collective. Awareness of the collective is a deeper innerstanding of the world . A deeper innerstanding of myself & the world brings me closer to my ancestors. Closeness to my ancestors creates a more purposeful walk with my people. Nefertiti has taught me that if I donā€™t believe in anything at all, believe in my soul because itā€™ll show me exactly who I am and where I come from. That itā€™s beyond what my two eyes can see . Thatā€™s peace .

My purpose is deeply ingrained in my pneuma. I gather strength in my lowest moments and transmute that energy into something powerful and long lasting. I have an understanding of the ways of the world even when my human-ness and colossal ego gets in the way.

Prayer and faith have become my bestfriends. I remember being in such a hurry all the time. To accomplish goals, to finish the food on my plate, to have THAT relationship, to chase that amount of money, to achieve that orgasm. I found the truest peace Iā€™ve ever experienced by surrendering and sinking into my feminine energy. To slow down. Move calmly and with fluency. To allow rather than to chase. To practice being rather than doing. To listen instead of speak, but to also speak when the people are wanting to listen. To nurture and have compassion instead of choosing aggression and judgement. To elevate and evolve because ascension is the gateway to heaven and heaven is created within my mind when my soul chooses to acknowledge it. To let love lead the way when I am being led astray.

The weight of my purpose outweighs the weight on the surface. A phoenix, hot like a furnace. Leaving you nervous and wordless. Elevated, top grade sativa. I be that deity, dominatrix, debutante , that ancient deva . Mystic divination. The leader. The healer. Cosmiq essence in the chamber, turn you into a believer. I am the solstice and the equinox. Truth hidden in pandoras box. Forbidden fruit, in the garden like Eve. The Ethereal Empress. Itā€™s the divine feminine in me. -The Empress

I have discovered that thereā€™s a spiritual war going on during this time where we, as humans, are being forced to heal once and for all in order to create a grand shift into the New Age. Meaning more l o v e needs to be cultivated. So hate and evil must be eradicated. This all starts from within.

Itā€™s all about alignment for me. If it doesnā€™t feel right, that means it ainā€™t right. Itā€™s taken me 25 years to trust my intuition and to view it as a magical tool gifted to me to make my life easier. Discernment is a gift thatā€™s earned, not given. So those who once knew me & see me moving different should innerstand that itā€™s because I see them now and made a decision that their energy is no longer in alignment with my own. Deciphering who and what gets to stay in my life is important because I value my peace more than anything during this time. I worked hard for it.

I will always choose freedom. To make decisions that lead to more peace, love and harmony for myself, home life and communities. I feel a deep ache in my body. A longing for change. A desire to know the secrets of the world. To discover the meaning of life. The meaning of love. The power of both. What a beautiful time to be alive! To have this voice to speak . These hands to heal, and they really do. These feet to get to and fro . This mind, this heart , this ancient blood running through my veins. What a masterpiece I am . What extravagant pieces of art we all are. When I see myself I see TheGreatIAm. Fullness. Wholeness. Magnificence.

We are being guided to choose ourselves once and for all. To choose healing, peace and serenity which guides us closer to our infinite divinity. A time of releasing to cultivate new ways of living and loving. To let go of what cannot thrive on the new frequencies most of us are choosing to elevate into. Some will not make it. Even allah states that not everyone is chosen. This is how balance is created and exists. The good cease to exist without the bad and the light cease to exist without the dark. Both exist to cultivate balance. Although everything just is. . . in reality . For heaven and hell is not a place you go to when you die . It is a state of mind you choose to experience while youā€™re alive. We get to decide where we reside.

Magnetic. Astonishing. Sensational

A daughter of The African diaspora. Iā€™ve been granted an abundance of spiritual gifts. From the codes embedded in my DNA to the work I do in the physical to seek higher levels of consciousness and connectivity to source, I am chosen and highly favored. My people praise me in the ethers because I honor them in this 3D realm. Tackling generations of curses to filter in bountiful and beautiful blessings for those who came before me, those who are here now on this timeline and those to come after I choose to ascend. We are a circle. We are one .

My lineage of people speak to me through music and language which is why I dance , rap , speak and write. I am universal. Born and raised in different cities of America but somehow able to read and write in Kanji and smoothly speak or understand the Spanish language. In awe of Eastern medicine and the belief system(s) of the Asian culture and teachings. A believer in tribe life and village foundations like the ways of the South Afrikan. Many cultures run through my veins. My blood cirulates the wisdom, language, beliefs, values, truths of all cultures and all nations. Of all ethereal families. From African, Asian and Native American divinity to the Atlantean, Sirius and Annunaki spirits & anything in between. A cosmic limitless being is who and what I am.

Love is boundless. It is the truest universal language of life and bliss. It simply exists. In my soul & within yours. Within my mother and her mother and deep within the depths of our unborns. Love simply is. Itā€™s been that way. So there it is. So mote it be. Aseā€™

MAā€™AT : The Creator šŸ–Œ

šŸŽ¶Shine- Robert Glaspy ft. Dā€™smokešŸŽ¶

The awareness of my power as a woman makes me powerful. The surrender to my feminine energy to flow, create, and multiply the seeds I plant is my power. Beauty and magnetism is my power as I can lure in energies and expose them to their own light and depth.

My voice makes me impactful. The way I unapologetically stand in my truth and share the depth of my experiences with others in several forms. My art is how I express my voice; my paintings, poems, and writings carry the magic of my soul which imprints on others, leaving a blueprint for personal healing ( if one is choosing to SEE).


I am making a difference in the world by doing my own inner work then being open and sharing my perspective and process of finding love in everything. Creating blueprints for others to find love within & through my creations.

I had to let go of several versions of my wounded self and with that came the release of old friends, beliefs, habits, and environments that once matched those versions of me. I had to release everything that reflected the fear of my own wounds.

I had to forgive my own wounded inner child for the only ways I knew how to protect myself. I had to forgive every past version of myself who was only attempting to get her needs met. I had to forgive every person before me that passed a piece of their story to me. That experience included lots of tears and writing letters that never got sent.

Assata Shakur has been my most impactful inspiration lately. I learned how to release the fear of the system and stand in my truth as an indigenous Womban. I learned to walk in my purpose as a revolutionary here to inspire change in the collective. I learned to embrace my struggles as the catalyst for my strength.

I stand in my power as a completely qualified creator and healer. Iā€™ve broken passed the invisible limits that tell me Iā€™m not good enough. Affirming my own powers and releasing the fears of my own light.

Balanced and whole. Behold. A new reflection. True beauty and acceptance. Of all parts of me. Authenticity is the key to unlocking the best version of me. One Thats shines gold and has the power to mold NRG. One who masters alchemy. Whoā€™s journey has lead her the knowing synergy. The importance of connection. Deeply seeing our reflections & continuing to heal. Yet feel, The fire of life. The part that we walk in purpose and shine our light. Boldly. Unnapologetically. Letting our truest self finally be free. Itā€™s always been in me. The lioness. The Queen. My journey says itā€™s time to claim my royalty. -Nala Asa Shakur

Iā€™m currently overcoming this hyper masculine system which attempts to box us in an unconscious game of overworking to simply survive. The one which doesnā€™t want us to know or innerstand the power of the feminine energy who can attract what she desires instead of forcefully chasing.

Whole. Healthy. Healed

The greatest lesson I have learned is that balance is everything. When we find balance within and develop a deep love for ourselves, life, and others in the midst of the constant ebb and flow of light and dark, we become masters.

I see a reflection of the universe; a being who embodies earth, water, fire, and air for ultimate balance and wholeness. I see God expressing itself through the form of a powerful indigenous Womban, lioness, healer, and creator.

Iā€™m an alchemist; my energy has the power to transform low vibrations to higher ones. What I touch turns to gold. I use this sacred magic to heal myself first, then from my own experience I create masterpieces in various forms for my people to do the same.

Love is the highest energy within the balance of light and dark. Love is peace amongst chaos, love is acceptance of all parts of our being, and others. Love is the present moment. Love is the alchemization of our deepest wounds to our highest light. Love is the low moments we exchange for the high moments. Love is the truth, love is authenticity. Love is finding gratitude for everything in between the wholeness and balance of reality as we know it.

NEFERTARI: The SuperhumanšŸ

šŸŽ¶Aaliyah- We need a resolution šŸŽ¶

I am my higher self. I am my lower self. I am my inner child & I am a wise elder woman who has been here countless of times . I am all of these integrated into one. All showing their truths whenever they please . But nonetheless I am me .

My ability to transmute innergy makes me a powerful woman as I am in tune with my most divine gifts . My attentiveness to myself and my emotions, and my inner-standing of the fact I am not my emotions nor do I have to over internalize the projections of others. Being the Divine Feminine makes me a powerful woman . Having a womb and connecting my spirit back to NtR makes me a powerful woman as I am in tune with all that is around me . I.e LIFE.

I am inspired by Shae Layanese Bradley . Iā€™ve learned so much from this woman and the greatest lessons Iā€™ve learned have always stemmed and been rooted in love . She is the embodiment of love as she is Leo the Lion, with a heart so big it must be shared with the people . She pushes me to be my very best, although at times I am overwhelmed and often stubborn. I always come back around to her teachings as she allows me the time to simply experience and learn through them . My mama, lover, sensei, bully, big sister, lil brother all in one . I wouldnā€™t have it any other way . You are love . Thank you for giving me a piece of your heart that Iā€™ll cherish and maintain forever .

The greatest lesson Iā€™ve learned is to surrender and accept things for what they are . This has shifted my ways of thinking as I now seek to understand and accept things and people for who they are and what it is . Through acceptance and surrendering to what I cannot change, Iā€™ve learned to flow with love.


When I look in the mirror I see an Egyptian Goddess. I see my true self which then helps me to see the truths of the world and those around me . I see my inner child and my higher self as they sit directly in the Iris of both of my eyes . I see how much Iā€™ve overcome and all the places I will go, within. I see truth, and for me beauty would not exist if it was never acknowledged first in its purest form . For I embody such truth and beauty within, it has no choice but to reflect outwardly .

I am letting go of fear of my highest/greatest potential and gaining the confidence to execute loud and proudly. Iā€™ve always suppressed my gifts and talents out of over-thinking how others would receive or perceive me and my truth . I would let opinions get the best of me. I am overcoming this hold I put on myself that isnā€™t allowing me to shine . I release this hold and embrace all of me and truly , this time around (excuse my French), I donā€™t give a flying fuck what people think or say . You see me, you feel me, so act like it and put some respect on my name . -Lai Goddess

I think to myself, why donā€™t I deserve new? Why do I attract things with such dim, isolated hues? Itā€™s a mystery, because theres no way its true. That I could have something to do. . . with the lack of something thats within you. I write, I speak, I heal, I tweak. I tweak my reality, all so oblique. I tweak, I peak, rinse off then repeat. I see my truth, thatā€˜s when it came to me. I live in my truth, so it stays with me. I teach in my truth, so its meant to beā€¦ Something New. -Lai Goddess

My ability to be of guidance makes me impactful . I radiate at a high frequency that will always be felt, and sometimes others just need a little bit of it to get by. My ability to listen to someone, holding space for others to speak their truths with zero judgement makes me impactful . I am the safe space people yearn for . I am that gentleness everyones inner child could use more of. I am that healer you come to when youā€™re in need of finding the truth, for I hold the mirror up and show you accountability and acceptance, all within the flow of love .

New. True . Improved

My ancestors are stern yet loving . They just told me to get up off my ass lol, to move with purpose, love and dignity ! To embrace our bloodline of talents, gifts, witchcraft, and to heal suppression, neglect, poor eating habits and pave the way for our future bloodline . ā€œChange the narrative.ā€ I am taking the steps of going within and tuning into myself and my people . They are truly leading the way for me and those around me who are choosing to move in their purpose .

I have the gift of the Clairs, strong psychic abilities that connect me to my higher self and the headspace of others. I connect to the divine through divination and have been passed down the ability to connect to those in the underworld and afterlife with medium practices all instilled in me. I give thanks to my people.

My truth is me . I am the walking embodiment of truth and all that Iā€™ve been through and overcame. My truth is in the writings, in the photos, in the music and all the creativity around me that attracts those to my light .

Love is acceptance . Love is surrendering . Love is understanding the universe and all its properties as it shows us how to love and how to be . How to accept ourselves and show up for ourselves so that its second nature to love all we come in contact with . Love just is.

Author & Curator of Love Is:

Trashae Bradley: IG:Theethereal_empress Facebook: Trashae Bradley Email: [email protected]

Photographer: Jarrod Peterson IG : therealjarrodp Facebook: Jarrod Peterson

Goddessess :

Natasha Beauchamp IG: @boundless.anjali Twitter: @empyrealroots Facebook: Empyreal Roots

Nala Shakur LinkedIn : Nala Asa Shakur IG: @theallnaturalco and @lovestartsherebook Facebook : The All Natural Twitter: @MessagesfromTAN Website:

Malaisia Rachelle IG: @laixgoddess @laisbodygalore Facebook: Laisia Rachelle Website:

Marvelous Serpent Owner: Jaqcuelyn Haines IG: @jackiemoonh2o @serene_serpentine


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