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Goodbye, Lasting Memories

The song "Goodbye" by Virgoun is a silent witness to our separation.

By Riham Rat MurtiPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
Goodbye - Virgoun

Title: Goodbye, Lasting Memories

That day, the wind blew gently through my hair as I sat on the beach. The waves lapped in front of me, creating a calm atmosphere. But, my heart is not as beautiful as the atmosphere around me. I held a piece of paper, trying to write down the last words for him.

Our names are Rama and Maya. We have loved each other since we were teenagers. But fate presented a tough test before us. Jobs in different cities separated us. After struggling for a long time to maintain our relationship, we finally decided to end it all.

The song "Goodbye" by Virgoun is a silent witness to our separation. The song describes our feelings perfectly. We decided to meet on the beach where we first fell in love, the place where it all began and will now end.

I looked at the watch on my wrist, knowing that my time with him was almost up. I want to convey all my feelings before we actually part.

I wrote it word for word, compiling feelings that are difficult to express. "Maya, I can never forget you. Every moment we spent together, every laugh, every cry, everything is a beautiful memory for me. But I also know, we have to let go of each other. Let this song be the last witness to our great love ever existed."

When I finished my writing, I folded the paper carefully and put it in an empty glass bottle I found on the beach. That bottle will be my last message to him. I threw it into the sea, letting the current carry it away.

When I raised my head, I saw Maya standing in the distance. My heart was pounding, as if this was our last meeting. He smiled bitterly at me, his steps hesitantly approached. I could feel the pain in his eyes, just like I did.

Without saying anything, he sat beside me, letting the sound of the waves accompany our final conversation. We sat there in silence, letting our emotions speak through bitter glances and smiles.

"Rama," he said finally, his voice sounding fragile. "I never thought that this would be the end of us."

I looked at him lovingly. "Me neither, Maya. But sometimes, we have to make peace with the bitter truth."

We fell silent again, letting our thoughts drift away. There, amidst the silence, the songs of our memories played in our heads. “Goodbye” by Virgoun broke the silence, as if the song was a final introduction to our relationship.

"Rama," Maya spoke again after a while. "I will always remember you. I promise."

I cry. Even though I tried to hold back the tears, I could no longer hide them. "And I will always remember you too, Maya. You will always be a part of my heart."

We sat there, hugging each other in silence. There are no words that can express our feelings. The song continued to play its final notes in the background, accompanying our bittersweet goodbye.

Finally, as the sun began to set over the western horizon, we stood up. I held her hand one last time, kissing her forehead gently. And without another word, we parted ways.

I watched him leave, his steps getting further away from me. And at that moment, I felt my heart shatter into small pieces. But amidst the pain, I felt a sense of relief. Relieved because we decided to end everything peacefully, without revenge and hatred.

I took a deep breath, trying to accept the fact that this was the end of this chapter of my life with him. I know that even though we are no longer together, our memories will live on in our hearts forever.

When the sky started to darken, I stepped away from the beach. Even though my steps feel heavy, I know that this is the step I have to take. Because behind this painful breakup, there is an opportunity to start a new chapter in my life, even without him. And that's where the true power of separation lies—the opportunity to grow and develop, even when the heart is still hurt by the memories of what once was.


About the Creator

Riham Rat Murti

The author of the story is the architect of words that explore human complexity. With the tenderness of a sculptor and the courage of a poet, his works take readers on a journey through the labyrinth of the soul.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (3)



  • Dynda Ely2 months ago

    an interesting story

  • Gloria Penelope2 months ago

    Ending everything peacefully is the best solution ever. Memories will live in their hearts forever. I loved your story Riham.

Riham Rat MurtiWritten by Riham Rat Murti

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