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An Experience to Curb Anxiety

Especially about the future ;)

By Shainin PillayPublished about a month ago 3 min read
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There was an aspiring yogi who had always been drawn to the mysteries of the universe. One crisp evening, feeling an urgent need for answers, this young man decided to meditate under the ancient Bodhi tree in the tranquil garden behind his home. He had read that meditating in such a serene environment could better his chances of opening the doors to higher consciousness.

He settled into a comfortable position, then closed his eyes and began to breathe deeply. The rhythmic sound of his breath soon merged with the blowing wind and the rustling leaves. With each exhale, he let go of the day's worries, and with each inhale, he drew in the peace surrounding him.

Seconds became minutes, and the minutes turned into an hour. The meditator felt himself slipping into a profound state. Suddenly, a bright, shimmering light appeared in the darkness behind his closed eyelids. He felt an overwhelming sense of calm and curiosity, and before he knew it, he was being lifted into a vast, ethereal plane.

In this otherworldly dimension, a figure began to take shape. It was luminous, radiating an aura of wisdom and compassion. The mediator felt a deep connection to this being as if he had known it all his life.

"Welcome, my Son,” the being spoke, its voice echoing with a harmonious resonance. "I am your higher Self, a reflection of your deepest essence and potential."

The meditator felt a mix of awe and humility. “Have you come to answer my prayers?” he asked.

"I am here to guide you," his higher Self replied. "You have questions about your future, and I am here to provide clarity."

The meditator nodded, feeling a sense of anticipation. "What does my future hold, my guide?”

The higher Self's light seemed to intensify as it began to speak. "Your future is a tapestry woven with opportunities and challenges, each designed to help you grow and evolve. You will find yourself at many crossroads where the choices you make will shape not only your destiny but also the lives of those around you. You are destined to become a beacon of light for others, my Son. Your journey will lead you to explore the depths of your own soul, uncovering talents and strengths you never knew you had. There will be times when you will doubt yourself, but remember, every challenge is an opportunity for growth. Trust in your intuition, for it will guide you when the path seems uncertain."

The being's words resonated deeply with the meditator. He felt a surge of confidence and determination. "How can I prepare for this journey?" he asked.

"Begin by embracing mindfulness and compassion," the higher Self advised. "Cultivate these qualities within yourself and extend them to those around you. Your future will be shaped by the love and kindness you share with the world. Stay true to your values and remain open to new experiences. Remember, you are never alone. The universe is always guiding you, even in moments of silence."

The meditator felt a profound sense of peace and gratitude. "Thank you," he whispered, feeling the connection between him and his higher Self strengthening.

The light around the higher Self began to fade, and the mediator felt himself gently returning to his physical body. As he opened his eyes, he was back under the Bodhi tree, the evening air cool and soothing against his skin.

The man knew that his life had just changed for the better. He felt a renewed sense of purpose and a deep connection to the universe. With a heart full of hope and determination, he stood up, ready to embrace the future with open arms.

From that day forward, the man walked his path with mindfulness and compassion, confident that his higher self was always guiding him toward his true potential.


About the Creator

Shainin Pillay

Greetings, potential friend! I'm just another individual here to share my life experiences with the world, knowing it'll help others along their journeys :)

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    Shainin PillayWritten by Shainin Pillay

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