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Colin Kaepernick Is Being Blackballed and Everyone Knows It

Why can’t Kap find a job? No one knows. But what we do know is it isn’t right

By Kenneth WilsonPublished 7 years ago 3 min read
Top Story - September 2017
The Undefeated

Why can’t Colin Kaepernick find a job? For a while, many brought themselves to believe, or made themselves so shallow that they didn’t want to believe, that Kaepernick was being blackballed for his stance on recent social issues. It was these same idiots, who said that he “just wasn’t good enough”, when we knew it was because of those things he believes in. You can believe what you wish, but as a brown person in this “bleach white” society, I know that when you stand up for something you believe to be wrong and someone of another particular lineage disagrees, you will be chastised, blasphemed, and condemned for it. In Kaepernick’s case however, “Black Balled”, and unable to find a job, even as a backup.

Speaking of backups, and looking at some of the current NFL backups in the above article, it confirms further that it can’t be a “talent” thing, and that Kaepernick is being blackballed. Sports Illustrated published a ranking of each NFL team’s backup quarterback situation, and I must say, it is a bit puzzling. Looking at the list provided here, where the 49’ers are ranked 18th, there is truly only one backup quarterback that can be called “better” than Kaepernick. Throw in the fact that this particular quarterback is Jimmy Garoppolo and he plays in New England under Bill Belichick, and you could realistically say, “give Kap a year under Belichick and he would be better than Jimmy G.”

What does this say about the totality of the situation though? This says that we have been spoon-fed BS as sports fans every since Kaepernick started to kneel. To bring it full circle, when he started his “protest”, you had those that were saying that they had no issue with him “protesting”, but would in the same breath say “they disagree with protesting our flag/military/etc.” These are probably those same people that are now telling us that his “skill level” is what is keeping him from obtaining employment, when that just isn’t the case. Although several years removed from the super bowl game, and after scouring the list with my own eyes, there is no way that even 5 of the 32 quarterbacks on the “backup QB situation” list are better than Kap. No Way.


In thinking about the 32 backups, that would mean that there are 32 teams, 32 whole friggin teams. That is interesting because out of the 32, none can see themselves in need of a Kaepernick? As mentioned, and according to SI’s list, it can’t possibly be due to having a better option, so what is it? What is it with Kaepernick, when the team that let him go, practically forgave, forgave, and forgave some more when it came to Ray McDonald, who was habitually accused of domestic and violence against women and/or children? What is it with Kaepernick when Jerruh Jones and the Dallas Cowboys, brought in a crazy person who appeared that way from the beginning? When they initially brought Greg Hardy into the locker room, not only did he seem a bit unstable then, but it was in the midst of some pretty heavy allegations against him that absolutely involved assaulting a woman. What is it when Riley Cooper can say just about anything he wants to anyone, “fight every n-word in here”, and still have a job the next year with only a week or two vacations as punishment? What is it when even after everything he has done, we are still trying to find a place for Johnny Manziel to call signals? What is it? It’s wrong, plain and simple, that’s what it is.

In thinking about what is wrong, being “blackballed” for exercising your American rights is WRONG! What good is a voice, a platform, and all these freedoms, if I will be enslaved to my situation or my courage for using them? What good is the pursuit of happiness, when we will tear anybody and anything down along the path? What good is “Liberty and justice for all”, when you only get liberty and justice if you “fit the bill” or have enough to pay for it, or simply don’t get it at all. What good is any of it, when a man can try to stand up for his people the best way he knows how and be practically stripped of his livelihood for doing so. No good at all. To the NFL, we know he is being blackballed, and so do you, all your cohorts, and constituents. It isn’t right, and he may have backpedaled a bit himself in order to gain employment, but we see what’s happening, and we might not take it for long. Will you blackball us too? If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything, so keep bangin’ Kap, we see you. The NFL does too.


About the Creator

Kenneth Wilson

SPORTS...food...culture...music! VA raised me. Can't handle the real..........you might want to make like a tree....10-4?!

Follow me on twitter @Ksaidwhat

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    Kenneth WilsonWritten by Kenneth Wilson

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