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How to Turn Readers Into Cash-Cows with Psychology & Manipulation

Warning, this is a Guide that may trigger some people as its information is highly manipulative and considered, by some, unethical. Proceed at your own discretion.

By Rui CarreiraPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Negative Psychological Triggers are powerful stuff, and through my years as a Marketer, I’ve been learning more and more about them.

My job is to manipulate people into doing what I want — now, that may seem bad, but everyone does it.

They usually just call it “funneling”, “maximizing Call to Action” or something that makes people feel better.

Throughout this guide, I’m going to let you know about some very powerful emotional and psychological loopholes to tap into to have your readers, leads or potential customers exhibit the behavior you want them to.

If you put these to use, please be sure to use them to give value, not to promote some Ponzi.

Yes, Ponzi guys are very good at tapping into these triggers, so I’m going to use Ponzi Schemes and Cults a lot to make comparisons and give out examples.

Now, ready to open Pandora’s Box?

Let’s begin!

Vanity: How to Explore Their Urge to Be Better Than Their Network

People usually think they are more important than others, and though they don’t say it… they mostly do.

This causes them to be permeable to manipulation and to do some very questionable stuff.

To trigger this, use and abuse flattery throughout your “funnel” and throughout your content.

Of course, you want the flattery to peak right before the call to action.

Their dopamine is higher at that point and they are feeling secure as their superiority and dominance have been asserted — they no longer feel uncomfortable taking action.

Laziness: The Push-a-Button Solution!

People are so lazy, it’s crazy!

Rhyming apart, everyone wants everything to run on auto-pilot and to limit their thinking to a minimum.

The idea that everything can happen at a push of a button has been giving fuel for manipulation for years.

People don’t want to study a subject, spend time thinking about it, to practice, and grind for years — they want results, and they want them NOW!

So, how do you manipulate them to buy your stuff?

Easy Peasy!

Tell them you’re going to share something easy, repeatable and that gives results (like money) at a push of a button, on-demand.

Use these words:





Rinse & Repeat

Oh, they get crazy reading these words.

Do you identify these words as Ponzi ones? Yeah!

They want you to buy their products in order to get the results now… they are manipulating you through this negative trigger.

Stealing: Nobody Steals, Because They Are Afraid of Being Caught!

Why is it that on the Internet people scam each other like crazy?

Well, because it’s not only more impersonal, but it also diminishes the chances of people getting caught by a whole lot.

Everybody has an inner thief — some act on it, some don’t, some are so virtuous it is suppressed… but it is there, lurking.

Tell them that if they buy your products or services, they’ll be able to steal stuff and not get caught — but of course, don’t tell them like this.

Here’s how you tell them instead:


Secret Weapon

Special Technique


Tell them through the use of a secret special technique, he will be able to sidestep the grinding part most others do and get those clients or leads for free right under their noses.

As you used harmless words to convey the fact you’re selling something to steal customers, they will feel good about it, even though you yanked their evil side.

Need to Belong: They Need to Be Sheep!

This is why you can always rely on the good old method of “Us vs. Them”.

Your readers, clients, or leads want to feel like they are part of a tribe.

There’s safety in numbers.

It’s just the way our primal brains operate. It helped us evolve, and now it can help you close more sales.

As an example, a “Guru” trying to promote his make money online fast and free technique is going to say:

Other gurus always say bla bla bla, but they lie!

This way, you make them feel they are like you, enlightened, and you guys have a common enemy, an enemy that is a liar and takes advantage of people.

You see, you two are honorable and trustworthy, and… ow man, look at that, you now think this one guru is honorable and trustworthy.

Well, it helps that this guru will tell them that as a result of being virtuous, they are going to be filthy rich!

Use a superior smile on your face, or a certain superior panache in your words to really drive this common superiority home.

When the guy buys access to your group, praise him in front of the others — yes, adding the tribe trigger to the vanity trigger works wonders.

They want to feel validated by the group.

Get the buyer's remorse out of the game!

Whatever he owns, it’s yours now!

Guilt: Time to Capitalize on All These Flaws He Has!

You sold your product by using your customer’s laziness and vanity against him.

The best thing is, deep down, he knows he is lazy and vain… whenever he feels a bit unsure of his purchases with you or about your value, subtly remind him of all of these flaws.

When you see he starts feeling insecure or less than comfortable when confronted with his flaws… offer him the comfort of the group again, and be the cool guru with open arms that he so desperately needs comfort from.

If he is getting pissed the product or service doesn’t give him a solution that is push-button as advertised, remind him of the fools out there who think there’s an easy street…

…How all of those stupid and lazy people think push-button solutions exist and want to avoid doing real work.

Now they’ll feel guilty and KNOW the product doesn’t work as advertised through their own fault!

Tell the group that people who are lazy and want fast results are the ones who stay poor or stay fat or something they were pursuing when they bought from you.

…but here’s the kicker!

This is when you want to present them the upsell, the ultimate solution, the light, the button to push, and it only costs $XX,XXX.

Greed is Good: So Powerful It Hurts!

Again, the reptilian mind in the back of our heads evolved in scarcity.

People are greedy — oh so greedy!

But don’t make them feel greedy, tell them that life is all about balance and moderation, appreciating the meaningful things.

Now, tell him that since he is, like you (tribe), so enlightened and special, he deserves the best and so you have the perfect way for him to get results easier (rest of triggers).

Now, make him FEEL greedy.

Start the visualization.

Gurus here show their cars, mansions, hot women, pools, Ferraris, you name it…

Show Paypal payments, bank notes etc…

His mouth is watering now, and he is starting to feel pumped and ready to take action.

Sell your product now!

Now, he bought it and it wasn’t, again, what he thought it would be…

…so here you raise the bet.

Say that’s old stuff because now there’s this new paradigm coming up that allows him to get even greater results, bigger amounts, more fat loss, whatever.

With the upped ante, the customer relapses and falls for it again.

So, in conclusion, you now have access to a very powerful trigger list to use.

I gave you a few examples based on Make Money Online gurus and Fat Loss cult leaders, but you’re free to use these triggers in whatever way you see fit — you’re only limited by your creativity.

Please, do use them for good.

If you liked the article, I won’t sell my product to you because you think I’m manipulating, but buy my product.

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About the Creator

Rui Carreira

A full-time blogger on a writing spree!

Founder of

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    Rui CarreiraWritten by Rui Carreira

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