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Obedience unraveled

By Dorcas RolandPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

n the heart of a quaint village, nestled among ancient oaks, lived a girl named Elara. She was known for her unruly spirit—a wildflower in a garden of conformity. The villagers whispered about her defiance, but Elara danced to her own rhythm.

The village was governed by the Council of Elders—a group of stern men who enforced rules etched in stone tablets. Obedience was their creed, and deviation was met with swift punishment. Elara’s father, a blacksmith, often warned her: “Follow the path laid out for you, child. Obedience ensures safety.”

But Elara yearned for more. She wandered beyond the village boundaries, tracing the river’s silver thread. There, she met a mysterious woman—a weaver of dreams. Her eyes held galaxies, and her voice carried secrets.

“Obedience is a cage,” the weaver said. “Break free, and the stars will sing your name.”

Elara hesitated. The weaver offered her a loom—a magical one that wove threads of destiny. “Spin your own tale,” she whispered.

Elara returned home, torn between duty and desire. The Council watched her closely, their eyes like vultures. They decreed: “Elara, marry the blacksmith’s son. Obedience ensures prosperity.”

But Elara remembered the weaver’s words. She stole moments with the loom, weaving her dreams into tapestries. Each thread represented defiance—a rebellion against the Council’s iron grip.

Her wedding day arrived—a gray morning with rain-soaked petals. The blacksmith’s son, kind but predictable, awaited her at the altar. Elara’s heart pounded. She glanced at the loom hidden beneath her gown.

As the priest intoned vows, Elara’s fingers trembled. She wove a thread of courage, whispering her own promise: “I’ll be obedient to my heart.”

When the Council demanded her loyalty, Elara hesitated. The loom glowed, urging her to choose. She painted her defiance—a mural on the village square. The elders gasped—their faces contorted with rage.Obedience is a lie,” Elara declared. “Our hearts are our true compass.”

The villagers gathered, torn between fear and curiosity. Elara’s mural depicted a world beyond—where love transcended boundaries, where dreams danced freely. The blacksmith’s son watched, torn between duty and love.

The Council convened—an emergency session. They accused Elara of heresy, of unraveling the fabric of their existence. “Obey or perish,” they thundered.

But Elara stood firm. She wove a final thread—a bridge between worlds. The mural pulsed, and the weaver appeared.

“Choose,” the weaver said. “Obedience or freedom?”

Elara kissed the blacksmith’s son—a promise and a farewell. She stepped onto the bridge, leaving behind the village, the Council, and the loom.

In the realm beyond, Elara danced with stardust. She met rebels, poets, and dreamers—their hearts echoing hers. Together, they wove tapestries of defiance, unraveling the threads of fate.

Back in the village, the mural remained—a testament to Elara’s rebellion. The blacksmith’s son tended it, whispering her name to the wind.

And the Council? They crumbled, their stone tablets turning to dust. Obedience lost its grip, replaced by whispers of a girl who dared to weave her own destiny.Elara stepped onto the bridge, her heart a tempest of hope and uncertainty. The weaver’s words echoed: “Choose—obedience or freedom?” She glanced back at the village—the thatched roofs, the familiar faces. Her father’s eyes bore into her, a plea for compliance.

But Elara had glimpsed the cosmos. She’d tasted stardust and heard the whispers of forgotten constellations. The loom’s threads tugged at her soul, urging her forward.

The bridge shimmered—a path between worlds. Elara stepped into the unknown, her feet light as moonbeams. The air smelled of possibility, and the stars hummed a melody only she could hear.

In this realm, time flowed differently. Elara wandered through forests of silver leaves, where ancient spirits whispered secrets. She met a girl with eyes like galaxies—a fellow rebel named Lyra. Together, they danced on moonlit shores, their laughter echoing across dimensions.

Lyra had her own thread—a crimson one that sang of revolution. She’d defied a tyrant king, her brushstrokes igniting rebellion. “Art is our weapon,” Lyra said. “We weave truth into tapestries.”

Elara agreed. She painted doorways—portals to forgotten realms. Each led to a different story: a pirate’s quest for lost treasure, a scientist unraveling time, a love affair between stars. The villagers called her a sorceress, but Elara reveled in her magic.

One day, the blacksmith’s son appeared—a ghost from her past. His eyes held both longing and reproach. “Why did you leave?” he asked.

Elara touched his cheek. “Because obedience isn’t enough,” she said. “I want to be more than a footnote in someone else’s story.”

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    DRWritten by Dorcas Roland

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