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God Makes Such Wonder, Such Miraculous Perfection, His Dolphin

Dolphins, a life of grace, freedom and family.

By Diane Mary MarkeyPublished 12 months ago 6 min read
God Makes Such Wonder, Such Miraculous Perfection, His Dolphin
Photo by Pagie Page on Unsplash

Dolphins, a life of grace, freedom and family and Love.

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What a Wonderful World.

I see trees of green, red roses too

I see them bloom, for me and for you

And I think to myself

What a wonderful world

I see skies of blue, and clouds of white

The bright blessed days, dark sacred nights

And I think to myself,

What a wonderful world. (Louis Armstrong)

Introduction. Nature! God's greatest creation of love and majesty. Created for you and for me.

Picture yourself swimming, snorkeling and frolicking with a pod of friendly, dolphins. Being briefly invited and welcomed as a part of this small pod of Australian snubfin dolphins. Playing blissfully in their azure and warm calm sea. You are so honored to be a member of this extended family. For they only welcome the honored few. They are rare and somewhat timid and shy.

These rare and playful dolphins seem to be always smiling. They have a playful habit of lazing on their backs in the shallows. Soaking up the rays of God’s sun and basking in His love.

She is so different from her cousins. All the other species of dolphins. This reminds you of your uniqueness to God and your specialness to your Father.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,

and before you were born, I consecrated you,

I appointed you a prophet to the nations. (Jeremiah 1:5, ESV)

She is oh! so shy and just a little afraid of strangers. Another reason to be honored that she has accepted you as her temporary companion. Not as agile and energetic as other dolphin species.

Occasionally she breaks the surface and slaps the water with her tail. Just for the sheer fun of it. Her chubby body shape and shorter fins, tend to give her the appearance of a living stuffed toy. Don’t get too close to give her a cuddle, she may swim away! As tempting as this is. She is so cute and cuddly, yes???

She is a devoted mother and wife. Staying close to her family and her extended family for life. Her loyalty and love are lessons to be learned and to be remembered. She gently touches fins with her loved ones. Again, you are honored. Such intimacy witnessed and remembered. You believe she is favored by her Creator God. Such a bundle of love and cuteness.

Other beloved dolphin species are found all over the world. They prefer warmer, shallow waters. Where safety is guaranteed. And fishing is simpler. Snubfin dolphins are playful and social animals. Living in extended family groups. Each member communicates with the others in clicks and whistles.

So, God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:21, ESV)

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As for me, for each of us. We always abide in God’s Holy Word and in His loving presence.

We have found that days lived for God, glorifies our Heavenly Father. Sometimes I question myself, my faith. Why don’t I seek God’s loving presence much, oh! so much more than I do? God tells me in His Holy Word. He promises me, He is always with me. Why? Oh! Why? Do I try to struggle on alone? May God forgive me!

Yes, you and I, and all faithful believers in Jesus spend quiet time with God each day. A good and precious time, yes? Is this sufficient for us? For our loving Father? I have come to realize, to my sadness and dismay, may be not!

Do we leave God on our bedside table? After a short reading of His Holy Word and a brief nighttime prayer? I fear at times I do.

It appears, this is a far cry, from God’s calling for us to walk in the Spirit. To live a life continually and constantly in His Holy presence. Jesus in John 15: 4 and 7 tells us, neigh instructs us. That our lives must be tied invariably to Him. Without Him, we perish and “can do nothing.” (John 15:5, ESV)

For us this means, we live our life in and for Jesus. All our life. We learn of Him and about Him, through God’s most Holy Word. Our spiritual life grows and matures by drawing its sustenance from our deliverer, Christ Jesus. Just a brief time each day is not nearly enough. This is a life-long commitment. It for all believers is life itself.

Completely immersing oneself in the Holy presence of God.

But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find Him, if you search after Him with all your heart and with all your soul. (Deuteronomy 4:29, ESV)

Prayer time initiates our commitment to God our Father. God has promised to us that when we want our whole lives spent in His Holy presence. He truly reveals Himself to us.

You feel as honored. Yeah! Even more so. To be in His company. As you were when playing with your buddy the snubfin dolphin.

God has promised to us that when we want our whole lives spent in His Holy presence. He truly reveals Himself to us.

This spiritual act of worshiping God. Like all acts of praise and worship, needs to be practiced in God’s Holy presence.

Approaching Him in prayer. Remembering: “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8a, ESV) 

Loving and spending time in the Holy Word of God each day is the only way to know of and about God. Each word of God’s Scripture is filled with His love. As we read His Word, we feed on His love. Each word is a gift, a blessing from our loving Father. God’s Word becomes obsessive to us. The more time spent submerged in His images, teachings and hymns. So much more we need and yearn for.

The words of the Lord are pure words,

like silver refined in a furnace on the ground,

purified seven times. (Psalm 12:6, ESV)

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Your experience of the Holy presence of God. God’s expression of Himself to you.

The miracle, the wonder of constantly living in God’s Holy presence. The existence of God your Father is oh! so real. So authentic, there is no room for question or doubt. Each day is faced with courage, believing your Heavenly Father is truly there beside you.

His Holy Word is your fortress. Your place of meditation and rest. You are in constant touch with your Father. God is so close to you. His presence is so intimate. You feel at times. You reach out our hand and touch His beloved face.

Every person you meet. Is to you a creation of God. To be treated as such. God your Father more satisfying to you than mere words say. You wake each morning eager to draw closer to God. Willing to serve your Lord and Master.

Serve the Lord with gladness!

Come into His presence with singing! (Psalm 100:2, ESV)

This is a calling we do with joy, gladness and love.

The other side of the coin, so-to-speak. God manifests Himself to those who love Him. Our Creator God holds the universe and all it contains in place.

I have had prayers answered. God, Almighty has made Himself known to me in this merciful and life-transforming way. In a time of crisis. In a moment of desperation. I cried out to God for help. My Father listened. He answered. May God be praised, Amen!

I felt my Father’s nearness, my panic subsided. Jesus' soothing and calming peace felt deep within once more. God’s loving and powerful influence exerted in a time of such desperation. Is God close by always??? My promise to you, He is.


  • We all have a time when God’s sweetness and love draws us close to Him.
  • When the reality of God’s Holy presence is so authentic, we never want to leave.
  • We now and forever live with and in God and in His Holy presence.
  • In the Kingdom of God.
  • In Jesus, we find our sustenance and nourishment. Without our Lord, we die and are thrown away.

My Original Oil Painting of Solitary Tree Standing Watch

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My love for God our Father is the motivation for all my articles.

Any support would be indeed most welcome, Diane.

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About the Creator

Diane Mary Markey

I write short articles dedicated to God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

All my articles as truly inspiring and have many Bible texts spread throughout.

My stories and simply written and easy to understand.

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    Diane Mary MarkeyWritten by Diane Mary Markey

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