Share Your Ideas to Shape the Future of Vocal Challenges

We'll turn your great idea into our next Challenge prompt

By Vocal Curation TeamPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 1 min read

As a community-driven platform, we love getting creators involved in the process of creating awesome content. One of the ways we do that is through our Challenges. Challenges are an excellent way for creators to flex their creative muscles, develop their writing skills, and engage with their audience through different writing forms.

We want to keep Challenges fresh and exciting, and we know that the best ideas come from you. That's why we're inviting you to share your Challenge ideas in the comments section of this resource. We deeply value your ideas and suggestions. If we choose your Challenge idea, we'll send you a bonus as a thank you for your creativity and input.

We also are going to be testing a few things over the next few weeks, including free Challenges for non-Vocal+ members. Think daily writing prompts with smaller cash prizes.

So put on your thinking hats and share what you believe would make a compelling Challenge in the comments below. And don't worry, we'll keep this resource open and check it regularly for new ideas. Even if you don't have an idea right now, come back and share your thoughts later. We're always on the lookout for new and captivating Challenge ideas to keep our community engaged, and we can't wait to see what you come up with.


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Vocal Curation Team

Collaborative, conscious, and committed to content. We're rounding up the best that the Vocal network has to offer.

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Comments (462)

  • Alexander McEvoy2 days ago

    I think you should run another challenge with a longer word count. "In 5,000 words or fewer, write a story inspired by a song. Some Lyrics from the song must be included in the text and include a link to the song."

  • Kay Husnick11 days ago

    I'd love to see an ekphrastic poem challenge. I think it would be a decent follow-up to last year's challenge to do a story inspired by a piece of art, and it would be cool to require the cover image for each poem to be a photo of the art that inspired the poem.

  • Lily Séjor13 days ago

    A story about life after something we consider normal, mundane (and we take for granted) suddenly disappears : schools, police, money...

  • KP McFee15 days ago

    Weaver of worlds. Write a piece where many disparate pieces (e.g., people, objects, timelines, dimensions) come together to create an unlikely whole.

  • Penny Fuller24 days ago

    We should all write a story that includes a Rube Goldberg machine! Complexity/creativity of the machine should be rewarded in judging as well as how essential the machine is to the story itself.

  • A Story In Two Parts. What Happens On The Day You Are Born, and then what Happens on the day you die as you look back on your life

  • Breezy28 days ago

    It's Moving Day! Write a story about a move to a new location: Why (education, career, relationship, humanitarian, etc) Where (new dwellings, new city, new country, etc.) Drama - no move EVER goes smoothly, as anyone who has ever moved can attest

  • Jessica Phoenix29 days ago

    Through a Cat's Eyes This story must be written from the perspective of a cat, featuring all the interesting things that cats do in their daily lives. You could even spice it up a little: Maybe this cat belongs to an alien or robber. Or maybe this cat is part of a secret detective group that finds out all the things that police can't, since they can just patrol the streets and go completely unnoticed. Must be 500-4,000 words. Submit to the Fiction community.

  • Alexander McEvoyabout a month ago

    Oh! A short story about an immortal character! This has the potential to be really fun, or really sad, and either one is awesome!

  • Alexander McEvoyabout a month ago

    I feel like this would go into poets, but I have this weird memory of you talking about creating a music community? Not sure, either way, here's my idea. A poem or a song from the villain's perspective. A little difficult without music backings to be sure, but eminently doable I say. Think of it like something of a villain song like those from classic Disney, inspired by the likes of Scar "I know that your power of retention - are as thick as a warthog's backside - but thick as you are, pay attention! - My words are a matter of pride" Could an original character or famous one, either works, so long as the poem/song is original

  • Mackenzie Davisabout a month ago

    1. Creative nonfiction story (beginning, middle, end) about losing one or more friends and how we had to adapt. It would have to read like a short story, for the most part, not like a testimony or blog, etc. 2. Offer a piece of art (song, painting, photo, etc.), and challenge us to write the best short story based on it. Like the Painted Prose, but you pick the art for us and choose the best written story. 3. Review a Vocal Creator's book - challenge. The best review of any Vocal Creator's published book wins. 4. Film critique challenge. A proper film review like you'd read in a newspaper. A la Roger Ebert. 5. An challenge for unofficial challenges. The winner gets sponsored by Vocal and the unofficial challenge gets promoted to "official." This one would actually be fun to run on a consistent basis. 6. Unique snapshot challenge, where the form the story takes is modeled after something completely different, like a jeopardy board or hermit crab or picture frame, whatever. Even if we have to submit it as a photo essay, with screenshots of the form embedded throughout and little descriptions to accommodate Vocal's editor, this could be really fun. Winner has the most inventive form while still telling the best story. 7. Artistic photo challenge. The idea would be to make the photos take precedence over the writing (photography community challenge) but still use the words to support the images. The photos should be taken on real cameras and be artistic. 8. Playwriting challenge. Have us write a play for the stage (not a screenplay) and grade it according to real script formatting guides and conventions. Ten minute plays could be the length designation. 9. Write a story from the perspective of a historical figure or event. Not historical FICTION but actually do research to make it accurate. Find an event with a lot of first hand accounts to do it accurately. (For the History challenge) Very minimal embellishing would be allowed to justify it being a History, not Fiction, challenge. 10. Video game challenge. Write a mixed fiction/nonfiction story based around video games. There should be a narrative structure and artistic intent, but can include the culture around any video game or the industry in general as well as internet/streaming culture. This would probably be in the Gamers community. 11. 5 paragraph essay challenge. New take on the 5 paragraph essay structure. The kind of essay that no one ever writes in real life, only at school. Maybe make it a mix of nonfiction, fiction, and prose poetry, each paragraph a different form, to create a strange amalgam of narrative woven together.

  • Breezyabout a month ago

    Atlantis Found! The story should tell about the breaking of some very exciting news - some lost artifact or piece of ancient civilization has been found. What historical mystery has been solved? Will it change the course of life going forward?

  • Alexander McEvoy2 months ago

    A challenge where you write a science fiction story about humanity from an alien perspective! This story should either not include humans directly, or at least it must be told from the perspective of a non-human character/society

  • Breezy2 months ago

    I hope I’m not barking up the wrong tree, but you could ask writers to write a story inspired by a popular idiom. Or writers have to compose a story has with 2-4 idioms cleverly contained within.

  • Breezy2 months ago

    Write an anti-Hallmark movie In a hallmark movie: - Person A comes from the big city to a small town. Meets person B. - The goal is to save a landmark/ mom&pop shop or Bring in a big bad business from the city - Through small town community bonding/hijinks, things are saved or big bad business is repulsed and Person A and B fall in love. How do you write a story to tell the opposite of this formula? - city people fall in love - big bad business wins - landmark isn’t saved, etc. (Think of movie: You’ve Got Mail)

  • Alexander McEvoy2 months ago

    Fiction: Write the first chapter of a new post-apocalyptic novel. I'm thinking of this as having a word count of roughly 4,000 to give use enough room to really play with it. And the apocalypse can be just about anything, though I would prefer if people demonstrated world-building so that we don't just put stories into pre-existing worlds

  • Obsidian Words2 months ago

    Poets: An exchange or A conversation that is a poem. Perhaps each alternate line is from differing perspectives.

  • Obsidian Words2 months ago

    Fiction or Fantasy: A coming of age story where the character experiences a drastic change. E.g. coming into power, a physical transformation ECT.

  • Alexander McEvoy3 months ago

    A challenge for the fiction community about a new society or country in a post-apocalyptic world. I think that would be a fun challenge

  • Alexander McEvoy3 months ago

    What about a challenge that involves a talking animal? Maybe give us 3,000 words to tell that story.

  • Anna 3 months ago

    Plant "friend": Have you ever had a plant "friend"? Have you ever talked to your flower or cacti? Write a poem about what you said or what you'd say to your plant if you could talk to them. (It could be happy or even sad)

  • Alison McBain3 months ago

    Okay, I've got more. :) - How about a cross-genre challenge? So, writers have to pick 2 genres to create their story, such as a murder mystery in space. - A dialogue-only story (no narrative). - A story inspired by a joke (the writer starts their entry with the joke, then write a story that fits the theme/ideas of the joke).

  • Alison McBain3 months ago

    Oh, this is great! I have several ideas. - How about a word choice challenge? So, writers get a list of ~20 unusual words and have to use at least half of them to compose their story or poem. - An ekphrastic challenge would also be great. Vocal staff could choose an image and writers could compose a poem or story to explain what's in the image. Or it could be 3 images to allow some choice, and writers have to choose one image to write about. - Another fun one might be a title challenge, where Vocal would present the title of the piece (or, say, 3 titles for writers to choose from) and writers have to create a story or poem to fit the title.

  • Kay Husnick3 months ago

    Considering how prices have been increasing, I think it would be interesting to see a challenge for the Lifehack community focused on how people are budgeting/saving money on food. Not only would it be cool to see a challenge for that community for a change, but it would be a really great way for everyone on Vocal to support each other and share advice.

  • Paul Stewart3 months ago

    So I kinda already put this forward as an unofficial challenge that I am running, and also sent a message to you guys about remixing an existing poem. Details can be found here -

Vocal Curation TeamWritten by Vocal Curation Team

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