400 Creative Writing Prompts to Spark Your Imagination on Vocal

Get inspired and start creating on Vocal with these 400 writing prompts.

By Vocal TeamPublished about a year ago 25 min read

Looking for some inspiration to breakthrough writer's block? Sometimes all it takes is a creative writing prompt to get your imagination flowing. Whether you write fiction, poetry, or anything in between, the following prompts are sure to help you kickstart your creativity on Vocal.

Check out Vocal's other writing prompts:

200 Non-Fiction Writing Prompts: Ideas to Kickstart Your Next Story

Fiction Writing Prompts: 200 Ideas to Kickstart Your Next Story

Flash Fiction Fever: 150 Quick and Engaging Prompts for Short Stories

Compelling Story Starters: 120 First Line Prompts to Capture Your Reader's Attention

150 Poetry Prompts to Unleash Your Inner Bard

Writing Prompts for Tech Bloggers: 01

  1. Write a comprehensive guide on how to build a custom PC from scratch.
  2. Explore the future of augmented reality and its potential impact on everyday life.
  3. Interview a prominent tech CEO and delve into their leadership philosophy.
  4. Write a critique of the latest tech gadgets and devices.
  5. Predict the next big tech innovation that will revolutionize the world.
  6. Investigate the ethics and moral implications of artificial intelligence.
  7. Review the latest tech trends in e-commerce and online shopping.
  8. Explore the benefits and drawbacks of open-source software.
  9. Write a guide on how to protect yourself from cyber-attacks and online scams.
  10. Compare and contrast the most popular programming languages and their strengths and weaknesses.

Writing Prompts for Music Bloggers: Beat

  1. Write a review of the latest album from your favorite artist.
  2. Create a playlist for a specific mood or occasion and explain your choices.
  3. Interview a musician and delve into their creative process and inspirations.
  4. Write an analysis of the impact of music streaming on the industry.
  5. Predict the next big trend in music and how it will shape the industry.
  6. Compare and contrast the different genres of music and their unique characteristics.
  7. Write a guide on how to write a successful song and what makes a hit.
  8. Discuss the influence of social media on music promotion and fan engagement.
  9. Write a case study on a successful music startup and their journey to success.
  10. Analyze the impact of music on mental health and well-being.

Writing Prompts for Beauty Bloggers: Blush

  1. Review the latest beauty products and share your honest opinions.
  2. Create a makeup tutorial for a specific look or occasion and explain the steps.
  3. Write a guide on how to take care of your skin based on your skin type.
  4. Share your favorite beauty hacks and tips.
  5. Discuss the impact of the beauty industry on body image and self-esteem.
  6. Write a case study on a successful beauty brand and their journey to success.
  7. Share your favorite natural or DIY beauty recipes.
  8. Analyze the rise of clean beauty and the impact on the industry.
  9. Review the latest beauty trends and predict which ones will stick around.
  10. Write a guide on how to create a successful beauty blog or YouTube channel.

Writing Prompts for Soccer Bloggers on Cleats

  1. Write a match report of the latest soccer game you attended or watched.
  2. Analyze the tactics and strategies of a successful soccer team or coach.
  3. Share your predictions for the upcoming soccer season or tournament.
  4. Write a guide on how to improve your soccer skills and techniques.
  5. Discuss the impact of technology on soccer and its role in shaping the sport.
  6. Write a case study on a successful soccer club and their journey to success.
  7. Share your favorite soccer moments from history and analyze their impact on the sport.
  8. Discuss the impact of soccer on communities and the world at large.
  9. Analyze the rivalry between two iconic soccer clubs and its cultural significance.
  10. Write a guide on how to start a successful soccer blog or podcast.

Writing Prompts: Confessions

  1. Share a personal experience that has changed your life for the better.
  2. Confess your guilty pleasures and why you love them.
  3. Write about a secret talent or skill that you have.
  4. Share a time when you made a difficult decision and how it affected your life.
  5. Confess to a fear or phobia that you have and how you cope with it.
  6. Write about a moment of true happiness in your life.
  7. Confess to a mistake that you made and how you learned from it.
  8. Share a story about a person who has had a significant impact on your life.
  9. Write about a goal or dream that you have for your future.
  10. Confess to a habit or addiction that you are struggling with.

Writing Prompts for True Crime Bloggers: Criminal

  1. Write about a famous unsolved crime and share your theories about what happened.
  2. Discuss the psychology of serial killers and what drives them to commit their crimes.
  3. Share a true crime story from your own community that has not received much attention.
  4. Write about a wrongful conviction and the impact it had on the individual's life.
  5. Analyze the role of the media in covering and sensationalizing true crime cases.
  6. Share a story about a famous criminal mastermind and how they eluded authorities.
  7. Write about a true crime case that has been solved but still leaves lingering questions.
  8. Discuss the impact of true crime on our culture and why we are so fascinated by it.
  9. Share a story about a victim who survived a violent crime and how they moved on with their life.
  10. Write about a true crime case that resulted in significant changes to the justice system.

Writing Prompts for Environmental Bloggers: Earth

  1. Write about the impacts of climate change on a specific region or community.
  2. Share tips and tricks for living a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
  3. Discuss the importance of protecting our oceans and marine life.
  4. Write about the role of renewable energy in combating climate change.
  5. Analyze the impacts of deforestation on local communities and the environment.
  6. Share a personal story about your connection to nature and why it's important to protect it.
  7. Write about the importance of reducing plastic waste and ways to do so.
  8. Discuss the impact of pollution on human health and how to reduce exposure.
  9. Analyze the impacts of urbanization on wildlife habitats and biodiversity.
  10. Write about the importance of conserving water and ways to do so.

Writing Prompts for Educational Bloggers: Education

  1. Write about the importance of early childhood education and its impact on development.
  2. Share a story about a teacher who had a significant impact on your life.
  3. Discuss the role of technology in education and its potential benefits and drawbacks.
  4. Write about the challenges of remote learning during the pandemic and how to overcome them.
  5. Analyze the impact of standardized testing on students and the education system.
  6. Share a personal experience of overcoming a learning obstacle or disability.
  7. Write about the importance of diversity and inclusivity in education.
  8. Discuss the benefits of extracurricular activities and their impact on student success.
  9. Analyze the role of parental involvement in education.
  10. Write about the benefits of vocational and technical education programs.

Writing Prompts for Family Bloggers: Family

  1. Write about the joys and challenges of being a new parent.
  2. Share a story about a parenting decision you made that was difficult but ultimately the right choice.
  3. Discuss the importance of self-care for parents and ways to incorporate it into a busy schedule.
  4. Write about the challenges of balancing work and family life.
  5. Analyze the impact of social media on parenting and the rise of the mommy blogger.
  6. Share tips and tricks for traveling with kids and making it a fun experience for the whole family.
  7. Write about the benefits of playtime and how to make the most of it with your children.
  8. Discuss the impact of screen time on children and ways to limit it.
  9. Analyze the impact of COVID-19 on parenting and family life.
  10. Write about the importance of reading to your children and ways to make it a daily habit.

Writing Prompts for Food Bloggers: Feast

  1. Write a review of the latest restaurant you visited and share your experience.
  2. Share a recipe for a delicious and easy-to-make dish that anyone can try at home.
  3. Discuss the impact of food on culture and how it varies across the world.
  4. Write about the rise of plant-based diets and their impact on the food industry.
  5. Analyze the impact of food waste on the environment and ways to reduce it.
  6. Share a personal story about a special meal or food memory from your childhood.
  7. Write about the history and evolution of a specific type of cuisine.
  8. Discuss the impact of social media on food trends and the rise of food influencers.
  9. Analyze the impact of food on mental health and well-being.
  10. Write a guide on how to create a successful food blog or YouTube channel.

Writing Prompts for Fiction Writers: Fiction

  1. Write a short story about a character who discovers a hidden talent or secret.
  2. Share a personal experience that inspires a fictional story.
  3. Write a story from the perspective of a non-human character, such as an animal or object.
  4. Create a fictional world and write a story set within it.
  5. Write a story about a character who faces an ethical dilemma and the consequences of their decision.
  6. Share a story about a character who undergoes a significant personal transformation.
  7. Write a story that explores the concept of identity and how it can change over time.
  8. Create a character who has a supernatural ability and write a story about how they cope with it.
  9. Write a story about a character who overcomes a difficult challenge or obstacle.
  10. Share a story about a character who learns an important lesson about life or love.

Writing Prompts for Erotic Bloggers: Filthy

  1. Write a story that explores a character's journey of sexual self-discovery.
  2. Share a personal experience that inspired an erotic story.
  3. Write a story about a character who engages in a sexual fantasy or fetish.
  4. Create a story that explores a taboo or forbidden sexual relationship.
  5. Write a story about a character who overcomes sexual shame or guilt.
  6. Share a story about a character who engages in BDSM or kink play.
  7. Write a story about a character who discovers a new sexual desire or attraction.
  8. Create a story that explores the concept of sexual power dynamics.
  9. Write a story about a character who learns the importance of sexual consent and communication.
  10. Share a story about a character who navigates a polyamorous or open relationship.

Writing Prompts for Science Fiction Bloggers: Futurism

  1. Write a story about time travel and the consequences of altering the past.
  2. Share a story about a character who must survive in a post-apocalyptic world.
  3. Write about the discovery of intelligent life on another planet and the impact it has on humanity.
  4. Create a story that explores the concept of artificial intelligence and its implications for society.
  5. Write about a world where humans have developed superhuman abilities and the consequences that follow.
  6. Share a story about a character who travels through different dimensions or parallel universes.
  7. Write about a future where humanity has colonized other planets and the challenges they face.
  8. Create a story that explores the concept of time dilation and its impact on space travel.
  9. Write about a world where genetic engineering has become commonplace and the moral and ethical dilemmas that arise.
  10. Share a story about a character who is cryogenically frozen and awakens in a different time or world.

Writing Prompts: FYI

  1. Write a story about time travel and the consequences of altering the past.
  2. Share a story about a character who must survive in a post-apocalyptic world.
  3. Write about the discovery of intelligent life on another planet and the impact it has on humanity.
  4. Create a story that explores the concept of artificial intelligence and its implications for society.
  5. Write about a world where humans have developed superhuman abilities and the consequences that follow.
  6. Share a story about a character who travels through different dimensions or parallel universes.
  7. Write about a future where humanity has colonized other planets and the challenges they face.
  8. Create a story that explores the concept of time dilation and its impact on space travel.
  9. Write about a world where genetic engineering has become commonplace and the moral and ethical dilemmas that arise.
  10. Share a story about a character who is cryogenically frozen and awakens in a different time or world.

Writing Prompts for Gaming Bloggers: Gamers

  1. Write a review of the latest video game release and share your thoughts on its gameplay and storyline.
  2. Share a personal story about how video games have impacted your life.
  3. Write about the history and evolution of a particular video game genre.
  4. Create a guide on how to become a successful video game streamer or content creator.
  5. Write about the impact of video games on mental health and well-being.
  6. Share a story about a video game that changed your life or helped you through a difficult time.
  7. Write about the importance of representation and diversity in video games and the gaming industry.
  8. Create a list of the most anticipated upcoming video game releases and share your predictions.
  9. Write about the impact of social media on video game culture and the rise of gaming influencers.
  10. Share a story about a character from a video game that you admire and why.

Writing Prompts for TV & Movie Bloggers: Geeks

  1. Write a review of the latest movie or TV show release and share your thoughts on its storyline and characters.
  2. Share a personal story about how a particular movie or TV show impacted your life.
  3. Write about the history and evolution of a particular movie or TV genre.
  4. Create a list of the most anticipated upcoming movie and TV releases and share your predictions.
  5. Write about the impact of social media on pop culture and the rise of influencers.
  6. Share a story about a character from a movie or TV show that you admire and why.
  7. Write about the importance of representation and diversity in movies and TV shows and the entertainment industry.
  8. Create a guide on how to become a successful pop culture blogger or content creator.
  9. Write about the impact of streaming services on the movie and TV industry and culture.
  10. Share a story about a movie or TV show that you initially didn't like but later grew to love.

Writing Prompts for Horror Bloggers: Horror

  1. Write a story about a character who discovers a cursed object or artifact.
  2. Share a personal experience that inspired a horror story.
  3. Write about a group of friends who explore an abandoned building or location and encounter something terrifying.
  4. Create a story that explores the concept of possession and demonic entities.
  5. Write about a character who is stalked by a supernatural or human predator.
  6. Share a story about a character who is haunted by a vengeful ghost or spirit.
  7. Write about a character who is trapped in a nightmarish alternate dimension or reality.
  8. Create a story that explores the concept of body horror and physical transformation.
  9. Write about a character who is trapped in a confined space with a dangerous presence.
  10. Share a story about a character who discovers a hidden underground or underwater location that hides a dark secret.

Writing Prompts for Relationship Bloggers: Humans

  1. Write about the importance of communication in relationships and the impact it has on the success of a partnership.
  2. Share a personal story about a relationship challenge that you overcame and what you learned from the experience.
  3. Write about the benefits of couples therapy and the role of therapy in maintaining a healthy relationship.
  4. Create a guide on how to navigate a long-distance relationship and maintain a strong connection.
  5. Write about the impact of social media on modern relationships and the potential pitfalls.
  6. Share a story about a successful relationship that overcame obstacles and flourished.
  7. Write about the importance of compromise and negotiation in relationships and how to effectively navigate disagreements.
  8. Create a list of the best date ideas for couples and share your favorite romantic activities.
  9. Write about the importance of self-care and self-love in maintaining a healthy relationship.
  10. Share a story about a relationship that ended badly and what you learned from the experience.

Writing Prompts: Interview

  1. Interview a famous musician or band and learn about their creative process and inspirations.
  2. Interview a successful entrepreneur and learn about their journey to success and the challenges they faced.
  3. Interview a social media influencer and learn about their strategies for building a following and creating engaging content.
  4. Interview a professional athlete and learn about their training routine and mental preparation for competition.
  5. Interview a well-known author and learn about their writing process and inspirations.
  6. Interview a fashion designer and learn about their design process and the inspirations behind their collections.
  7. Interview a celebrity chef and learn about their culinary philosophy and favorite dishes to cook.
  8. Interview a tech innovator and learn about their vision for the future of technology and innovation.
  9. Interview a scientist or researcher and learn about their groundbreaking discoveries and their impact on society.
  10. Interview a successful artist and learn about their creative process and the role of art in society.

Writing Prompts for Business Bloggers: Journal

  1. Write about the importance of networking and building professional relationships in your career.
  2. Share a personal story about a career challenge you overcame and what you learned from the experience.
  3. Write about the benefits of mentorship and how to find a mentor in your field.
  4. Create a guide on how to effectively negotiate a salary or promotion in your workplace.
  5. Write about the impact of technology on the future of work and the skills needed for success.
  6. Share a story about a successful career change and what led to the decision.
  7. Write about the importance of self-care and work-life balance for a successful career.
  8. Create a list of the most in-demand jobs and industries for the next decade and the skills required for success.
  9. Write about the role of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and how it impacts organizational success.
  10. Share a story about a career setback and what you learned from the experience.

Writing Prompts for DIY Bloggers: Lifehack

  1. Create a list of DIY home décor ideas and share step-by-step instructions for readers to try.
  2. Write about the benefits of minimalism and share tips for decluttering your living space.
  3. Create a guide on how to start a successful vegetable garden in your backyard.
  4. Write about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness for mental health and stress reduction.
  5. Create a list of DIY skincare recipes using natural ingredients like honey and avocado.
  6. Write about the benefits of composting and share tips for creating a successful composting system.
  7. Create a guide on how to build a custom piece of furniture using recycled materials.
  8. Write about the benefits of yoga and share beginner-friendly yoga poses for readers to try.
  9. Create a list of easy and healthy meal prep recipes for busy professionals.
  10. Write about the benefits of essential oils for aromatherapy and natural healing.

Writing Prompts for Health Bloggers: Longevity

  1. Write about the benefits of a plant-based diet and share tips for transitioning to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle.
  2. Share a personal story about overcoming a health challenge and what you learned from the experience.
  3. Create a guide on how to maintain a healthy work-life balance and prioritize self-care.
  4. Write about the benefits of mindfulness and meditation for mental health and stress reduction.
  5. Create a list of healthy and easy-to-make snack recipes for busy professionals.
  6. Write about the benefits of regular exercise and share beginner-friendly workout routines.
  7. Create a guide on how to create a successful morning routine for a productive and healthy day.
  8. Write about the benefits of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine for pain relief and overall wellness.
  9. Create a list of healthy and easy-to-make breakfast recipes for busy mornings.
  10. Write about the benefits of essential oils for aromatherapy and natural healing.

Writing Prompts for Wedding Bloggers: Marriage

  1. Write about the latest wedding trends and share ideas for creating a unique and memorable wedding experience.
  2. Create a guide on how to plan a wedding on a budget without sacrificing style or elegance.
  3. Write about the importance of premarital counseling and how it can strengthen a relationship before marriage.
  4. Share a personal story about a wedding challenge you overcame and what you learned from the experience.
  5. Create a list of unique and romantic wedding proposal ideas.
  6. Write about the benefits of eloping and share tips for planning a stress-free and memorable elopement.
  7. Create a guide on how to create a sustainable and eco-friendly wedding.
  8. Write about the importance of communication and compromise in a successful marriage.
  9. Create a list of creative and fun date ideas for couples to keep the spark alive.
  10. Write about the benefits of prenuptial agreements and how they can protect a couple's assets.

Writing Prompts for Motivational Bloggers: Motivation

  1. Write about the importance of setting goals and creating a plan for achieving them.
  2. Share a personal story about overcoming a challenge and what you learned from the experience.
  3. Create a guide on how to stay motivated and productive when working from home.
  4. Write about the benefits of a positive mindset and how to cultivate one.
  5. Create a list of motivational quotes and mantras to inspire readers.
  6. Write about the importance of self-care and how to prioritize it in your daily routine.
  7. Create a guide on how to create a morning routine that sets the tone for a productive and positive day.
  8. Write about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness for mental health and stress reduction.
  9. Create a list of inspirational books and podcasts to help readers stay motivated and inspired.
  10. Write about the benefits of a regular exercise routine for overall health and wellness.

Writing Prompts for Pet Bloggers: Petlife

  1. Write about the benefits of adopting a pet and the importance of responsible pet ownership.
  2. Share a personal story about a pet that had a significant impact on your life.
  3. Create a guide on how to choose the right pet for your lifestyle and home.
  4. Write about the benefits of training your pet and share tips for effective training.
  5. Create a list of healthy and easy-to-make pet treat recipes.
  6. Write about the importance of regular exercise and outdoor activities for pets.
  7. Create a guide on how to travel with your pet and make the experience stress-free.
  8. Write about the benefits of fostering a pet and how it can help save lives.
  9. Create a list of pet-friendly destinations for travel enthusiasts with pets.
  10. Write about the importance of grooming and dental care for pets.

Writing Prompts for Photographers: Photography

  1. Share a personal story about a photograph that had a significant impact on your life.
  2. Write about the benefits of photography for mental health and stress reduction.
  3. Create a guide on how to choose the right camera for your photography needs.
  4. Write about the importance of lighting and composition in photography and share tips.
  5. Create a list of photography books and podcasts to inspire readers.
  6. Write about the benefits of experimenting with different photography techniques and styles.
  7. Create a guide on how to create a photography portfolio that showcases your unique style and perspective.
  8. Write about the importance of storytelling in photography and how to tell compelling visual stories.
  9. Create a list of inspirational photographers to follow on social media.
  10. Write about the benefits of nature photography and how it can help foster a deeper connection with the natural world.

Writing Prompts for Poets: Poets

  1. Write a poem about a personal struggle and how you overcame it.
  2. Create a poem using only words from your favorite book or movie.
  3. Write a poem inspired by a favorite piece of artwork.
  4. Write a love poem without using the word "love."
  5. Create a poem inspired by the changing seasons or weather.
  6. Write a poem about the beauty of the natural world and our connection to it.
  7. Create a poem that tells a story in only six words.
  8. Write a poem that explores the meaning of home.
  9. Create a poem using only words that begin with the same letter.
  10. Write a poem about a childhood memory.

Writing Prompts for Cannabis Bloggers: Potent

  1. Write about the benefits of using cannabis for medical purposes and share personal stories from patients.
  2. Create a guide on how to properly store cannabis to maintain potency and freshness.
  3. Write about the history and culture of cannabis use around the world.
  4. Create a list of healthy and easy-to-make cannabis-infused recipes.
  5. Write about the benefits of using cannabis for pain relief and share different methods of consumption.
  6. Create a guide on how to navigate the legal landscape of cannabis use in different states and countries.
  7. Write about the benefits of using cannabis for mental health and share stories from people who have found relief from anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
  8. Create a list of tips for using cannabis safely and responsibly.
  9. Write about the importance of education and research in the cannabis industry.
  10. Create a guide on how to create your own cannabis products, such as tinctures and edibles.

Writing Prompts for LGBTQ+ Bloggers: Pride

  1. Share a personal story about your experience coming out and what you learned from the experience.
  2. Write about the history and evolution of the LGBTQ rights movement.
  3. Create a guide on how to be an ally to the LGBTQ community.
  4. Write about the importance of representation in media and share examples of positive representation in TV, movies, and literature.
  5. Create a list of LGBTQ activists and influencers to follow on social media.
  6. Write about the intersectionality of the LGBTQ community with other marginalized groups.
  7. Create a guide on how to navigate the dating world as an LGBTQ individual.
  8. Write about the importance of LGBTQ-inclusive education and resources.
  9. Create a list of LGBTQ-friendly travel destinations around the world.
  10. Write about the benefits of LGBTQ support groups and mental health resources.

Writing Prompts for Alcohol Bloggers: Proof

  1. Create a list of easy-to-make and delicious cocktails for at-home bartending.
  2. Write about the history and cultural significance of alcohol around the world.
  3. Create a guide on how to properly store and age different types of alcohol.
  4. Write about the art of mixology and how to create unique and memorable cocktails.
  5. Create a list of top-rated wine regions and vineyards to visit around the world.
  6. Write about the benefits of drinking alcohol in moderation for overall health and wellness.
  7. Create a guide on how to properly taste and appreciate different types of alcohol.
  8. Write about the different types of glassware and how to choose the right glass for different types of alcohol.
  9. Create a list of the best beer festivals around the world.
  10. Write about the unique properties and flavors of different types of alcohol.

Writing Prompts for Mental Health Bloggers: Psyche

  1. Share a personal story about your experience with mental health and what you have learned from it.
  2. Write about the importance of mental health resources and the stigma surrounding mental illness.
  3. Create a guide on how to manage anxiety and share tips for self-care and coping.
  4. Write about the benefits of therapy and how to find the right therapist for your needs.
  5. Create a list of mental health apps and resources to support and manage mental health.
  6. Write about the importance of self-care and share tips for practicing self-care on a regular basis.
  7. Create a guide on how to build a support system and how to find support groups.
  8. Write about the importance of physical health for mental health and share tips for a healthy lifestyle.
  9. Create a list of meditation and mindfulness exercises to reduce stress and improve mental well-being.
  10. Write about the importance of journaling and self-reflection for mental health.

Writing Tips for Military Bloggers: Serve

  1. Share a personal story about your experience in the military.
  2. Write about the challenges of transitioning from military to civilian life and how to cope with the changes.
  3. Create a guide on how to manage stress and PTSD after returning from deployment.
  4. Write about the benefits and the skills learned in the military that can be applied to civilian life.
  5. Create a list of books and movies about military history and the military experience.
  6. Write about the importance of military families and support for military spouses and children.
  7. Create a guide on how to build resilience and mental toughness in military training and in everyday life.
  8. Write about the impact of military service on mental health and the importance of seeking help when needed.
  9. Create a list of military-related podcasts and blogs to follow for inspiration and support.
  10. Write about the importance of military leadership and how to lead effectively in high-stress situations.

Writing Prompts for Fashion Bloggers: Styled

  1. Write about the history and evolution of fashion trends and styles throughout the decades.
  2. Create a guide on how to build a timeless and versatile wardrobe.
  3. Write about the importance of sustainable and ethical fashion.
  4. Create a list of emerging fashion designers to watch and support.
  5. Write about the power of self-expression through fashion and personal style.
  6. Create a guide on how to style and accessorize outfits for different occasions and seasons.
  7. Write about the benefits of thrifting and second-hand shopping for fashion enthusiasts.
  8. Create a list of fashion-related books and documentaries to watch for inspiration and education.
  9. Write about the influence of fashion on culture and society.
  10. Create a guide on how to find and incorporate vintage and retro pieces into modern fashion.

Writing Prompts for Crypto Bloggers: The Chain

  1. Write about the basics of blockchain technology and how it works.
  2. Create a guide on how to safely invest in cryptocurrencies and navigate the market.
  3. Write about the benefits of blockchain technology and its potential to transform different industries.
  4. Create a list of the most promising blockchain projects and startups to watch.
  5. Write about the history and evolution of cryptocurrencies and the people behind the technology.
  6. Create a guide on how to mine cryptocurrencies and the equipment needed.
  7. Write about the importance of privacy and security in the blockchain and crypto space.
  8. Create a list of the top blockchain and crypto influencers and experts to follow.
  9. Write about the benefits of decentralized finance (DeFi) and the potential to revolutionize the financial industry.
  10. Create a guide on how to create and launch your own cryptocurrency.

Writing Prompts for Political Bloggers: The Swamp

  1. Write about the history and evolution of democracy and politics.
  2. Create a guide on how to stay informed and engaged in politics and civic life.
  3. Write about the importance of voting and the impact of elections on society.
  4. Create a list of the most influential political figures and activists throughout history.
  5. Write about the role of the media in politics and the importance of objective journalism.
  6. Create a guide on how to run for office and get involved in politics at the local level.
  7. Write about the impact of social media on politics and the potential for positive and negative consequences.
  8. Create a list of the most impactful political speeches and the people behind them.
  9. Write about the intersection of politics and religion and the importance of separation of church and state.
  10. Create a guide on how to advocate for political issues and make a difference in your community.

Writing Prompts for Wall Street Bloggers: Trader

  1. Write about the history and evolution of the stock market and Wall Street.
  2. Create a guide on how to invest in the stock market and navigate the market trends.
  3. Write about the importance of diversification in investing and managing risk.
  4. Create a list of the top stock market influencers and experts to follow for insights and advice.
  5. Write about the impact of politics and world events on the stock market.
  6. Create a guide on how to read financial statements and understand the fundamentals of a company.
  7. Write about the importance of financial literacy and education for investing.
  8. Create a list of the most successful stock market investors and the strategies they used.
  9. Write about the intersection of technology and finance and the impact of fintech on the industry.
  10. Create a guide on how to invest in alternative markets, such as real estate and commodities.

Writing Prompts for Sports Bloggers: Unbalanced

  1. Write about the history and evolution of sports and athletic competition.
  2. Create a guide on how to stay fit and active in different sports and activities.
  3. Write about the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship in sports.
  4. Create a list of the most inspiring sports movies and documentaries to watch for motivation.
  5. Write about the impact of sports on culture and society.
  6. Create a guide on how to train for and compete in different sports, from beginner to advanced levels.
  7. Write about the intersection of sports and technology, from wearable fitness trackers to advanced analytics in professional sports.
  8. Create a list of the most influential sports figures and athletes throughout history.
  9. Write about the challenges and rewards of coaching and mentoring young athletes.
  10. Create a guide on how to start a sports blog or podcast and build a following.

Writing Prompts: VIVA

  1. Write about the history and evolution of feminism and the women's rights movement.
  2. Create a guide on how to be an ally and advocate for women's rights and gender equality.
  3. Write about the intersection of race, class, and gender in the fight for women's rights.
  4. Create a list of the most influential feminist figures and activists throughout history.
  5. Write about the impact of media and pop culture on women's representation and gender norms.
  6. Create a guide on how to get involved in feminist activism and make a positive impact in your community.
  7. Write about the importance of inclusive language and representation in the feminist movement.
  8. Create a list of the most inspiring feminist books and essays to read for education and inspiration.
  9. Write about the challenges and benefits of raising feminist children and promoting gender equality in families.
  10. Create a guide on how to start a feminist blog or podcast and build a following.

Writing Prompts: Wander

  1. Write about the history and evolution of travel and tourism.
  2. Create a guide on how to plan a budget-friendly trip and travel on a tight budget.
  3. Write about the importance of sustainable and responsible travel and the impact of tourism on the environment.
  4. Create a list of the most exciting and adventurous travel destinations around the world.
  5. Write about the impact of culture shock and the challenges of adjusting to new environments.
  6. Create a guide on how to travel solo and enjoy the benefits of independent travel.
  7. Write about the intersection of food and travel and the importance of culinary tourism.
  8. Create a list of the most unique and off-the-beaten-path travel experiences to try.
  9. Write about the challenges and benefits of traveling with children and family members.
  10. Create a guide on how to become a digital nomad and travel while working remotely.

Writing Prompts: Wheel

  1. Write about the history and evolution of the automotive industry.
  2. Create a guide on how to choose the right car for your lifestyle and budget.
  3. Write about the impact of technology on the automotive industry and the rise of electric and self-driving cars.
  4. Create a list of the most iconic and influential cars throughout history.
  5. Write about the importance of maintenance and care for your car and the benefits of regular upkeep.
  6. Create a guide on how to modify and customize your car and create a unique and personalized driving experience.
  7. Write about the intersection of cars and culture and the impact of cars on music, movies, and art.
  8. Create a list of the most exciting and adrenaline-fueled driving experiences, from race tracks to off-road adventures.
  9. Write about the challenges and benefits of restoring and refurbishing classic cars.
  10. Create a guide on how to start a car blog or podcast and build a following.

tips and guides

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Vocal Team

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  • Ash Taylorabout a year ago

    When I try to share this link I get a 404 Page not found error. Does anyone know why?

  • Excellent ❤️😉

  • Loryne Andaweyabout a year ago

    Ooh! This is exciting! I'm gonna have to bookmark this. Thank you!

Vocal TeamWritten by Vocal Team

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