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Mystery of Bermuda Triangle Solved

Proven Theories of Bermuda Triangle

By Alex MuyodiPublished about a year ago 14 min read
Mystery of Bermuda Triangle Solved
Photo by Adrien Ledoux on Unsplash

Over the past hundred years in the

region of the infamous Bermuda Triangle

about a hundred ships and aircraft have

disappeared while scientists are trying

to find the cause of these mysterious

disappearances and massive disasters in

this area similar anomalies have

appeared around the world so what could

be more dangerous than the Bermuda


dozens of such messages are stored in

the black boxes of planes that crashed

over the Bermuda Triangle under

mysterious circumstances it covers the

territory from the Bermuda Islands in

Florida to Puerto Rico the area of this

territory is quite large and is

approximately 805

000 square kilometers it's like two

Japan's in addition it's also a place

for the deepest point of the Atlantic

Ocean the Milwaukee deep which would fit

almost one and a half Mount kilimanjaro

therefore it isn't strange that the

parts of many ships and aircraft missing

in this region haven't been found yet

but even when the researchers managed to

find the lost ships what they saw there

didn't make any sense

for example in 1944 the U.S Navy

discovered an American ship near Florida

in the Bermuda Triangle called Rubicon

all contact with it had been lost a

month before it was found when it left

Cuba for Havana so everyone believed the

ship had sunk relatives of the

passengers weren't going crazy trying to

figure out where their loved ones had

gone the military immediately saw that

the ship was safe and sound and rushed

to save the people on board but even

though over 300 people were supposed to

be on board the ship a dog that came

from nowhere ran around the deck and

there wasn't a human soul to be found

all their belongings and Food Supplies

surprisingly remained intact as if the

passengers had simply evaporated from

the ship in an instant and this isn't

the only case like this earlier a

similar situation happened to the

Friendship Rosalia which was heading to

Havana from Hamburg in 1840 it was found

in the sargasso sea near the Bermuda

Triangle time on this ship seemed to

have been frozen as well lunch was

waiting for the sailors in the kitchen

but there wasn't a single person on

board only a starving Canary chirped in

its cage precisely the same story

happened on the American ship called the

Mary Celeste in 1872 was on its way from

New York to Italy through the Bermuda

Triangle and was found only a year later

near the Azores on board they even found

untouched Treasures in the captain's

cabin as well as a surviving cat but the

crew itself seems to have evaporated as

well but the worst thing that makes this

zone so deadly is the fact that it

extends not only across the sea but also

into the sky in 1945 Flight 19 a

squadron of five U.S Navy Torpedo

bombers simply vanished into thinner

shared during a routine exercise the

theory of the simultaneous failure of

all five aircraft seems impossible

besides they were thoroughly tested

before departure they're even more

logical gaps in a story of what happened

to a Beechcraft Bonanza plane on

December 4th 1970 the pilot and two

passengers took off from Andros Island

in the Bahamas and headed for the coast

of Florida they had to cover a distance

of 400 kilometers which usually takes 90

minutes of flight time at an altitude of

3500 meters the pilot saw a strange

Cloud of a cylindrical shape the

diameter of this pipe was more than one

kilometer and the length seemed endless

since it was gigantic the pilot had no

choice but to pass through the cloud

when the plane flew into it it became

dark as night suddenly bright white

flashes began to appear on the aircraft

which illuminated everything around

however according to the pilot it wasn't

lightning he had already begun to say

goodbye to life but after about a minute

he saw the light at the end of the

tunnel the cloud tunnel began to narrow

at the same time all their electronic

devices stopped working and the compass

needle rotated and spun randomly at some

point the pilot felt weightless and the

plane broke out of the clouds at the

same time it turned out they were

already almost in Miami although only 47

minutes of flight time had passed the

plane had also used much less fuel than

usual no one who was on board that day

has a clue how they managed to get there

ahead of time

but the most inexplicable story to this

day is the loss of Pan-American World

Airways flight 914 with 57 passengers on

board on July 2nd 1955 the plane took

off from New York and was supposed to

land in Miami three hours later but it

just disappeared from all Radars its

wreckage was never found for quite a

long time it was believed that the plane

had crashed and all the passengers had


37 years later the weekly world news

published an unusual article about this

flight it said that on September 9th

that the krakas airport in Venezuela out

of nowhere a new DOT appeared on the

radar as if a plane had just popped into

being from non-existence after landing

the pilot contacted the tower and asked

where he was because he needed to get to

the Miami Airport at a specific time

namely at 9 55 a.m on July 2nd in 1955.

the man was told it was 1992. then the

panic-stricken captain began to shout

for the airport Personnel not to

approach his plane he started the

engines again and without waiting for

permission to take off lifted the plane

into the air disappearing from radar

again although these incidents in the

Bermuda Triangle are quite mysterious

the weekly world news probably should be

trusted The tabloid's Writers come up

with paranormal explanations for all

different kinds of incidents in America

and around the world so that more and

more people buy their newspapers which

are excitingly different from other

newspapers nonetheless scientists

continue to explore this dangerous Zone

and are still trying to find a

scientific explanation for the

catastrophes that happen here



these were the last words of the pilot

of flight

n3808h on June 28th in 1980 from the

moment the message was recorded and to

this day the plane along with its crew

is considered missing in the Bermuda

Triangle but no one knows exactly what

objects in the sky scared the pilots

although many scientists believe they

solved the mystery of this mysterious

area in the sea each has their own

Theory some researchers suggest that the

cause of shipwrecks in this area is a

large number of Shades and reefs but

this theory was worth considering only

many years ago when Wooden Ships crossed

the ocean for modern equipment on ships

this isn't really a serious problem

anymore other researchers are interested

in masses of bubbles in the Bermuda

Triangle Waters which appear from cracks

in tectonic plates according to these

research researchers this is an

explosive methane gas that turns into

giant bubbles when they reach the

surface they can destroy or even swallow

an entire ship but this Theory doesn't

consider that some ships that

disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle were

nevertheless found moreover absolutely

intact and yet there is one theory that

can't explain this geologists say that

during a storm waves can generate

infrasound which has a harmful effect on

the nervous system as a result a ship's

crew panics fear overpowers common sense

in people simply Rush overboard that's

why so many ships were found in the

Bermuda Triangle without passengers and

with all their belongings intact but

these three theories have nothing to do

with airplanes

a fairly reasonable theory was proposed

by a meteorologist one Steve Miller in

NASA satellite images he noticed unusual

hexagonal clouds with straight edges

over the Bermuda Triangle Miller

suggests they're capable of generating

something called aerial bombs these are

sharp currents of wind that can reach

the speed of a hurricane of 300

kilometers per hour this force is enough

to sink even a fairly large ship or

provoke an aircraft's demise in a matter

of minutes but to confirm this Theory

additional observations are needed after

all the pictures don't show that there

are any funnels in the clouds through

which the air is directed downward

the Bermuda Triangle has become famous

thanks to a large number investigations

in the media documentaries and feature

films due to this Ordinary People are

also attempting to solve this mystery

for example under an article about the

triangle in the comments a certain Jaden

hunsaker put forward her own hypothesis

she explains why not only ships but also

planes disappear in the Triangle the

thing is that Christopher Columbus

during his sea Voyage in 1492 saw a

flash in the sky in his logbook there

were records that the sky suddenly

became bright after which the compass

needles began to behave strangely the

girl suggests that this flash could be a

magnetic asteroid and since planes and

ships are made of metal they couldn't

attracted to the bottom of the Atlantic

Ocean to the magnetic Celestial body

that fell into it science has indeed

encountered asteroids that have their

own magnetic fields but there is one

thing if such an object fell into the

ocean in the 15th century records of

this would have been preserved not only

in Columbus's journal and Columbus

himself who was close to the crash site

once he felt the magnetic effect of the

asteroid on himself would have perished

in a giant tsunami but while some are

trying to approach the Bermuda Triangle

scientifically conspiracy theorists have

also found what they think is the most

logical answer they believe that this

zone is a hot spot for alien activity

where extraterrestrial beings are

abducting people to study them therefore

on all the ships found in the Bermuda

Triangle only animals have survived and

the valuable cargo was untouched there

is a lot of evidence to support this

hypothesis one of them is documented in

the Greek Daily Newspaper artist mafdo's

press of August 17 1995 it had an

interview with a merchant Seaman and

radio operator on the pothiti swjc

called polycarp's bensas the Sailor

claimed that during one of their trips

to the Sea he felt something was wrong

when the ship began to go through the

waves incredibly fast although the

equipment showed the usual speed and the

sensations didn't let the Sailor down a

few minutes later a complete devilry

began on board at first the captain of

the ship became very sick it seemed to

him that his hands were very heavy and

he couldn't raise them to the helm and

the Helmsman couldn't keep a steady

course because the compass was spinning

like crazy the crew then noticed that

all the clocks on the boat had gone

ahead by two hours suddenly spences saw

a large white unidentified flying object

in the sky joined by two more small ones

the Sailor immediately ran to send a

message about what had happened using

Morse code but notice that he suddenly

began to move very slowly at the same

time another sailor tried to light a

cigarette but nothing came out of it

because it immediately burned out at the

same time the entire ship's crew felt in

abnormally slow heartbeat spences is

fully convinced he encountered something

extraterrestrial that day in the Bermuda

Triangle that could manipulate time

sometimes even official institutions

admit that they've noticed something

strange in the Bermuda Triangle for

example this photo was taken by the U.S

Air Force in 2020 however attempts to

unravel the mysteries of Bermuda

Triangle don't end with UFO explanations

for example writer Charles berlets has

his own theory he claims that earlier on

the territory of the triangle there

could have been the capital of an

ancient developed civilization of course

most scientists consider such theories

about the existence of Lost Cities only

fiction and myth but there are those who

like burlettes don't doubt the existence

of Atlantis the writer believes that the

inventions of the ancient atlanteans

could be because of all the disasters in

the area He suggests that the atlanteans

had developed a formula that allows one

to accumulate space energy in a crystal

with its help it was possible to create

solar and Stellar Rays similar to lasers

they were mainly used in construction

but in our time they could well destroy

modern technology when a big flood

covered Atlantis the crystals also went

to the bottom but that didn't stop them

doing their job that's why sailing or

flying through this area equipment and

Compasses fail unlike scientists

hypotheses theories about UFOs and

Atlantis explain all The Oddities of the

triangle but at the same time the

existence of UFOs in the mythical city

of Atlantis hasn't yet been proven by

science so neither one nor the other has

convincing evidence and so we still

don't know how to protect people from

incidents in this area meanwhile similar

anomalies here in other parts of the


could really briefly what is your um

what is the problem you're having

I have a marine emergency and I would

like to speak to a Qi more than one team

of sailors tried to save their ship

having gotten into Dangerous Waters

between Bermuda Florida and Puerto Rico

but this is not the only Danger Zone in

the world's oceans one of these

anomalies attracts scientists tourists

and extreme divers we're talking about

Australia the west coast of which can be

called the capital of shipwrecks so many

people died in these Waters that their

legends about ghosts among the locals

and tourists to this date literally swim

among the corpses in 2022 Monique sichat

or spent her holidays on magnetic Island

swimming in the ocean off Northern

Australia when the girl returned home

and began to look through her photos she

noticed a terrible detail in one of them

in the background a ghostly hand reaches

out to her leg this turned out to be the

severed limb of a human skill back in

1770 Captain James Cook sailing in these

Waters noticed that the ship's Compass

was out of order as if there was a

magnet nearby this is how magnetic

Island got its name due to such

inexplicable anomalies and the

water-round Magnetic Island in general

the entire coast of the continent about


000 kilometers long is full of the

wreckage of about 1 600 sunken ships and

in these Waters the remains of the

bodies of dead Sailors are still being

found since the end of the 16th century

this place has become a cemetery for

Dutch British and Portuguese ships that

were on their way from Europe to

Indonesia they went too far east into

the Waters of Western Australia and

vanished but nevertheless mysterious

events are associated with the Devil's




were the last words of a Japanese

fighter pilot in August 1945 during a

crash over this Zone The Devil's

Triangle spans Pacific Waters near Tokyo

judging by ancient legends people used

to believe that the ocean was home to

dragons which attacked Sailors it said

that back in 1274 and 1281 Kublai Khan

the fifth great Khan of the Mongol

Empire and Grandson of Genghis Khan

tried to invade Japan however both times

he mysteriously lost his ships and about

40 000 crew members the Japanese

believed that it was the gods who

stopped the conquerors later at the

beginning of the 20th century fishing

ships and warships often sank in this

area also in the Dragon Triangle a

research ship with a hundred scientists

who tried to unravel the anomaly

disappeared Without a Trace but the most

exciting thing is that the devils and

Bermuda Triangles are very similar

they're located at the same latitude on

the east coast of large Continental

masses in the Devil's Triangle as well

as in the Bermuda Triangle there are

also some of the deepest places in the

sea in the devil's triangles case the

Mariana Trench these two anomalies are

like twins and the Japanese pilot who

shouted about the Open Sky likely got

into the same kind of cloud tunnels the

Beechcraft Bonanza plane but there's a

place in America that's scarier than the

Bermuda Triangle and the Devil's

Triangle combined

for hundreds of years many strange

things have been happening in the Lake

Michigan region most of which cannot be

explained logically but the most

interesting thing having collected the

locations of all the incidents on one

map the researchers found that the

dangerous area in these Waters also

forms a triangle shape they call it the

Michigan Triangle it's located in the

center of the largest American Lake

Michigan and in it there have been many

mystical and mysterious catastrophes for

example in 1950 Northwest Airlines

flight 2501 carrying 55 passengers and

three crew members was flying from New

York to Minneapolis flying over the

Michigan Triangle it seemed to disappear

into thin air but here not only planes

and boats mysteriously disappear but

people who were just walking along the

coast as well in 1978 Michigan private

Christian University student Stephen

backing was skiing along the shores of a

lake but one day he disappeared Without

a Trace when the police went looking for

him they noticed the trail of his

Footprints it led along the shore of

Lake Michigan and suddenly broke off due

to the lack of any other evidence the

police thought that the guy got lost and

froze to death although his body was

never found his loved ones were still

mourning their loss A year later when

suddenly Stephen was found alive and

well more than a thousand kilometers

from the scene when asked what happened

that day and why he ended up in this

place the guy remembered absolutely

nothing and this is not the only mystery

of the Michigan Triangle at its bottom

mysterious ancient structures have been

found however at present researchers are

keeping the locations a secret according

to the official version this was done in

order to protect the ancient underwater

ruins from vandals currently scientists

don't know what created these Stone


nature Humanity or someone or something

else local residents say they often see

bright flashing lights above the water

and believe the stone structures and

disasters in this area are somehow

connected to UFOs in 1883 the sailors of

the wooden Tugboat Mary McLean said they

saw huge blocks of ice falling from the

sky all over the lake for 30 minutes

this strange rain didn't stop and was so

powerful that it left dents on the

wooden surface of the tug the crew

members even kept a large piece of the

ice and the pantry to show it is proof

if no one believed them but despite all

the efforts of the eyewitnesses to this

anomaly their story was still perceived

to be a lie

as there are few logical explanations

for the occurrences in these anomalous

areas governments simply ignore the

existence of these dangerous triangle

zones they aren't even marked on world

maps and thus from year to year

passengers of planes Crews of ships and

even ordinary tourists are exposed to

unknown dangers

evidence of incidents in the Bermuda

Triangle have been preserved not only in

Airplane black boxes nowadays such

catastrophes can actually be observed in

real time in 2015 two 14 year old boys

from Florida keeping it a secret from

their parents went to the Bahamas and

shared everything on Snapchat suddenly

one of them posted a video of an

incoming storm with a tragic caption in

2016 the Coast Guard unexpectedly found

the boat of Perry Cohen and Austin

Stephanos near the coast of Bermuda most

likely the storm brought the children

into the Bermuda Triangle the boat was

empty and the bodies of the boys were

never found


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    AMWritten by Alex Muyodi

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