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Do Aliens Exist? 4 Bold Proofs Of Aliens

A new proof of aliens: Do aliens exist? Since no alien life has been identified, this does not rule it out. Is there life beyond Earth?

By Gutavo MartiniPublished 4 months ago 3 min read
New proof of aliens

The major key facts:-

  1. No confirmed alien proof, but NASA actively searches for life beyond Earth.
  2. Expanding knowledge of habitable environments beyond Earth and Mars.
  3. 4 potential “new proof of aliens” mentioned: Mars vegetation (dismissed), microbes in meteorites (inconclusive), Mars canals (illusion), and Viking Lander results (controversial).
  4. A vast universe makes alien life possibilities intriguing.
  5. Scientific exploration is the key to uncovering the truth.

Explanations — Do Aliens exist and a reference by NASA:-

Isthere new proof of Aliens? This is a fascinating subject that NASA has been attempting to comprehend, investigate, and answer for a long time. We have yet to discover life on another planet, nor have we seen any scientifically verified evidence of extraterrestrial life.

However, if we look beyond the huge things like elephants, whales, and redwood trees, and focus on the microscopic things, we’ve found microbial life almost everywhere on Earth.

Understanding of livable settings:-

Our understanding of livable settings continues to broaden. We’ve only just started looking beyond Earth. NASA has dispatched five spacecraft and four landing craft to the outermost layer of Mars. Furthermore, orbiters have been built with some incredible equipment to capture images of all the surfaces of the Red Planet. But we’ve only explored a small portion of Mars. And that’s just one of the promising places to seek life beyond our solar system.

Ice-covered worlds in the solar system’s outermost regions, such as Saturn’s Enceladus and Jupiter’s Europa, appear to have subterranean oceans that could support life. And that is only what our solar system contains. The more exoplanets discovered near other stars, the more scientists learn about the variety of settings that potentially support life. We can’t say for sure if there is new proof of Aliens or if they exist.

“The universe is a pretty big place.” “If it’s just us, it seems like a terrible waste of space.”

(Carl Sagan)

A previous reference - Expose AI Fear Demise.”

4 Bold Proofs Of Aliens:-

As far as we can recall, humans have questioned if they are alone in the world. However, in September 2013, a team of researchers stated that a cell fragment discovered during a balloon ride in the high atmosphere could be evidence of life from space. While people and conspiracy theorists frequently present new proofs of aliens’ visits, scientists have also claimed to have discovered evidence of extraterrestrial life. Here are the top five scientific proofs of aliens.

1- C. Clarke’s Bushes On Planet Mars

Sir Arthur C. Clarke made news in 2001 when he claimed that freshly returned photographs from NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor revealed the presence of trees and bushes on Mars. Most scientists dismissed the notion, but the writer maintained his view.

“I’m quite serious when I say have a really good look at these new Mars images.”

“Something is moving and changing with the seasons which suggests, at least, vegetation.” Sir Arthur C. Clarke,

2- The Microbes In Meteorites

NASA scientist Richard Hoover issued a study claiming to have discovered fossil evidence of bacteria in carbon-based rocks from outer space. Hoover used scanning electron microscopes to examine meteorite slices and found filaments and formations that he described as resembling microscopic single-celled algae.

Some scientists were hesitant, partly because the article appeared in the doubtful Journal of Cosmology. Other researchers stated that the study was carefully done, but it was too early to judge if the claim was valid.

3- Mars Canal

The concept that a sophisticated network of canals crossed Mars was initially proposed in 1877 by Italian astronomers and later popularized by astronomer Percival Lowell. Lowell created complex sketches of what he believed to be canals based on observations collected at his observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona.

The concept was reasonably popular until the early twentieth century when astronomical measurements were enhanced and higher-resolution imaging exposed the “canals” to be illusions of light and geologic structures.

4- Viking Lander Results

In 1976, NASA’s two Viking landers landed on Mars’ surface. The probes carried out a variety of biological investigations, including gathering samples of Martian soil for analysis of organic molecules (the building blocks of life) and biosignatures that might suggest the presence of microbes.

The landers found no evidence of organics, but the onboard Labeled Release experiment discovered a reactive agent in Mars’ surface material that produced more carbon dioxide. Gilbert Levin, the engineer who invented Labeled Release, determined that the behaviour was caused by living microbes found in Martian soil. However, the conclusion has yet to be embraced by the scientific community.

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About the Creator

Gutavo Martini

A fabulous social being, dedicated to digital marketing, adeptly intelligent members with fantastic individuals whose profound concepts fuel the genius body.

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Comments (1)

  • Margaret Brennan4 months ago

    love it. GREAT writing and I DO believe aliens have and are still visiting earth. We've taken a few photos of ufos. Their visits, or some of them, have been reported to MUFON with witness accounts from our local police department. As I said, GREAT writing.

Gutavo MartiniWritten by Gutavo Martini

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