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By Ishimwe AlafatPublished 9 months ago 5 min read
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Although black holes can be incredibly dangerous, they also have some great benefits. For example, they can release energy in the form of Hawking radiation, which over time causes the black hole to disappear. However, you would not be able to reassemble yourself if you were ejected from a black hole let continue in a journey about what black holes can do and they are Necessary to us black holes are dense and scary they suck up everything in their way their gravity is so strong it bends light and warps time but what if I told you we might have been wrong about these Cosmic vacuum cleaners well for one they're not vacuum cleaners at all. black holes don't go around gobbling up everything in their vicinity you'd have to cross a black hole's Event Horizon to get sucked into one The Event Horizon is the area around a black hole where its gravity is so strong that you'd have to move at the speed of light to escape it and moving that fast is simply impossible at least according to Einstein that's why there's no Escape after you cross this line the extreme gravity would pull you in and then you disappear into the Blackness of a black hole forever forever [Music] but as long as you stayed on the safe side of the Event Horizon you'd be completely fine now if you had a bad day and ended up sucked into a black hole it might not be as violent as you think despite a black hole's unimaginably massive gravity it wouldn't instantly crush you like a can of soda no you'd experience something that scientists call spaghettification it's when a black hole stretches you into the shape of well spaghetti if you were approaching a black hole feet first your legs would get long and skinny before your head started to change shape once you cross the Event Horizon the stretching you'd experience would be extreme and painful the black hole wouldn't Crush you instead it would rip your molecules apart this whole spaghettification process would only take a few seconds maybe a few minutes tops sorry did I say it wouldn't be violent yeah I take that back this would really hurt but the good news is you could still make a comeback just not in the same form as you entered the black hole yeah you may have heard that nothing escapes a black hole but that isn't exactly true all thanks to Hawking radiation turns out black holes have an interesting Quantum phenomenon going on at the very edge of a black hole's Event Horizon particles are constantly forming some of them fall back into the black hole but others escape this monstrosity's gravity in the form of radiation Hawking radiation to be specific over time so many particles escape a black hole's Event Horizon that the black hole disappears entirely like it never even existed but it takes an incredibly long time for a black hole to evaporate like this and unfortunately you wouldn't be able to reassemble yourself from all those emitted particles so I really wouldn't recommend jumping into a black hole especially not into a super massive black hole in the middle of our galaxy one good thing that can come from getting close to a black hole is that you could hypothetically Harvest its radiation and use it to power things back on Earth of course we're nowhere near that kind of Technology but we have other sources to produce clean renewable energy like nuclear fission I know when you think of green energy all that comes to mind is solar panels and wind turbines well that's why I wanted to tell you about nuclear energy it's zero emission meaning it doesn't generate harmful byproducts like fossil fuels it uses way less land than solar or wind farms to produce massive amounts of carbon-free power and it's super efficient when it comes to waste win-win-win as we aim for a cleaner future nuclear energy can massively help us reach the goal of 100 clean electricity by 2035 and a net zero emissions economy by 2050. now that sounds like the kind of future I'd be looking forward to you well at least it's a lot better than falling into a black hole you see there are different types of black holes the most common ones are Stellar black holes they are the remnants of stars at least 20 times more massive than our sun and because they're so dense well their event Horizons can be several kilometers in diameter super massive black holes are monstrous unimaginably big the most massive black hole scientists have spotted so far is located in the middle of Phoenix a Galaxy it's got a mass of 100 billion Suns yeah billion with a B at this point it's not just a super massive black hole it's a stupendously large black hole or slab until recently scientists thought the biggest supermassive giant was ton 618. a black hole with 66 billion solar masses but there's so much of the cosmos we haven't discovered yet and maybe supermassive black holes can be much much more massive than we could ever imagine scientists still don't know exactly how these Cosmic monstrosities formed and we've got no idea what happens when two of them Collide but it sure wouldn't be pretty for anything caught in between them but at least we can still observe them to find out more a black hole's gravity is so intense that even light can't escape it but that doesn't mean they're the stealthy ninjas of the cosmos they're very much visible just not in the way you might think because their gravitational pull affects Stars around them astronomers can detect their gravitational effects they can also see x-rays when something big falls into a black hole that's because when matter is pulled to the point of no return it heats up to intense temperatures but the most mysterious thing about black holes is what lies on the other side there are theories that black holes can be gateways to other universes a black hole might be connected to another point in space and time through what's known as an Einstein Rosen Bridge it's a type of Wormhole and a very unstable one now scientists haven't found proof of that yet but that doesn't mean it's not possible what if we could use black holes as Cosmic Subways where could they take us could it be another reality another time well while all of this is fun to think about there's one big problem Einstein rosenbridges are incredibly unstable they could collapse on you at any moment trapping you inside a black hole before you could reach your mysterious destination and even if we were lucky enough to pass through that bridge before it collapsed there's still no way you could survive it the intense gravity and radiation would likely destroy you long before you popped.


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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman 9 months ago

    Great work! Fantastic!

IAWritten by Ishimwe Alafat

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