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An Interstellar asteroid just flew past earth, Heres what you need to know.

By RUSHAN THARUKAPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Leo on Unsplash

In the fall of 2017, the world of astronomy was graced with a remarkable discovery. An unexpected visitor from deep space made its presence known in our solar system. This celestial interloper caught the attention of astronomers around the globe, including the esteemed Karen Meech, an astronomer at the Institute For Astronomy University of Hawaii.

The object in question, named Oumuamua, was not of extraterrestrial origin as some may have hoped, but its true nature was equally captivating. Oumuamua turned out to be an asteroid, but it was unlike any asteroid we had ever encountered before. This interstellar interloper was a piece of debris from another star system, hurtling through space at an astonishing speed.

Imagine our solar system as a fish tank, with us situated in the center, peering out into the vast unknown beyond. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an object lands in our tank, and we have no idea where it came from. It's like receiving an unexpected gift from a whole different place. Exciting, right? Absolutely!

Let's delve into what we know about Oumuamua. Through careful observation, astronomers determined that it did not originate from our solar system, based on its trajectory. It is approximately the size of a football field and rotates rapidly. Moreover, its orbit provided valuable information about its point of origin and its future destination.

One fascinating aspect of Oumuamua is its color. When we say it's red, it doesn't mean the typical image that comes to mind. Astronomically speaking, it means that it reflects red light more efficiently than blue light. In reality, this mysterious object is believed to be very dark, with varying amounts of its dark surface reflecting either the blue or red end of the spectrum.

The shape of Oumuamua also defied our expectations. Observations revealed that it was approximately ten times longer than it was wide, but this measurement represents only the lower limit. The actual size could be even larger if its rotation axis is tilted towards us, which would result in foreshortening. Unfortunately, since this was an unexpected visitor, we didn't have the luxury of acquiring rotational data over an extended period from various angles.

The astonishment surrounding Oumuamua doesn't end there. Earth-bound astronomers were caught off guard because they didn't even know of its existence until it had already passed the sun. The race against time began, as scientists worldwide hurried to collect as much data as possible before it faded into the cosmic abyss.

Normally, researchers would spend significant time crafting proposals to secure telescope time and then patiently wait for their turn to obtain crucial data. However, with Oumuamua, they had less than two weeks to make meaningful observations and perform scientific analysis. The close proximity to the sun allowed for a gravitational slingshot effect, increasing the window of opportunity to gather valuable information.

The surface of Oumuamua bore the scars of countless cosmic rays bombarding it over millions of years. This enduring testament to its journey through the cosmos highlighted a crucial realization – there are more objects like Oumuamua out there than we previously imagined. The existence of interstellar debris within our fish tank of a solar system opened up a whole realm of possibilities and fueled the excitement for further exploration.

Now, some curious minds have raised the possibility that Oumuamua could be an interstellar probe or even a spacecraft. While Dr. Karen Meech acknowledges these speculations, she remains cautious. Proving whether it is of artificial origin would be an incredibly difficult task. The surface materials and size of Oumuamua align with natural objects found within our solar system. An elongated shape alone does not necessarily indicate an unnatural explanation.

In the end, the biggest revelation from the Oumuamua encounter was the confirmation of intergalactic objects occasionally finding their way into our small corner of the universe. This discovery paves the way for future studies, arming us with the knowledge to better identify and comprehend such phenomena. The armchair Twitter astronomers, like me, will be eagerly awaiting every bit of information that surfaces.

As we conclude this remarkable journey through the story of Oumuamua, let us remember that though the specifics of this particular visitor have captured our imagination, it is the very existence of these interstellar objects that should truly captivate us. They serve as a testament to the vastness and diversity of our universe, fueling our insatiable hunger for knowledge.

Thank you for joining us on this cosmic adventure with the mysterious Oumuamua. Remember to stay curious, keep exploring, and never cease your quest for understanding the wonders that lie beyond the confines of our little fish tank called the solar system.

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