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My First High

It will definitely not be my last.

By Jacob RodriguezPublished 6 years ago 6 min read

My first high was nothing like I expected. I always imagined I would get high in a music festival, dance to the music, and get lost in the zone, overall a bad ass night. It was the total opposite. You have no idea how bad it was.

Let me tell you something about myself. I am a good kid. I had never done drugs (previously), I do not lie, steal, or cheat. I attended my very first high school party senior year. I've always been responsible and studious. I graduated with my Bachelors at 20! Anyways, back to the story. It was a Saturday evening and I was going to hang out with my friend. She picked me up and we were thinking of what we could do to kill time. She knew I had never gotten high before and she wanted to get me high. Of course I said YES! She took me to a public park nearby and we decided to get off walk around and find a place to smoke. I was obviously paranoid, we were being looked at because people knew what we were about to do. She then took out a small pipe and tried to LIGHT IT UP! It was extra windy that day so it was impossible no matter how hard we tried. I suggested we'd go back to her car and do it there. I was so nervous but MOMMA DIDN'T RAISE NO BITCH. So after she took a puff it was finally my turn. Believe it or not I had no idea how, so I asked her. She said "its like smoking a cigarette, kinda." So I took a huge puff. I held it in for a little and did a STUPID AMATEUR MISTAKE. I swallowed it! Well not all of it, but a good amount, and I released the rest. As soon I exhaled I started coughing. It was awful. Right before I smoked it I had told my friend, imagine if I'm allergic to it (I am allergic to many weird things). My friend thought I was playing but I was actually choking. I would cough and when I inhaled to take in some air my throat was so dry that it felt like it would close, so no air was going in. It was so horrible, I literally could not breathe, and the whole time I was thinking "OMG I'm that idiot that's going to go to the hospital for smoking marijuana." My friend literally though I was playing but once she saw I was turning another color she jumped out of the car and said "I've never seen something like this before." She went running to the back of her car and got me a water bottle from her trunk. I chugged like half of the bottle and I was back to normal, well not quite. It hit, it hit me hard! Within the minute I felt it. Everything around me felt so weird and I felt like I had lost control of my body. It was crazy and I was super paranoid. My friend kept smoking and I just sat there scared. Cars were driving by and I would be like "Lets go please those are undercover cops." It was so bad she finally gave in and we left.

We were on our way to buy muchies (AKA snacks). Time was going by so slow. The time it would take to get from one stoplight to the other (which was literally like 30 seconds), felt like 5 minutes, and 5 minutes felt like 1 hour. We were driving and I literally cannot move, like I seriously cannot move! I love to go out and drink, I am a social drinker, even at my drunkest I have been somewhat in control of my body, but this was awful, I had no control. I was so relaxed, usually when I am trying to go to sleep, I wiggle my feet, it relaxes me. But my foot was on another level. My foot was twitching really bad, and then my whole leg started moving. It was like I had a muscle spasm, it wouldn't stop moving. I could see why people use medical marijuana to relax, I am all for it now. I am usually a bit shy and reserved, I have never been hyperactive, until that day. I was talking immensely and singing along with the radio. I would literally talk about the most random things and I would stop just to start singing along with a song on the radio. And then my bravery kicked in. I sang my favorite song of all time, "Fallin" by Alicia Keys. I felt like I was at The Voice. I actually hit some of the notes, at least I think I did.

During our car ride I felt very talkative and annoying. So I kept asking my fried "Am I being annoying? Am I being annoying?" I was screaming into her ear until finally she said "Okay, yea now you're being annoying." When we finally arrived. We arrived to a parking lot. In the parking lot there was a food stand that served Mexican snacks, such as Elote en Vaso, Tostilocos, Chilindrinas, etc. My mouth was watering for Tostilocos. Tostilocos are any kind of chips layered with corn, cheese powder, hot sauce, mayonnaise, and occasionally cueritos (which is pig skin). My ass was too crazy and embarrassing to get off so my friend decided to lock me inside and she would order our snacks. While I was in the car waiting, I started tripping out over the most random things. I literally started laughing by myself, and I received a text message from my friend saying "I see you." Time was just going by so slow and I realized I'm locked inside this car with the windows closed and no air conditioner; I'm going to run out of air! I texted my friend back telling her to please hurry because I was running out of air and I was going to die. I literally started freaking out. My friend finally came to my aid with some Tostilocos. It was so good and crunchy. I was still very talkative but I was hungry so I was being a multitasker and was doing both. It was about 11pm and my friend asked me if I felt any better, HELL NO I DIDN'T! She then said I have to work at 4 in the morning I think it's time to take you home. I couldn't go home my mom does not know I'm a devil in disguise. She has such a good image of me, I couldn't ruin it. So I was begging her not to take me home. I told her "I don't even think I could walk!" I really did feel like I couldn't walk. My body was just so relaxed and I had no control of it. She was nice enough to let me hang out for 30 minutes. Once that time was up she wanted to take me home. I honestly though it was somewhat messed up of her to leave me in the state I was in. I really started having second thoughts about our friendship, maybe I should not have given her the privilege of getting me high. I was so scared of getting caught so I walked into my home silently, and luckily no one was home. They were all visiting my aunt. I quickly went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I changed clothes and poured my bottle of cologne on my dirty clothes so it wouldn't smell like weed. To top it off I sprayed a bunch of air freshener all over the house. While I was doing this I noticed my dog was barking at the wall. It was very weird and the energy in the house changed. I was certain maybe my dog was barking at a ghost. I decided to go to sleep. I was laying underneath my sheets and my mind was racing and I just couldn't dose off. My family finally arrived and no one suspected of me. Around 2 or 3 in the morning I woke up to a very loud scream. I thought I was dreaming so I went back to sleep. In the morning I felt odd. I felt tired and drowsy. I'm not sure if that is normal but I am okay now. My mom asked me if I heard my sister screaming last night. My dream was actually reality. I asked her why she screamed and she said, "She screamed because she saw a ghost." I was so freaked out. I realized I was very vulnerable the night before. That ghost could have taken advantage of me and possessed me if it wanted to. My life is filled with embarrassing awkward cringing situations. This is just one of my stories.


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    JRWritten by Jacob Rodriguez

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