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Without Pretense

A Conversational Poem

By Gabriel HuizengaPublished 3 days ago Updated 3 days ago 1 min read

I had a strange and lingering thought, sometime just the other day.

A deeply concerning event, most of us sensible folks find.

When having your final conversation with someone, suppose there was a way -

- to know it was your final chance to truly speak your mind?

Just like that, you've caught right on! Read my rhythm, matched my rhyme.

It is quite strange to think that for every soul with whom you've spoken -

- one day, without knowing, you'll casually converse - for the final time?

Precisely. You'll walk off none the wiser that your journey together is broken.

Say, there must be things you long to say those you hold most dear.

Of course; confessions, accusations, and long-held thoughts galore.

I suppose we all have secrets, sealed in our chests, deadlocked in fear.

It most often takes death or crisis to open a heart's dread-bound door.

How terrifying to open such a heart in the shine of a long-lived sun!

Quite so; wounds, mistakes on full display- in court for all the world to try.

But easier, I think, when the life-light dims, and sinks near the horizon.

Judgment loses its edge when you've but one more roll of the die.

Yet how tragic to walk a sunny world, with shady guise as one's defense!

Would you have it different? All players, we cannot forsake our game.

I would have us learn to speak sooner and more often without pretense.

Aye, but what's a soul with naught to hide? In that we are forever the same.

Only because courage - and so, truth - is far too rare and late a thing.

Your strange and lingering sentiment revolts against the cynic deep within.

If such thoughts are resistance, then let this rebel bell - quiet, early - ring.

social commentaryinspirationalGratitudeFriendshipFamilyart

About the Creator

Gabriel Huizenga

Twas for love of words that I first joined this site:

Poetry, essays, and dear short stories too;

For to live one's best is to read, and to write!

So find me in words here, and I'll find you 💙

Thanks for stopping by! :)

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (7)

  • Esala Gunathilake2 days ago

    It was such a provoking one. Bloomed me.

  • D.K. Shepard3 days ago

    This is incredible, Gabriel! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again your work is not only beautiful in its composition but the messages you communicate have such depth, gravity, and true importance to them. Every line in here is woven so well but “Only because courage - and so, truth - is far too rare and late a thing” resonated so strongly. Like your inverse poem this to me is a clear winner!

  • Hope Martin3 days ago

    "I would have us learn to speak sooner and more often without pretense." I learned it from my Aunt Mona before she passed away. She taught me what it means to shamelessly be honest and forward. It's true that people are taught to keep the truth inside. But as someone who lives honestly, and openly - it's truly liberating and freeing. Once you shed the shell of 'defense' you will see there is nothing to hide or defend once you start speaking more frankly. Life is sweeter, more free - and you quickly find out who the people in your life are - why are there and whether or not you want to keep them there. I live my life honestly. And I don't have a LOT of friends for it. But the friends I do have are QUALITY.

  • John Cox3 days ago

    This is very thought-provoking, Gabriel, and an excellent challenge entry!

  • Oooo, this certainly was very profound! I loved it!

  • Rachel Deeming3 days ago

    Is it better left unsaid? I like this debate. It's like it's with yourself rather than two separate people.

  • Ayva M3 days ago

    Sometimes I walk away from my dearest favorite people and go: man, if I died right now the last words they ever heard me say was "Yo, I gotta leave right now this second or I'm gonna pee in my pants baaaaaai."

Gabriel HuizengaWritten by Gabriel Huizenga

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