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The Tunnel

Journey Through The Tunnel

By zulfi buxPublished 2 months ago 1 min read

In the profundities of the evening, a passage spreads out,

An entry of shadows, where haziness whirls.

Underneath the moon's vigilant look it lies,

A domain of insider facts where the lost soul flies.

Inside its hug, murmurs dance on air,

Reverberations of stories, both euphoric and despair.

Strides flounder, hearts pound in dread,

As the obscure calls, moving close.

However in this void, there lies a flash,

A promising sign to light the dim.

For through the shadows, a way is found,

Where fortitude and confidence will proliferate.

Each step in the right direction, an act of pure trust,

Directed by stars in their heavenly phantom.

The passage might contort, its way hazy,

Be that as it may, the excursion inside holds bits of insight dear.

For in the murkiness, we find our strength,

A strength inside us, radiating brilliantly.

With each step taken, fears break up,

As we embrace the secrets to tackle.

So dread not the passage, its profundities obscure,

For inside its limits, seeds of development are planted.

As time passes, we track down our direction,

Through the dull passage, to the radiance of day.

inspirationalhumorFamilyfact or fiction

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zulfi bux

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zulfi buxWritten by zulfi bux

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