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The Sky: Nature's Retribution

Betrayal in the sky

By Hassan ArewaPublished 4 months ago 2 min read

The sky looking so bright on a normal day

With the rays of the sunlight

It looks more brighter and clearer

Two good friends, the sun and the sky work together to light up the world for humans

With a promise not to pollute the sky

It provides them with a fresh air to breathe in

But in human we don't trust

In human lies a secret aim

An aim that will wreck havoc on others

An aim that will break trusts

An aim that would put the lives of others in jeopardy

They commit various atrocities

The sky take it all in

The sun adviced his friend

If you change mood, I won't stay

I will leave until you change back to normal

The Sky's heart, enveloped with trust

Watches below as humans pollutes it's surroundings

Defying the cry of the people

The rich get more riches

While the poor never gets better

Hence the sky change it's mood

The sky was so cloudy, lightnings struck

The sky, ready to pay them back for breaking it's trust

Focusing all it's energy on showering back on them the filth they had done

A rain of disturbance ensued

The sea was rising high fast, causing floods

The rich continued to live peacefully in their safe haven

While the poor seeks refuge for their homes were destroyed by the disastrous rain caused by the rich.

This poem is a message about human behavior and it's consequences on nature.

What i mean by 'atrocities committed by the rich ' is that a company or an industry has an adverse effect on rural areas when they conduct their operations, which might have an impact on the lives of the inhabitants. They pollute the sky, which affects the air they breathe in. They pollute the water they use for cooking and drinking.

A lot of atrocities committed by the rich the poor suffers it all. In terms of war, 'rich people continue to live peacefully in their safe haven' and if it comes to worst they are the first to escape, leaving the poor behind to face it head on. It's high time they start putting the poor into consideration if there's to be a development. The government/rich people should thoroughly highlight how it will affect the less privileged instead of weighing their lives over a particular project.

This poem highlights the problems the poor are facing which aren't talked about enough.

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    HAWritten by Hassan Arewa

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