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The magic and beauty of spring


By John Biz24Published 3 months ago 3 min read
The magic and beauty of spring
Photo by Daniela Paola Alchapar on Unsplash

In the realm of angst, where shadows abide,

I shall speak of spring, a season to confide.

For even in nature's grandest display,

The weight of sorrow finds its way.


With each passing year, spring anew,

A bittersweet symphony, a heartache to pursue.

For as the earth awakens from its winter's sleep,

A poignant longing within me begins to seep.


The thawing of frost, the melting of snow,

Reveals a world once buried below.

Yet amidst the blossoms and vibrant hue,

Lies a melancholy that I cannot subdue.


The gentle breeze whispers secrets untold,

As if the air itself carries a tale of old.

But what solace can it bring to a soul,

Enveloped in shadows, never made whole?


The songs of birds, so sweet and grand,

Echo the yearning that I cannot withstand.

Their melodies, like haunting laments,

Seep into my heart, leaving me content.


And as the sun graces the skies above,

I find solace in its warmth, fleeting and rough.

For what is light without the darkness near,

A reminder of pain, despair crystal clear.


Spring, a season of hope and rebirth,

Yet in my heart, it deepens the hurt.

For with each bud that unfurls its grace,

I'm reminded of love's forsaken embrace.


So, let me embark on this poetic plight,

To capture the essence of spring's delicate light.

In every line, let my anguish find its voice,

And in the beauty of pain, I shall rejoice.


Stay in character, let the verses unfold,

A testament to the stories left untold.

Embrace the contradictions, the longing within,

And let this poetic introduction begin.


The world exhales, a sigh so faint,

A tremor in the frosted paint.

Winter's hold begins to wane,

A subtle shift, a whispered strain.


The sun, once shy, now boldly climbs,

Kissing slumbering earth with rhymes.

Melting frost in glistening tears,

Waking seeds from slumbering years.


Beneath the soil, a silent war,

Roots push, straining at the floor.

Life stirs, a symphony unseen,

Emerald whispers, shoots of green.


A hesitant breeze, a playful dance,

Rustles branches in a trance.

Naked limbs, once stark and cold,

Feel the sap coursing, brave and bold.


Tiny buds, like fists so tight,

Unfurl their secrets to the light.

Petals unfurl, a vibrant show,

From tulip cups to crocus' glow.


Daffodils, a golden throng,

Sway and sing their joyous song.

Hyacinths, in purple grace,

Nod their heads in a scented space.


Cherry blossoms, clouds of pink,

Fragile dreams that softly wink.

Magnolias, opulent and grand,

Unfurl their waxen, creamy hand.


Wisteria, a lilac rain,

Cascades down in sweet disdain.

Honeysuckle, woven tight,

Fills the air with honeyed light.


A symphony of buzzing sound,

Busy bees on nectar ground.

Weaving patterns, light and quick,

Golden pollen on their thick,


Fuzzy legs, a tireless crew,

Nature's alchemists, forever true.

Butterflies, with wings of flame,

Flutter by, whispering a name.


The dance of ladybugs alight,

Red and black, a welcome sight.

Dragonflies, like emerald spears,

Flash across the sunlit years.


Earthworms surface, pink and sleek,

Tilling soil, a silent feat.

Ants in lines, a tireless stream,

Carry burdens, nature's dream.


Birdsong fills the morning air,

A joyful chorus, everywhere.

Robins sing their cheerful song,

Wrens with carols, clear and strong.


Cardinals, a flash of red,

Flute their melodies overhead.

Blue jays chatter, loud and bold,

Stories whispered, secrets told.


Nests are built with loving care,

Twigs and leaves, a woven prayer.

Tiny eggs, in speckled shells,

Cradle dreams in hidden wells.


Children's laughter, light and free,

Rings across the grassy sea.

Barefoot steps on dew-kissed ground,

Treasures sought, no price to be found.


Dandelion wishes take to flight,

Blossoms blown with all their might.

Kite strings tug, a joyous fight,

Dreams painted on the canvas bright.


Picnics spread beneath the trees,

Sandwiches and gentle breeze.

Sunlight dances, dappled light,

Warming faces, pure delight.


Baseball diamonds come alive,

Crack of bat, a joyous drive.

Blossoms catch the soaring ball,

A gentle sigh, a silent fall.


Rainbows paint the weeping sky,

Teardrops cleansing days gone by.

Puddles mirror clouds above,

A fleeting world, reflecting love.


Old men sit on park benches worn,

Whispering stories, dreams reborn.

Faces etched with time's gentle hand,

Remembering springs across the land.


Lovers stroll in hand in hand,

Promises whispered, on shifting sand.

Hope renewed with every bloom,

Love's sweet fragrance fills the room.


Spring unfolds, a vibrant scene,

A tapestry, forever green.

A season of rebirth, so bright,

A promise whispered, day and night.


From barren ground to vibrant hue,

Spring's gentle touch paints dreams anew.

A world awakened, hearts alight,

Spring unfolds, bathed in golden light.

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About the Creator

John Biz24

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Comments (1)

  • Manisha Dhalani3 months ago

    This poem felt like a warm embrace. Good one.

John Biz24Written by John Biz24

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