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Tantalising Tautogram

Talent Tested!

By TestPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Poem image designed in Canva with thanks

Too tired to think

Though Tautogram

Task tantalises

Trade-off to test



Trendy take?


Tendons taut

Tension tough

Thoughts turbid

Tightrope to traverse

Tremors, throbs, twinges

Touch-typing triumphs

Temptation thrills


Tapped technique

Totally transcended

Tiredness’s trough

Transformed torpor

Tore through



[Author’s Note: I felt this Tautogram poem looked much better centred, so I made an image for it, as Vocal formatting doesn’t yet allow justification choices. Until this challenge, I’d never written or even heard of a Tautogram, and I’d love to know what you think. Please heart, comment, and tweet to @harmony_kent if you’ve enjoyed my humble attempt! Thanks, Harmony 💕🙂]


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