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Take a seat, and I'll tell you

Short and Sweet, eh?

By Dean F. HardyPublished 12 months ago Updated 12 months ago 1 min read
Take a seat, and I'll tell you
Photo by Gaspar Uhas on Unsplash


Have you ever been in Love?

Love is a wall of iron

Love is a hot vile

shot into the vein

Love, is what is said

when it is too late

Love is me and this


all that i'll have when

the door hits you

on the way out.

Love is hate when

it has lost the

day's war.

Love is, as the best of us

once said: A DOG FROM HELL

Love is her on my sofa

half nude,

wild eyed grin

and ass to make

an old man weep.

Love is not a poet

or this poem

Love is the fire

that you must

hang onto,

when the dark

has all but won.

Love is a cold beer

when Love has gone



Love is a good

hate fuck when you

ask Love to stay.

Love is the echo

of the dead,

that they left upon

the page.







Now, get the fuck out of here.

performance poetry

About the Creator

Dean F. Hardy

Writer from Dublin, Ireland.

*All work here is owned by Dean F. Hardy*

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

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    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (10)

  • Test11 months ago

    Clever poem, for sure. Really well written!

  • Rob Angeli11 months ago

    I like the bitter take on the sweet. It's absolutely honest.

  • Donna Fox (HKB)11 months ago

    Dean, I would have to disagree... Love is this poem and every unadulterated sentiment that you were able to encapsulate with this! I know you said love is not this poem but as I said previously, I'll have to disagree! You were able to capture all the beautifully ugly parts of love and make the point that love isn't what we seen in the movies, it's real and never what the fantasies make it out to be! I love your very blunt and to point sort of style that slaps the reader in the face and gives us that reality check we all need! Nicely dine!

  • Test11 months ago

    “Love is hate when it has lost the day's war.” Damn, this shit hit me hard. I love this piece. It speaks in truths.

  • Morgana Miller11 months ago

    Mm I really loved this line, “Love is not a poet / or this poem,” I feel like it speaks to this elusive and intangible quality of love, and all the ways in which it cannot belong to us.

  • Heather Hubler12 months ago

    This felt so authentic and real to me. Love is beautiful but gritty and messy too. Bonus points for using that one phrase, lol. A very fine entry :)

  • My, my, my.... Emphatically & well said. I could resonate with every quickly shifting sentiment in this.

  • Cathy holmes12 months ago

    This right here "Love is the echo of the dead, that they left upon the page." Amazing words with so much truth. Great poem, just the raw, painful truth.

  • Gina C.12 months ago

    Amazing entry, Dean! "Love is her on my sofa half nude, wild eyed grin and ass to make an old man weep." 😍😍😍😍 Raw but beautiful at the same time. Brilliant :)

  • Mesh Toraskar12 months ago

    I just love the tone of this, so many clever and moving lines in here! Amazing stuff Dean!

Dean F. HardyWritten by Dean F. Hardy

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