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A Love Story That Never Fades

By Afikile Yolwa Published 4 days ago 4 min read
"Love is eternal, like the warm embrace of summer."

Summer, oh sweet summer,
A season of light and sun,
A time of lazy days and starry nights,
Where memories are made and love is born.

The sand between our toes,
The taste of salt on our lips,
The sound of laughter and waves,
A summer holiday filled with bliss.

Under the warmth of the sun,
We dance and play,
Basking in the joy and wonder,
Of each perfect day.

So here's to summer,
And all that it brings,
A time of love and adventure,
A season to remember.

The summer sun, a golden orb,
Shines down on us, a beckoning call,
To explore the world and all its wonders,
To let our hearts be filled with awe.

The air is thick with possibility,
The sky a palette of pink and blue,
A snapshot of our summer romance,
A story we know is true.

Together we chase the setting sun,
Our love like a fire, ever bright,
A flame that burns eternal,
In the depths of the night.

And as the summer draws to a close,
Our hearts filled with memories and light,
We'll carry our love like a flame,
A beacon to guide us through the night.

And when the seasons change,
And the chill of winter sets in,
We'll hold each other close,
Our love a flame, that never dims.

So here's to summer, and all that it brings,
A time of joy and wonder,
A season of memories and dreams,

For in the golden haze of summer,
We learned to love without fear,
To dance in the sun and swim in the sea,
To cherish each moment, precious and dear.

And though the summer has passed,
Its magic lives on in our hearts,
A constant reminder, of the beauty of life,
And the power of love to keep us from falling apart.

So here's to summer, and all that it brings,
A season of light and love,
A time of laughter and dreams,For summer is a state of mind,
A place we can always return,
Where the sun is always shining,
And our hearts forever burn.

So when the winter winds blow,
And the world seems cold and grey,
Remember those lazy summer days,
And let the memory of our love light the way.

So here's to summer, and all that it brings,
A time of love and adventure,And in the end, our love will endure,
Like the sands of time, that never fade,
A constant reminder, of the beauty we found,
In the warmth of summer, where our souls were made.

And as the years pass by,
Our love will grow stronger still,
A testament to the magic of summer,
A love that time can never kill.

So here's to summer, and all that it brings,For in the summer of our lives,
We found a love that is true,
A love that knows no bounds,
A love that's always new.

And as we look back on our journey,
We'll remember every moment,
Every laugh, every kiss, every dream,
And know that our love is heaven-sent.

So here's to summer, and all that it brings,
A time of wonder and magic,A time of laughter and bliss,
A time of love and light,
A time that will always be missed.

And so we say goodbye,
To the warmth of summer's embrace,
A time of love and joy,But the memories will never fade,
Like the sun that sets each day,
A constant reminder, of the love we made,
In the warmth of summer's golden rays.

So here's to summer, and all that it brings,And as the seasons change,
And the world continues to spin,
Remember the love we shared,
In the summer of our lives,
Where everything was beautiful and serene.

So here's to summer, and all that it brings,
A time of laughter and dreams,
A time of love and light,
A time that lives on in our hearts,For summer is more than a season,
It's a state of mind, a time of yearning,
A time to be alive, a time to believe,
A time of love, and beauty, and learning.

So here's to summer, and all that it brings,And as the years pass by,
And we continue to grow,
Remember the love we shared,
The love that flowed so true,
Like the waves that crashed on the shore,.

And as we look back on our journey,
A journey of love and light,
We'll remember the summer that changed our lives,
The summer that was so bright.

For summer is not just a season,

It's a state of mind,
A time of dreams, a time of magic,
A time of love, a time of wonder.

And so, as the years go by,We'll remember that summer,
The summer of our love,
The summer that changed our lives,
A time we'll always cherish,
A time we'll never forget.

So here's to summer, and all that it brings,And as we look back on our journey,We'll remember the love,
The laughter, the light,

Summer sunshine warms my skin,
Bright laughter and memories to win.
Long days stretch, and nights are short,
A season of joy, a time to sort.

Green fields stretch, and flowers bloom,
The world awakens from its gloom.
The warmth of summer brings us near,
To friends, to love, and to cheer.

Summer's embrace, a warm delight
Endless days, and balmy nights
The sun shines bright, with radiant grace
A season of adventure, a time to explore and pace

The ocean's waves, a refreshing sight
A place to relax, and let the world drift by tonight
The sound of laughter, the smell of fun
A season of memories, forever young and never done

Summer's magic, a feeling so free
A time for dreams, and possibilities to see
Green forests sway, and flowers bloom bright
A season of wonder, a time to take flight
Summer breeze, a gentle caress
Warm sand beneath my feet, I confess
The world awakens, full of grace
A season of joy, a smile on every face

The ice cream truck, a sweet delight
A refreshing treat, on a summer night
Fireworks light up, the evening sky
A season of wonder, passing by

Summer sunshine, a feeling so bright
A time for adventure, day and night
The world is full, of vibrant hues
A season of beauty, forever true

Summer days, a treasure trove
Memories to cherish, moments to love
Green fields stretch, and laughter rings
A season of joy, that heartstrings cling

The sun shines bright, with warm embrace
A feeling of freedom, a smile on every face
Summer nights, a time for dreams
A season of magic, that the heart beams

Summer's warmth, a cozy nest
A time for relaxation, and being at best
The world slows down, and takes a breath
A season of tranquility, a time to unwind and stealth

Summer's radiance, a vibrant glow A season of
adventure, as the days grow long and slow
The world is alive, with energy and zest
A time for exploration, and making memories to nest

The sun-kissed days, a treasure to hold
A feeling of happiness, that never grows old
Summer's warmth, a sense of freedom true
A season of joy, that's forever new

Summer's splendor, a kaleidoscope of delight
A season of wonder, that shines so bright and light
The world is full, of color and grace
A time for making memories, in a warm and sunny place

nature poetry

About the Creator

Afikile Yolwa

Magic weaver and tale spinner, I invite you to journey with me into the realms of fantasy and wonder.

Storyteller of the unseen and the unknown, my words will lead you into the beating heart of adventure.

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Comments (2)

  • angela hepworth3 days ago

    Ah I love summer! Savoring every day of it.

  • Your poem captures the essence of summer's magic and the profound experiences it holds, thank you very much for sharing, love your works, hope to read more, subscribed.

Afikile Yolwa Written by Afikile Yolwa

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