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Sorry About That

Children, It's Time To Get With The Program

By Paula ShabloPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Facebook Meme

Dear Children,

Whether you be mine own, or the children of others

The world is no longer your oyster

Because the generations before you have created

Oceans that will boil

Lakes that will evaporate

Rivers that will run dry

And ice caps that will melt

Sorry about that

We wanted you to have everything we never had

We wanted life to be easy for you

We wanted you comfortable and happy and free

So we coddled and spoiled and sheltered you

In the name of protection and love

Sorry about that

The generations before you failed you

The generations before you created

A multitude of humans who don't know how to lose

Without throwing a tantrum

Who can't balance a checkbook or do basic math

Or count back change during a simple transaction

Sorry about that

We should have let you lose when you didn't win that trophy

Not everyone should get a trophy

We should have made you work for the things you got from us

We should have insisted on basics before calculus and trig

So you could subract your latest purchase

And understand why you're in the red

We should have made sure you could write a letter in cursive

Before teaching keyboarding skills

We should have taught you life skills, because

If the lights go out, you'll all die

Sorry about that

The grid will fall

And the power will fail

And you will be useless

We didn't teach you how to survive on Planet Earth

When she finally decides to rise up and take you down

Because of all the things we failed to do

To protect her and save her from us

Sorry about that

Children, it is time for you all

To take up the reins and lead this horse called humanity

Along a new and better path

Depend less on technology--remember that unreliable grid

Learn the basics of living healthy and strong

Plant a garden


Clean up the oceans and the air

Save yourselves from the failure of the generations before you

We've been a sorry lot

Sorry about that

Best Wishes,


social commentary

About the Creator

Paula Shablo

Daughter. Sister. Mother. Grandma. Author. Artist. Caregiver. Musician. Geek.

(Order fluctuates.)

Follow my blog at http://paulashablo.com

Follow my Author page at https://www.amazon.com/Paula-Shablo/e/B01H2HJBHQ

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Comments (1)

  • Rick Henry Christopher 10 months ago

    Outstanding! Much truth and insight...!!!

Paula ShabloWritten by Paula Shablo

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