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Shattered Reflections

Magic Mirror

By Andrew C McDonaldPublished 25 days ago Updated 22 days ago 3 min read
Shattered Reflections
Photo by Erik Eastman on Unsplash

Reflections ... shattered ... scattered

Shards, slivers like molten glass

Litter the once spotless floor

Each shard a reflected memory

Memories .. sad, happy, melancholy, manic

Thrown to the four corners

Scattered by my own bloody hand


Some pieces shine brightly with the joy of union

Others begrimed, dull reflections of bad days

Broken now into a thousand unrelated shards

Like a magic mirror broken by a fall

Splintered by it's inability to maintain the illusion


Several shards neath the edge of the overstuffed couch

Where we held hands

Where we ate over-buttered popcorn

Giggling at romantic comedies

Cringing at bloody slasher flicks

Or just cuddled, her head on my shoulder


There a piece on the mahogany coffee table

Shiny from where she dusted with her favorite

Lemon scented polish

Where we would sit our coffee cups

As we greeted the dawns rays

Joyous, together ...

Where we would entwine our feet

Rubbing, carressing ...

Massaging the aches from our soles

Each taking strength from the other's soul


Razor sharp ... Edged with pain

The pieces on the fur rug

Where we once lay, content

Cuddled together in front of the fireplace

Enveloped in the warmth of the flickering flames

Wrapped in the heat of our passion

The rug where we explored so often

Learning the secret spots of each other

As fingers and lips traced trails of fire

Sometimes frantic like teenagers

Other times slowly, luxuriously, langorously


On the marbled kitchen counter

Auburn splashes of memory

Memories of her laughter

Her face damp

As I ran shampoo coated hands

Through wet tangled locks

That time the shower broke a couple years back

... The kitchen where we laughed ...

Licking peanut butter from a butter knife

As we fed each other peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

Grape my favorite

Strawberry hers


Fitting to see a sliver on the burner

The flaming stovetop

Where I burnt soup while she chuckled

The oven wherein she lovingly cooked

Thanksgiving Day turkey and mashed potatoes

Christmas ham, pies, cranberry, cookies

Now just aflame, melted shards, molten regret

Boiling over

A flame sputtering, doused by my tears


A grime spattered slice of evil magic mirror

Silvery slices of sorcerous misery

Coated with crimson streaks from my wounded heart

Dimly reflect the spot where I stood

Where I shattered my own world

Irretrievably broke it into a thousand jagged shards

There where I raised our blessed duality over my head

Showing my own jealousy twisted face

As I looked into the parody of a loving husband

Turned into a spiteful, hateful creature

Like Bruce Banner, turned into a hulking monster by anger

Before, with a rage induced cry

I flung it with all my adrenaline induced might to the floor

Shattering our once unbreakable bond

Like a mirror

Razor edged slivers peppering us both

With gory trails of wounded pride

Seven years bad luck

An eternity of loneliness and regret

Once shining, bright, reflecting happiness

With every reflected smile

Now lackluster

Splattered with grime

Fallen to the floor

Shards scattering, flung to the four winds

By the boiling force of my anger

Stomped into tiny slivers by jealousy

When I unjustly accused her of betrayal

There, that blood dampened ragged piece, tear stained

Like her angry reddened face

When I accused her of infidelity

Shards circling the spot where I stood

The day I threw our love away


One last reflection

Her dark smoldering eyes, wide, disbelieving

Shocked into incomprehension

As I shouted, ranted, raved

All because she spent an evening with an old friend

Offering comfort over the mortality of a loved one …


Shards of regret reflect my own stupidity

I should have listened

I should have believed

I should have known better

Swept her into my arms

Offering comfort, solace for her shared agony …


All that is left are those mirrored shards of miserable regret

Waiting to be swept away

Gathered into the dust pan


Mirrored slices of unreality

Pieces of a once joyous marriage

Tinkle as they jostle

Breaking into even smaller pieces

Like my heart

As they fall into the waste basket

Trashed like the remnants of a delicious supper …


My magic mirror has fallen

From the wall where it hung

I threw out the fairest of them all

... My fairy tale ending ...

A princess fled to the wilderness

Leaving behind her glass slippers

Seeking solace in the forest

Far from the arms of a regretful prince

slam poetrylove poemsheartbreak

About the Creator

Andrew C McDonald

Andrew McDonald is a 911 dispatcher of 30 yrs with a B.S. in Math (1985). He served as an Army officer 1985 to 1992, honorably exiting a captain.


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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (2)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran24 days ago

    This was so sad and emotional. Loved your poem! And now I'm craving for a PB&J sandwich, grape's my favourite too. I also want mashed potatoes, pies and cookies heheehhehe

  • Babs Iverson25 days ago

    Poignantly written and heartbreaking!!!💕❤️❤️

Andrew C McDonaldWritten by Andrew C McDonald

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