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Pick me up, please.

By Amelia MoorePublished 7 months ago Updated 7 months ago 2 min read
Top Story - December 2023

Mom, come pick me up from school.

It’s raining and I want a cup of tea.

And I’ve got things to say to you,

I hope you'll listen, there's so much to talk about,

Come pick me up from school.


My English teacher is pregnant again,

She told us in class today.

I wonder if her baby knows,

She delivered the news unsmiling.

(When our pastor said babies bring joy, was he lying?)


Can unwanted children tell?

When they’re born unwanted, I mean.

Does it bring that bit of extra pain,

To know that their parents wouldn't pick them up from school?

(Even if the day hung gray, heavy and sparking and cruel?)


I have some more things to say to you,

Did you know something happened in ‘72?

19 or 17 or 18, I don’t know,

But something important took place, would you like to hear?

(So many interesting things occur every year).


I learned about it in history class,

My teacher preached to the board scuffed with marker sins.

My classmates murmured together, voices raised like a choir.

Did you know that he’s getting a divorce?

(Is the ending of a love story for better or worse?)


I wonder if divorce is for the unloved,

Or else, the ones who loved too deeply to heal.

Would it hurt a person that much more,

If the love wasn’t even worth fighting for?

(And would you fight for me?)


Here’s another thing: I crave depression.

I welcome my sadness like a friend,

It comes and goes like ocean tides, like the cold cycle of the moon.

I yearn for the soft things it'll say,

(I think it loves me, in a way).


Did you know—hey, hey listen—do you know my science teacher?

He wanted to win a Nobel, it was his dream as a kid.

I wonder if dreams would hurt that much more deeply,

If someone else didn't support them too?

(You promised you would, can you pick me up from school?)


Are you listening? Sorry, I'm chatty today.

I'll be better later, I swear. Just, so much happened at school.

And so much happens in my head sometimes too.

I'm all wet, I had to walk in the rain, but that's okay,

(You’ll pick me up from school another day).

sad poetryheartbreak

About the Creator

Amelia Moore

18-year-old writer who hopes to write stories for a living someday-- failing that, I'd like to become a mermaid.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  2. Excellent storytelling

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Comments (22)

  • Christina Vanhaerentsabout a month ago

    this was beautiful!

  • Farhat Naseem4 months ago

    wonderful work

  • Wonderfully written and so moving!

  • Stéphane Dreyfus7 months ago

    "I crave depression." Perfection.

  • ayoube elboga7 months ago

    thanks for sharing with us this beautiful peace

  • Tiffany Gordon 7 months ago

    Wonderfully written & heartbreaking!!

  • The Dani Writer7 months ago

    Sad and powerful with a message that you angled to the world with grand expertise. A poignant top story!

  • K. Kocheryan7 months ago

    This was so sad, but it flowed so pleasantly. Great Work. Congrats!

  • Dana Crandell7 months ago

    Oh, so much written into this, and a perfect look outward from the mind of a child. A very, very worth Top Story!

  • Phil Flannery7 months ago

    'I crave depression. I welcome sadness like a friend'. Somehow this line is the one I understand most. Not now, but there was a time. Amazing but sad. Well done.

  • Poppy 7 months ago

    This is utterly heart wrenching but so well written and captivating. ‘I welcome my sadness like a friend, It comes and goes like ocean tides, like the cold cycle of the moon. I yearn for the soft things it'll say, (I think it loves me, in a way).’ That was such an incredible stanza. I adored this poem

  • Hannah Moore7 months ago

    Oh bloody hell, that was such a cliff edge to fall off!

  • Kendall Defoe 7 months ago

    I'm on the edge of tears with this one (so much deja vu here). Wonderful work... Top Story, indeed!

  • JBaz7 months ago

    The daily thoughts of a child. Wow you nailed this, with such emotion. The opening line and last line tie in so beautifully Congratulations

  • Carly Bush7 months ago

    This wrenched something deep from inside of me. Children are too sacred to be handled so carelessly.

  • This made me cry so much 😭😭😭😭 It reminded me of my childhood trauma and of how even as a kid, I didn't wanna exist. This poem was just too relatable.

  • Kenny Penn7 months ago

    Oh my, so much to unpack here. Truly a wonderful piece of poetry, heartbreaking as it is. I loved it, thanks for sharing

  • My mother once made the rest of my family leave me behind in the biggest mall in Sioux Falls, SD, the largest city in our state, for 2.5 hours as they went to a concert. I keep on wondering, why didn't I just leave?

  • Caroline Jane7 months ago

    Oh boy there is so much in this. Its a heavy and woefully wondrous beast. Human connection to this should be off the scale. To be not collected from school... because... because... and because. And all that has been noticed inside these reasons. Ooof, it stings and so many have been there or felt that fear/neglect/worry. I love how the undercurrent is in brackets It adds a maudlin lyricism. The depression stanza is acutely aware. Then that last verse of talking to themselves. Heartbreaking. Truly. Yeah.. this is good work. Struggling for negatives. 1st stanza left me a little unconnected but the rest reeled me right in. The angst pumping from this is both subtle and palpable.

  • Deasun T. Smyth7 months ago

    Interesting and sad... I don't know much about this subject, but this was really well written. Good job 👍🍁.

  • Feedback would be appreciated on this one... tear into it and I'll return the favor.

Amelia MooreWritten by Amelia Moore

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