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Our Adventure.

I don't know if this one counts as a poem.

By RabbitPublished 26 days ago 2 min read
Our Adventure.
Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

We met up once before, I remember.

We were on the same path just passing by and you said hi to me.

There were laughs and nerdy talks shared together.

It was short lived and gone before it started.

But there was nothing owed to each other back then.

You didn't break my heart or leave me destroyed.

Maybe I knew you would make your way back to me.

Unexpected and wonderful, you did.

Our paths crossed again and we decided to walk this one together hand in hand.

It was supposed to be an epic adventure with sparkling memories.

The kind of memories that brighten your life, the ones you go back to when you need them.

When those tears fall down your cheeks and you wipe them with the back of you hand, our memories bring you peace.

The Squirrel and Rabbit adventure.

We didn't want anything normal. We wanted magic.

We crossed giant bridges and laughed over video chats.

Somewhere along the way you stopped.

On our way you stopped many times seeming lost and scared.

I took your hand and guided you along with me.

I would have walked our path together with you forever.

We would have went towards our future. One that had been in my dreams many times.

A dream life with a dream family we made together.

Children with messy hair and dark brown eyes like yours.

You coming home from work while I make dinner for us all.

All my love was yours to keep.

But then you stopped altogether.

I pushed and pulled, pleaded with you to go forward with me.

But you chose fear over love.

You picked that voice in your head that screams at you that you don't deserve love.

All those things that make you afraid and scared, you sat down and believed in them.

On the path that was once ours, I grabbed your hand desperately and pulled hard than I ever have.

I fell back on my ass when you let go and there was no choice anymore.

I dropped your hand and stood up to find a different pathway.

It was in a completely different direction than the one we were on but I had to take it.

Each step was more painful than the last.

Looking back for just one more hint of your face and that smile.

Maybe we'll find each other again.

I'll be walking along some where down the road and your back will come into view.

We'll embrace and decide to take another adventure together.

Or maybe you'll come to your senses and join me.

You'll take me into your arms and say you never want to leave again.

We'll meet again because we found each other once before this adventure.

I hope you circle around.

But if you don't, I'll be on my way somewhere out there.

Living, loving, and finding different parts of myself.

Beautiful artwork lives on my wrist and I think of you every day when I look at it.

Enjoy your next adventure on the path you've chosen.

love poemsheartbreak

About the Creator


I see the world a little differently than most. Even at a young age I was writing down what I saw but never sharing it with a soul until now. I'm choosing love over fear.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  1. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (2)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran25 days ago

    "Beautiful artwork lives on my wrist and I think of you every day when I look at it." This line hit me so hard. Your poem was so poignant and emotional. Loved it so much!

  • Carol Townend26 days ago

    Your writing is full of emotion, and it contains rhyme, and rhythm, and follows a pattern. You also convey your thoughts and feelings, and I can sense love and fear in your poem. It flows like a river when emotion flows fast and slows down an emotional stream. You convey conversation through words, in a way that carries the reader to their thoughts, making them engage in conversation. I'd describe your poem as a very well-written conversational poem. It is brilliantly written, and well put together.

RabbitWritten by Rabbit

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