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Mirror, Mirror!

My first attempt at a Palindrome poem. BY ROSS E F LOMBARDI

By Ross E Fortune LombardiPublished 2 years ago 3 min read


Mirror, Mirror!


My first attempt at a Palindrome poem.




Fight it!

Time to get up and once again,

Running out of Time,

I am THIS!

This mere mockery mirror thing!

Hate and loath this shadow being.


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall?

Who is the unfairest of them all?


The mirror sings back as a giant on a beanstalk tall,

“I smell the blood of a depressed man”

“Be he live”


“Be he dead”

“I will grind his Heart”

“To make my basic bread!”

“For it is I, who is the unfairest one of all!”


Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

What are you looking at son?!

I do not like the way you look at me at all!


Mirror, Mirror of my fat bloated body

Too much age and too little money.

Too late of life now, to be loved now, by anybody!


Mirror, Mirror, in my head

It has been nearly twenty hours.

Time to get out of bed.


Mirror, Mirror of my mind

You failure! You scum! You mere reflection!

Your cruel words are just too unkind


Mirror, Mirror of my soul

How can I fill this sucking void within me?

Please, Make me whole?


Mirror, Mirror of My spirit

No remaining love for life,

My heart’s no longer in it.


Mirror, Mirror, of itself.

I hate seeing This! I hate you, being This.

I beg you, Mirror, Mirror, be someone else.


Mirror, Mirror, of this Mirror

What can be real when all emotion is numb

I cannot live like this!

I cannot live like this!

What can be real when all emotion is numb

Mirror, Mirror, of this Mirror


Grey Misty Mirror, Oh!

No hope, no longer, of any happy future.

Time for me to go!


And the grotesque image within it warps and shifts beneath my fluid accusing finger.

As water,

As if liquid quicksilver

Touching the surface,

The mirrors glass ripples now



The mirrors glass ripples now

Touching the surface,

As if liquid quicksilver

As water,

And the grotesque image within it warps and shifts beneath my fluid accusing finger.


Time for me to go!

No hope, no longer, of any happy future.

Grey Misty Mirror, Oh!


Mirror, Mirror, of this Mirror

What can be real when all emotion is numb

I cannot live like this!

I cannot live like this!

What can be real when all emotion is numb

Mirror, Mirror, of this Mirror


I beg you, Mirror, Mirror, be someone else.

I hate seeing This! I hate you, being This.

Mirror, Mirror, of itself.


My heart’s no longer in it.

No remaining love for life,

Mirror, Mirror of My spirit


Please, Make me whole?

How can I fill this sucking void within me?

Mirror, Mirror of my soul


Your cruel words are just too unkind

You failure! You scum! You mere reflection!

Mirror, Mirror of my mind


Time to get out of bed.

It has been nearly twenty hours.

Mirror, Mirror, in my head


Too late of life now, to be loved now, by anybody!

Too much age and too little money.

Mirror, Mirror of my fat bloated body


I do not like the way you look at me at all!

What are you looking at son?!

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall


“For it is I, who is the unfairest one of all!”

“To make my basic bread!”

“I will grind his Heart”

“Be he dead”


“Be he live”

“I smell the blood of a depressed man”

The mirror sings back as a giant on a beanstalk tall,


Who is the unfairest of them all?

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall?


Hate and loath this shadow being.

This mere mockery mirror thing!

I am THIS!

Running out of Time,

Time to get up!

Time to get up and once again,

Fight it!




performance poetry

About the Creator

Ross E Fortune Lombardi

Writer. Gamer, Goth

A (Constantly Failing To Be Funny) satirist!

[email protected]

Mutare non est meum

Cantus moriar



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Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran2 years ago

    This is wayyyy better than my Palindrome! Fantastic work! I loved it!

Ross E Fortune LombardiWritten by Ross E Fortune Lombardi

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