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Holiday In Dubai

Where The past Meets The Future

By zulfi buxPublished 3 months ago 1 min read

In Dubai's heart, a desert dream,

Where sand meets sky in sunlit stream.

Steel monsters penetrate the sky blue tone,

A reflected dance, a city new.

The Burj Khalifa, upward bound,

On its tower, the world is found.

The desert murmurs stories untold,

Of convoys and secrets old.

Dhows sway on the sapphire river,

Flavors aroma the air so smooth.

Gold souks sparkle, treasures glimmer,

A customer's heaven, apparently.

In clamoring shopping centers, a design pursue,

From high fashion to abandon trim.

Wellsprings jump in dynamic melody,

An orchestra that waits long.

On luxurious sands, underneath the moon,

A desert camp sprouts, blossoms in order.

Gut artists influence with fire's beauty,

An entrancing existence.

Dubai, a mystery, an energetic mix,

Where old reverberations with the future battle.

A cutting edge wonder, an immortal land,

An occasion dream, grasped.


About the Creator

zulfi bux

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zulfi buxWritten by zulfi bux

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