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Egg Shell Blues.


By TestPublished 4 months ago • Updated 4 months ago • 1 min read
Dallee Generated

Hamster or the wheel?

Running to keep up-

Or turning for turning’s sake?


On a loop –

The incessant noise overwhelming like

A _____________

(Fill in the blank)

The language

Not mine-

Speaks in circles over my head.

Like asphyxiation,

From the leftover smoke of a fire.

Once raging.


Invisible enemy.

Feet tied-

Anchored inexplicably to-

Bullshitters and chit chatters.

Tellers of tales not truth-

Beating down to big up.

Master creators of-

Fake modesty.

And the humble brag.

Pretend empathy.

Spin doctors of


And victimhood.


Oh so tired.

And Bored.



Like an egg,



Of life.

Tell me how to live.

This life.

We call.

A life.



Scrawlers note.

Lamar Wiggins filled in the blank, ''The incessant noise overwhelming like ,

"A barrage of verbal detonations" which I absolutely love!

I would be so interested to see other gap fills - Please leave in comments if you would like to!

social commentaryStream of ConsciousnessMental Health

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