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This PENGUIN used to walk to the MARKET every day... His story spread around the WORLD...

A story of a penguin from Japan

By Vinoth RajeshwarPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Hi guys, how do you feel about pets and which ones do you personally prefer let me guess most of you either say cats or dogs what if i tell you that one family had a penguin for a pet moreover a king penguin.

The king penguin LaLa

Are you surprised? you will be even more astonished when you find out how proud this aquatic bird used to spend it's days. trust me at one point it managed to win the hearts of many people around the world meet, lala an unusually intelligent

resourceful and adorable king penguin that lived in a Japanese family for many years. let me remind you that king penguins belong to the family of aquatic flightless birds representatives of the species are brightly colored and can grow up to 130cms in height they inhabit yet i did off some sub Antarctic islands in the south Atlantic and in Indian oceans and as it turned out they can also live in Japanese family's the penguin from our story even became a full-fledged member of the family, the world first heard about love back in 1996, when he was 10 years old to be more specific all the popular media of that time talked about the bird and eight documentary was even made about him. you must be wondering how did lala against so famous you'll get your answer in a little bit it all started when ordinary village of fishermen chin lu went fishing and discovered an unusual catch in his net, the young penguin got entangled in the net and couldn't get out on his own

but when the man decided to help him he saw that the bird was wounded it wasn't clear how he got hurt perhaps he had encountered a predator or maybe there had been another reason but in any case the man couldn't let the poor thing back into the ocean

LaLa on the way to market

so he decided to take the penguin home until he gets back on his feet it should be noted that the wounds on the penguins body took a long time to heal and living with the family the penguin slowly began to get domesticated of course the children were delighted to have a real king penguin at home they even gave him a nickname lala after several months when the bird fully recovered chin lu took him to the shore to release back into the wild but to his great surprise lala wouldn't leave the man side when he set off to go home the bird trudge behind with his small legs trying to catch up chin lu certainly didn't expect this kind of behavior and tried to show him the way back to the ocean over and over again failing each time in fact the bird tried to demonstrate his willingness to return home in every possible way as if saying enough walking around in time to go back no matter how hard the man tried to set the penguin free he didn't want to return to the ocean from that moment on lala officially began to live with the family over time the penguin even started going out into the yard to hang out with other animals but the most curious thing happened a few days later once when i was going to the market love refused to stay home alone i had no choice but to take him with me it wasn't far away and i knew that the penguins could walk that distance when we reached the market a stall with fresh fish caught lala attention how could it not, penguin love fish i bought him some of his favorite fish and we went home chin lu recalled it didn't seem unusual at the time but the very next day lala was stomping near the door ready to go outside when she knew open the door

penguin started walking briskly towards the market imagine the men surprise when long lost up near that very stall with the delicious fish from that day on the king penguin started to go to the market on his own to get his favorite treat, chin lu's his wife even made special backpacks for lala they used to put money into it before the penguin went to the market, the fishmonger would then take it out and put in the penguins treats. we were delighted that lala went shopping himself it never failed to amaze our neighbors that we have such a smart an unusual pet after all it's not something you see everyday a penguin with a backpack going shopping for fish chin lu said smiling the penguin walking down the street got everyone's attention

when the reporters came to the small Japanese village they couldn't believe their eyes many of them expected to see a mindless animal that only eats and follows his instincts but they were amazed at what they saw in addition to the fact that the king penguin living an ordinary life alongside people he also helped around the house however the strangest thing was that lala walked confidently to the market and even knew two routes to get there moreover he walked with such confidence flubbing his wings and looking around as if greeting other people and animals that he looked adjusted like mischievous boy running home from school everyone at the market already knew that peculiar customer and even the local dogs looked at la la with surprise avoiding him just incase, as he was a strange site even for the dogs. Its also worth saying that lala was definitely worth living among people. Over time he learned more routes and in addition to visiting to the markets, he started roaming the streets of the small village like any other resident.

The Japanese family obviously had to try hard to make life comfortable for the king penguin. Lala had his own room at home with a special micro climate so that the air was cool for him. The family member strictly monitored the room temperature and adjusted it air conditioner to provide lala with maximum comfort. To think of it, not every animal can be trained or domesticated, still many of the fauna representative are able to surprise us. As this story shows, even a king penguin can become a real friend for men and live in the same house with them. Unfortunately no one lives for ever and lala is long gone none the less, the memory of this amazing and unusual penguin will last for a long time. The locals remember will remember the funny penguin and his habits. They were so lucky to see it all with their own eyes otherwise they would have never believed it. LaLa will live in their hearts forever.

That’s the end of the story. It proves that animals much smarter than we can even imagine. If you were to meet such a peculiar pedestrian on the streets, would you treat them with fish? In case if I see, I would treat him.

exotic pets

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    VRWritten by Vinoth Rajeshwar

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