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Thirteen Years of Memories, And All of Them Gold

A Message from Mei Li to My Human Mom and Dad

By Cathy holmesPublished 2 years ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Gerald Holmes. Used with permission

I am Mei Li, a thirteen year old golden retriever who recently passed over the rainbow bridge. I know my human Mom and Dad are missing me terribly, so I asked my Aunt Cathy to help me pass a message to them.

I don’t want my Mom and Dad to be sad or to cry over me. I want them to know that I am okay. I want them to smile when they think of me. My greatest wish is that their broken hearts will soon heal, and that they will be left with nothing but the wonderful memories of the time we spent together.

I want them to think more of times when I was young and rambunctious, not the times when I was old and frail. Mostly, I want them to know how much I loved them and how grateful I am to them for choosing me to be their “golden girl.”

With Aunt Cathy’s help, I wrote this poem for them. I hope it doesn’t make them cry or that it at least brings them some comfort and helps them to smile through their tears.

I love you Mom and Dad


The day that I first met you, Dad, I was scared and all alone.

Trembling under a picnic table, afraid to play or roam.

You chose me above all others, said I was your golden girl.

At that moment, I knew I was the luckiest pup in the world.


You brought me home to meet my Mom, and placed me in her arms.

I stole her heart immediately. She was smitten by my charms.

That day was the beginning of this doggie’s wonderful life,

A life of love and loyalty, free from pain and strife.


My Mom asked what my name was, you questioned with a smile,

“What’s the Chinese word for beautiful?” “Mei Li,” was Mom’s reply.

Then it became official, that I’d be called Mei Li,

A name whose beauty is only surpassed by the love you both gave me.


We’ve had so many adventures; to me they were at least,

Like the first time that you brought me to a big old, scary beach.

I was afraid to take a swim, stood frozen like a log .

You both laughed at your silly, scared girl; for I was a water dog.


But as you know, the very next time I ran and dove right in,

For I knew that you were with me, the fear I wouldn’t let win.

My bravery came straight from you, and the safety that I felt,

Because you were my Mom and Dad, and me you would protect.


My yearly birthday party was always so much fun.

My puppy friends would come to visit and bring their humans along.

Adults, kids and doggies all celebrating my day,

With endless treats and games of fun, we’d play and play and play.


Remember all the walks we took, and hikes out in the woods.

Chasing critters everywhere; my goodness, they’re swift of foot.

Digging holes to China, out back by our gazebo,

Burrowing tunnels under the fence, into the creek I’d go.


No matter my shenanigans, you both could only grunt,

And hose me down out on the deck when I was covered in mud.

Then after bath time ended and I was clean and fresh,

There were puppy hugs and wrestling matches, and always games of fetch.


The years, they pass by quickly; before we know they’re gone.

Where once was puppy antics, now content to just lay down.

My once blond hair turned silver, my bronze-tinged eyes were old.

We had thirteen years of memories, and every one was gold.


The time had come in sadness, for me to leave this world.

I saw the tears you shed the day you lost your golden girl.

It’s clear how much you loved me, that both your hearts are broken.

The sacrifice you made for me, a kind and selfless token.


So now, let me assure you that I will be okay.

I’m playing in a lovely meadow each and every day.

There are many pups and kitties; and animals, all sorts.

I don’t want you to worry. I pray your tears are sparse.


Remember me in comfort, let loving smiles enrich,

Until the day I see you both upon the rainbow bridge.

For when that time shall come along, again we’ll be together,

Never more to be apart, the three of us, forever.


Till we meet again,

Love Mei Li

Me with Mom and Dad


About the Creator

Cathy holmes

Canadian family girl with a recently discovered love for writing. Other loves include animals and sports.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (7)

  • Dana Stewartabout a year ago

    Heartfelt tribute, I'm in tears! Losing one is the hardest thing ever! You are a good Aunty Cathy for writing this. ❤️

  • Heather Hubler2 years ago

    Oh goodness, that had me tearing up! What a treasure for your brother and his wife to have about their sweet golden girl. Well written and such a beautiful tribute :)

  • Gerald Holmes2 years ago

    Well, I'm in tears again. This was beautiful.

  • Heartfelt , losing a loved pet is heartbreaking

  • Babs Iverson2 years ago

    Heartfelt and beautiful!!! Cathy, you nailed it!!!

  • 😭😭😭😭 That was so touching!

  • Dawn Salois2 years ago

    Oh my gosh! That was so beautiful and touching. So many warm memories. You are a wonderful sister.

Cathy holmesWritten by Cathy holmes

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