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me and my puppy

By Akhila ShajiPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Lydia Torrey on Unsplash

Every day after school, as I walked past the pet shop, I could hear the bustling noise from within. The air was filled with the sounds of various animals, from the playful chirping of birds to the excited barking of puppies. It was a spectacle I looked forward to every day, eagerly anticipating the sight of all the adorable creatures housed within those walls. I was planned to get a kitten as I saw in my friend's house with sapphire eyes, snow ball , Persian cat. The kitten looked extremely beautiful, I could not take my eyes from her.

But among the array of animals, my attention was always drawn to the kittens and puppies, the colorful parrots, and the shimmering fish. But there was one particular puppy that caught my eye - a little ball of fur with sad eyes, lying next to a cage. As I approached, I noticed that he was not like the others; he seemed withdrawn, as if lost in his own thoughts.

Curiosity piqued, I knelt down beside him and gently stroked his fur. His response was immediate - he nuzzled against my hand, seeking comfort. It was then that I noticed his fractured leg, a stark reminder of his painful past. The shop owner explained that he had been rescued from the streets after being hit by a vehicle, and despite the loss of his leg, he had bounced back with resilience.

As I spent time with the puppy, playing and bonding with him, I felt a deep connection forming between us. His eyes, once filled with sadness, now sparkled with newfound joy. I knew in that moment that I had to take him home with me, to give him the love and care he deserved.

Approaching the shop owner with determination, I expressed my desire to adopt the puppy. But he questioned my decision, suggesting that I choose a healthy pet instead. Undeterred, I explained that there was no one else in the world who could provide the love and support this puppy needed. Just as my mother had protected me, I vowed to protect him and give him a forever home. He was still in a dilemma, thinking whether he should give me the puppy or not. I slowly lifted my skirt and he noticed the brace on my right leg, he didn't speak for a while, as I considered the silence as his approval. With the owner's reluctant approval, I gathered the puppy in my arms, feeling his warmth and gratitude. When I was leaving the pet shop I saw the owner was wiping his tears from his cheek.

As we walked home together, I couldn't help but think about what to name him. After much consideration, I decided to call him Lucky, a reminder of the fortunate second chance he had been given.From that day on, Lucky became a cherished member of our family, bringing boundless joy and companionship into our lives. Despite his physical limitations, he exuded an indomitable spirit, inspiring us all with his resilience and unwavering love.

Together, we embarked on countless adventures, exploring the world around us and forging an unbreakable bond. Through it all, Lucky remained by my side, a constant source of comfort and companionship.As I look back on that fateful day at the pet shop, I realize that sometimes the most unlikely companions can become our greatest treasures. In rescuing Lucky, I had also rescued myself, discovering a newfound sense of purpose and fulfillment in caring for him.And so, our story continues, filled with love, laughter, and the enduring bond between a girl and her faithful companion, Lucky.


About the Creator

Akhila Shaji

Enthusiastic artist and writer

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    ASWritten by Akhila Shaji

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