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Munch and Maizy and the Bouncing Mayhem

A Children's Story

By GARY DEANPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a cow called Munch and her friend called Maizy.

They both like to play HOP - SKIP and JUMP, even when they had to walk somewhere; all they did was HOP pSKIP and JUMP.

They both never looked where they were going and they would often;

HOP into other people; SKIP into muddy puddles; and JUMP onto peoples' toes.

Munch and Maizy thought this was very funny, which made them want to do it even more as other people fell over, got soaking wet through or grabbed their toes as the two friends went merrily along. A Magic Mummy saw these two and thought it was about time they learned a lesson.

She drew a magic doorway on the pavement and waited for the two friends to come;

HOP - SKIP and JUMPING along.

The Magic Mummy didn't have to wait long before Munch and Maizy came bounding down the street.

They sang the actions as they went;




Down the magic trap both of them fell, into the land of giant bubbles.

They fell and fell and fell until they landed on one of the giant bubbles.

They bounced so high into the air and they landed on ANOTHER giant bubble.

They bounced into the air again and again, they thought they were NEVER going to stop.

Until they landed on a bubble that popped and they found themselves covered, head to toe in some sticky, messy stuff.

"Urrgh what’s this horrible stuff we're covered in," Maizy said pulling an ugly face.

"It's not horrible," said Munch licking her face. "It's yogurt."

With a look of surprise on her face, Maizy licked the full length of her arm.

"MMMMMM it's all my favorite flavors." With a big smile on her face.

They were both stood licking themselves clean and enjoying every minute of it when a giant bubble came up to them and said, "Hello, what's your names and why are you here."

Munch looked up a little afraid and said;

"My name is Munch and this is Maizy and we fell through a magic trap door and we found ourselves here."

"Ah I see," said the giant bubble. "You are not the first to fall from our sky and I doubt you will be the last. This is the work of the Magic Mummy, she sent you here because you like bumping into people; is this true?"

"We like playing a game called HOP - SKIP and JUMP but we never meant to bump into people on purpose," said Maizy.

"But you did bump into people and to get you back home we have to bump you all the way up into the sky and through the trap door again."

They both looked up into the sky, "That’s a long way up," said Munch.

"Before we send you back home we will have to get you cleaned up; get into these two small bubbles and they will take you to the river."

Munch and Maizy got into a bubble each, to make it move along they jumped up and down and before long they were bouncing high in the air, laughing and giggling towards the river-bank.

The bubbles landed on the river and with a loud POP! They burst, leaving Munch and Maizy swimming in the water.

When they finished playing and getting clean, they got out on the river-bank, soaking wet through.

"How are we going to get dry?"ssaid Maizy

"Let me introduce you to the wind maker," said the Giant Bubble.

A giant fan appeared, the wind it created blew Munch and Maizy off their feet and had them bouncing off one bubble to another bubble.


Is all they could do, slowly getting higher and higher in the sky, it was fun at first but then it started to get a little rough, eventually they were back through the trap door.

As they both sat there feeling very dizzy and confused, the Magic Mummy came along and said in both their ears.

"I bet you won't be bouncing into other people again in a hurry."

With a great big smile on her face, she walked off leaving Munch and Maizy to think of another game they could play that didn't involve any form of bouncing into people.


About the Creator


Started writing in 2009, after getting made redundant from my job. Now it is a hobby, something I can enjoy and play about with.

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