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Can snakes be raised and cooked?

Mother's love acrWill a snake bite its owner after it is matured?oss the race is too cute

By CEAPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

With the progress of people's living standards, people always think of keeping some pets at home, so that they have a companion so that the home becomes less cold.

This time, some people have the idea of keeping snakes, but can snakes be bred? If it can be cooked, will it bite the owner?

Do you dare to keep a snake?

Pet snake

Usually, we have the most pets at home nothing but cats and dogs, cats and dogs are domesticated, and it is easy to identify the owner, especially dogs, the owner's smell is very sensitive, and do not see the owner for several years and will remember the owner's taste.

Some people also have pet birds, such pets are more difficult to domesticate than dogs and cats, but only a long time with them, always able to build a harmonious relationship with them.

Only a very small number of people like to keep some special pets at homes, such as turtles, snakes and even crocodiles.

high art and courage

If it is okay to keep a turtle, although the pet is a bit odd, and can not be taken out to walk, at least it does not scare people.

Snake can not be, imagine, when the owner is sleeping, suddenly from the room out of a long, cold thing, how scary ah.

Even if the snake is shut into the pet cage, in case it runs out that day what to do, think about it all makes people feel cold behind.

There are many snake bloggers on the Internet, bloggers shoot their daily routine with their pets, and put the video on the network, attracting many netizens' praise.

The white corn snake is very lovable

Some people are worried that these bloggers will not shoot one day, but the people are not, some people are also curious as, to why the bloggers keep snakes and will not attack the owner, do the snakes know the owner?

Can snakes be raised ripe?

The answer is no, some people say that day by day, as long as raised for a long time, no creature can not be raised ripe, but snakes are an exception.

First of all, the brain capacity of snakes is not large, to survive and reproduce, the only thing in the snake's brain is to eat, mating, only to eat a full meal to survive better.

In the snake's brain, it cannot accommodate a series of knowledge about intimate behavior such as emotions, and even how humans domesticate it later, it is difficult to achieve the desired effect.

A look at the brain shapes of different animals

Snakes appeared 130 million years ago, and the history of the emergence of humans is only a few million years, while the history of human domestication of animals is tens of thousands of years ago in the primitive tribal period.

In other words, if snakes can be domesticated, perhaps the ancestors would have raised these guys in the tribe.

Ancestors even gray wolves such untamed animals can be domesticated, but for this "unearthly" animal is no way.

Secondly, the snake's vision is very poor, do not look at the snake's eyes gleaming, but the snake is known for its high degree of "myopia".

The snake's eyes have no parafilm and no eyelids that can move up and down, which results in the snake's eyes being an "ornament" and not being able to blink.

When a snake molts, the cuticle of the eye is also removed, and each molt deepens the "nearsightedness" of the snake's eye.

For adult snakes, the eyes can only be used to distinguish between light and darkness, and cannot be used to see clearly in the outside world.

Nearsightedness hurts!

Many pets use their sense of sight and smell to recognize their owners, especially vision, which provides a higher level of recognition and allows pets to be more consciously intimate with their owners.

Unable to see information from the outside world, snakes naturally can only perceive the outside world through smell and hearing.

The two small holes below the snake's eyes are the snake's nostrils, which are equally ornamental and of little practical use.

The snake's use of the sense of smell is mainly through the tongue to perceive.

Molecules from the outside world stick to the snake's letter and then pass to the hoe nasal apparatus, while the olfactory nerve is connected to the brain nerve, thus creating the sense of smell.

This is amazing because the snake's tongue is very sensitive and can perceive the molecular movements of the outside world to gather relevant information.

The snake's letters are bifurcated to be able to make full contact with the molecules of the outside world and to feed the information back to the body in a more complete way.

However, the snake's sense of smell is not very discriminating and can collect very little information about the outside world. For snakes, the signals collected by the sense of smell are only necessary signals such as prey, danger, and temperature.

Therefore, the smell of humans is no different from the smell of prey to snakes, and even if people keep it for a long time, it is unlikely to develop recognition.

More snakes will consider humans as dangerous animals because of the large size of people relative to snakes, and after sensing humans, the snake's first reaction is to flee.

Slip away.

As long as you do not deliberately provoke, snakes in the wild generally will not take the initiative to attack humans, only a very few grumpy snake kings, after seeing humans will set up a posture of attack.

However, the snake's attack is a pre-shake, before each attack, there are specific actions, as long as skilled enough, even humans can avoid the snake's attack.

But it is still not recommended to try, after all, even if it is more skilled, there is always a time to miss, snakes can miss countless times, but people can only miss once.

Comprehensive view, snakes are impossible to be raised mature, those who raise pet snakes video bloggers, raising some of the snakes without toxicity, and a docile personality.

Before raising, the snake breeder will pull out the snake's teeth, even if the snake wants to bite people, but also have a heart.

Of course, if you want to raise snakes, there is a way, that is, always pay attention to the state of snake hunger, once the idea of eating, immediately feed it, and eat the snake will not attack humans.

This is a reason with the old tiger, and lion, as long as the food is full, but also allows the breeder to jerk off if you are hungry, even people with bones together.

This time many partners will have questions since the snake can not be raised ripe, why the Indians can still manipulate the snake?

Indian snake dance

Indian snake breeders

Once mentioned in India, in addition to the sacred cow, the most famous is to play snake.

Indian snake breeders can be described as world-famous, Indians with a flute, and two or three king cobras in front of them began to scratch their heads, which seems to have become the culture of India.

Many people feel very amazed, these snakes are like the piper domesticated general, very well-behaved.

Is it true that snakes are domesticated? It is not.

Snakes: I'm not that manipulative

Although snakes do not have ears, are still quite sensitive to sound, in the snake's body there is an auditory canal and inner ear, which helps them to collect the slight vibration generated by the ground.

Due to the absence of external ears and eardrums, it is impossible to pick up the sound transmitted by the piper in the air, which leads to a very embarrassing thing the snake has no idea what the piper is blowing a thing.

The piper's flute sound is more of a performance for the audience, increasing the ornamental and mysterious nature of the performance so that the audience is more willing to give their reward.

So why is the snake still so well behaved?

The piper was confusing the snake in various ways, such as pacing before playing the flute and making a tease of the snake.

Coupled with a large number of people gathered around, the signal received by the snake's letter is too much, the snake is confused, for a time does not know how to get out of the behavior, basically only frozen in place.

Smart piper to see the snake almost confused after the sound of the flute will sound, the sound is closest to the snake, and the ground objects produce the largest vibration, naturally attracting the attention of the snake.

There was a person named Beach in the world, people will Buach called the snake king because Buach had created a Guinness World Record.

Beach was locked in a box with hundreds of snakes, and after a week actually came out safely, so the title of snake king.

Beach himself said that in his previous life was a snake, now after reincarnation, but became a human.

Bauchi often with snake companionship, a lifetime of more than 400 poisonous snake bites, but all safe, so people think very amazingly.

Unfortunately, in a performance, Buach was bitten by a poisonous snake, and died on the spot, even if the person known as the king of snakes also eventually died in the mouth of the snake.

As the saying goes, if you do not die, you will not die, in the face of the snake, we should hold an attitude of reverence.


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A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

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