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What Is She Writing?

What is she writing?

By Buffie Peterson (Angelsoulbp)Published 3 years ago 9 min read

What is she writing?

There she is again, just like every day before last. I find her to be so odd, always in that knit hat. I think she has such a lack of purpose to be here. She is always alone, but I see her sit over there on that bench watching the children play. Why does she do this? She doesn’t have a child here? There are only four children here, and they are mine. Every day she sits there and will write in that little black book. What is she always writing?

What is that lady doing now? Where is she going? She is sitting near those two older men playing chess. You can tell the men are poor because they have worn out the edging of their pants and have holes in their shirts. It wouldn’t surprise me if they were homeless. The last thing they need is some odd woman staring at them all day. Again, she is writing in that little black book. What is she writing? Why is she judging those two older men? She looks like she could benefit from a good meal too. She needs to put on at least 20 pounds. I mean, her clothes don’t look new, and they look to be three sizes too big. What is she writing? Everyday writing in that little black book. What is she writing?

Now she is going over there near those teens hanging out on the basketball court. What is she going to do, judge them because they are from low-income families? She will probably write about them in her little black book. They don’t need reminding that they can’t afford name-brand clothes and shoes. She is watching them so obviously, not even trying to hide it. What, is she laughing at them? What reason could she have to sit there and laugh at those teens? Wow, there she is, writing in that little black book. I knew it. What is she writing? Every day judging us for being poor, she doesn’t look like she has money either, you know! What is she writing in that little black book? Well, I guess I better go home now. I will probably see her again tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow I’m going to ask her why she sits there and stares at us all. I am going to ask her what she is writing in that little black book of hers.

Well, that figures, that lady is not here again. All week she hasn’t been here. All I want is to find out what she is always writing in that little black book of hers. She has been here every day for the last two months, but now that I was ready to ask her about the little black book, she didn’t come. Maybe she found some other poor people to stare at and write about in the little black book. Wait, that guy walking toward me has a little black book. And I was happy that I hadn’t seen the lady with the little black book all week. Now him. What is there a little black book club or something? He seems extremely upset. Why is he coming over to me? What does he want with me?

“Are you Cara, the one with four children?” He asked.

“Yes,” I said.

“My wife asked me to find you, the two men playing chess and the two teens that sing on the basketball court. Can you help me gather them together? It is important.” He said in a quiet voice.

“Yes,” I said again.

What is going on? Why does he have the little black book? I don’t know these people, and they don’t know me. I have never even talked to any of them before. Why would they gather for me just because I ask them?

“Excuse me, gentlemen, I don’t mean to interrupt your game, but this young man wants us to gather with the teens from the basketball court. He has something to tell us.” I explained.

Okay, well, I’m surprised that they are coming with me, but these two teens will probably think I’m a crazy lady asking them to gather with us.

“Excuse me, EXCUSE ME” I yelled over their music! “I’m sorry to bother you, but that young man over there wants all of us to gather because he has something he needs to tell us all,” I said.

So, I gathered them all, now what? What could he want with us all? Finally, he is going to speak.

“My name is Paul. You probably have seen my wife here at the park every day for the past couple of months. She enjoyed sitting and watching everyone. She would also write in this little black book every day. My wife had ovarian cancer, and she died a week ago. She had asked me to come here, gather all of you and read the last entry in this little black book to all of you,” he explained. So, Paul read it to us, in his very shaken voice, only pausing for breaths.

“Saturday, August 27, 2021

There is a single mother of 4 here at the park every day. She must have two jobs because she comes here in a maid’s uniform, but I saw her a few times in the evening delivering pizza. Her name tag on her uniform says, Cara. What a pretty name. You can tell by the way she talks to her children that she is very dedicated to them. She has a lot of strength to have two jobs and be a single mother. She is showing her children to be strong, dedicated, and to have the courage to push through life. She shows them how to make any situation light by laughing and being together. She truly enjoys interacting with them. Her eyes light up every time the children laugh. YES, I see it, strength, courage, and dedication.

I like watching the children play and laugh in the jungle gym. The older two, Timmy and Tommy, are 7-year-old twin boys. They are always protecting their younger siblings. From what I gathered, Austin is five years old, and Emily is four years old. They do not have a care in the world except for today, right in the now. They are not worried about what tomorrow brings. They have no pressure from adult obligations. The children do not care who you are, what color you are, your orientation, or political stance. They are happy to play with each other, share laughs, and share their moments in life. All I see is innocence waiting to be molded, forming unconditional bonds of friendship. These children are seeing and experiencing everything for the first time. YES, I see it, innocence.

I am watching Jack and Vincent playing chess again. I do not sit here to watch the game, though; I sit here to listen to their story’s. And I would listen to them for hours if I could. They talk about a time before this one and how different it was. The loyalty these two men have for each other is unbelievable and not seen much anymore. They are lovely old gentlemen with such wisdom on life and how to overcome struggles, push through the pain, and how to enjoy what they have. They do not think twice about what they do not have. I learned through their stories that Jack and Vincent grew up together, went to war together, had families about the same time, and how both outlived their spouses. Still, together they are finishing life side by side as roommates in their apartment across from the park. YES, I see it, wisdom and loyalty.

There are a few teens that hang out on the basketball court, rapping and making music. There are two, Maria and Darius; they are so passionate about music. I want to stay all day and listen to them. Maybe stand up and applaud them. I so enjoy these teens. The creativity and joy that they feel are contagious. I cannot help but tap my feet. I can feel my soul smile so deeply that, at times, I laugh because I feel overwhelmed with joy. These two will go far in life if they keep growing their talents. They might not have much, but I heard that they had saved all their money from their after-school jobs to go to a Rap Battle of the Ages contest. I heard them say if they win, they will receive a scholarship in the Music Arts. YES, I see it, passion and creativity.

I believe that our experiences in life are not just ours to own. Every person we encounter, be it a minute, an hour, days, or even years. They become a part of our experience, and we become a part of theirs. We will speak of their life in our experience stories, and they will talk about our life in their stories. I can talk about any of my experiences in a positive way (no matter the negative experience) because it might help another person, one that maybe I did not even know was listening. We each are inspiring people, overcoming each bump in our path, eventually finding our way back each time, stronger than the last. We are watchers, listeners, speakers, lovers, writers, singers, and life living goers for each other. We do not live life alone. There are tons of people around you that you do not know, and you might need one of them to become your friend in a time of need, but also think of how many are around you that require the same thing from you. One of you needs to be the one reaching out. Why not let it be you. It starts with opening your mind and your eyes. See the life and beauty in everything around you, or you will miss it.

You might realize that you have what the other person lacks, and they might have what you are lacking. You all could benefit from each other in life. You have strength, courage, dedication, innocence, wisdom, loyalty, passion, and creativity to share. Fill in the voids of your lives through the company of each other. Lean on one another. Life’s weight isn’t so heavy when shared with others, and also, life’s rewards seem amplified when shared with others. RIDE LIFE HAPPY!

All of you helped to fill my days with happiness. I want you to know it was appreciated even though you never knew. I was happy never to have met you. You do not know me, but I know all of you. I had a small second life insurance policy, which was probably a big surprise to my husband. I hope it will help all of you a little bit in your lives.

To Cara, the single mother who showed me to keep having strength, courage, and dedication, I leave $6,000.

To Timmy, Tommy, Austin, and Emily, the children experiencing everything for the first time, who show me the purity of innocence, I leave $500 each.

To Jack and Vincent, the best friends through life, who showed me the importance of wisdom and loyalty, I leave $4,000 each.

To Maria and Darius, the talented musical teens, who showed me how to let my soul smile through their creativity and passion, I leave $2,000 each,” he finished as he gave every one of them an envelope with their name written on the front, and quickly walked away.

That little black book, why was I so afraid of it and what she was writing? That little black book that made all of us cry from its beauty. How could I have been so wrong about her and everyone else around me? I was the one judging them, and I didn’t even know it. She knew us all without even talking to us. She saw beauty in our lives. I am bonded to these people now. I am going to get a little black book and pick up where she left off. We will stick together and get to know each other. We will share our lives and fill in the voids. I will make sure of it. She even knew our names. Wait, where is her husband Paul? Where is he? I don’t see him anywhere? There he is, walking back to that truck.

“Paul, wait. Please come back tomorrow so we all can gather again and get to know each other! And what was her name?” I screamed!

He replied, “Yes, I will! Her name was Hope, and she was my life’s reward!”

By Buffie Peterson



About the Creator

Buffie Peterson (Angelsoulbp)

Free spirit. I see life in everything around me. Live with no regrets! Mistakes make us who we become. I choose letting them relate a better me. Your life today is made from your yesterdays & makes your tomorrow's. RIDE LIFE HAPPY!

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    Buffie Peterson (Angelsoulbp)Written by Buffie Peterson (Angelsoulbp)

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