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Ways To Tell That You Are A Positive Person

Being Positive Changes Your Life

By HassanPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Ways To Tell That You Are A Positive Person
Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

Being a positive person is, in many ways, similar to being a healthy person. You follow a healthy regimen, eat right, and exercise regularly. You know what you are doing is good for you, both in the short term and long term, and that feeling good about yourself as an individual is one of the best things about being positive. Like any other aspect of life that we want to improve, positivity also involves taking action, practicing new habits, and improving our thoughts. Unfortunately, we all know perpetually negative people, the ones who always have something wrong happen to them and blame others when they mess up (or even sometimes when they don't).

You look for the good in every situation.

Positive people see the good in every situation. They focus on the positive aspects of a problem and are optimistic and happy, grateful, forgiving, and tolerant.

A positive person will always tell you how great you look even if they think you don't look so great that day because they know how much it means to hear that sort of thing from someone else who cares about them. Likewise, they quickly forgive others when they do something wrong or say something insensitive because sometimes it can be hard to get through life without hurting anyone's feelings (even if it was an accident).

You don't stay mad at people.

If someone does something out of line, it's okay to be mad at them. But if you're a positive person, you don't stay that way for long. You get over it quickly and move on with your life without letting the anger control how you behave or treat others in the future. You don't hold grudges.

You express gratitude

You will be happier if you express more gratitude. Gratitude is a key to happiness. It's a tool that helps us feel more connected to others and the world around us while also creating more self-confidence and optimism, leading to greater well-being and success in all areas of life. To practice gratitude effectively, you should start by making a habit out of saying thank you as often as possible each day. Say it in person, send a thank-you note or text message, or even write an email thanking someone for something specific that happened during the day or week.

Your relationships are built on trust.

In any relationship, trust is the most critical component. But unfortunately, trust is a two-way street. If you don't trust someone, they won't trust you back. This isn't just true for romantic relationships, and it's true for all connections. When you feel like your partner doesn't have your back and would instead put their interests first, it can be hard to get along with them in the long term.

But being positive means that you're willing to take risks and try things out even if there's a chance of failure or rejection. A positive outlook on life also helps us see the bright side of difficult situations, so we approach challenges confidently rather than fear or worry (and then face them head-on).

You are forgiving and seek forgiveness.

Forgiving someone for a hurtful action releases you from the pain of that memory and allows you to move on. You may not forget what happened, but you will be able to think about it less often. Forgiveness is a key to happiness because it allows us all to move forward together rather than stay stuck in our suffering from past events.

I've been working on forgiving someone for years now, and I still haven't quite gotten there yet. But that doesn't mean that I haven't made progress! I know what forgiveness looks like, and it looks like being able to let go of my anger at this person (even though my mind still thinks about how angry I am sometimes). It allows me to feel joy instead of sadness when thinking about them or talking about them with other people who care about me, even though sometimes it feels like those two emotions are fighting each other inside my head. It also means acknowledging that this person wasn't perfect and they made mistakes just like we all do. So maybe someday soon I won't be so angry anymore? (Or maybe not.)

By Gian Cescon on Unsplash

Positive people are happier, attract more positive people, and positively impact others!

It's no secret that optimistic people are happier than their pessimistic counterparts. It makes sense; if you're constantly thinking about the best in your life, you'll likely be more content with it. And when we're happy with something, we tend to want more of the same. This is why a positive person tends to attract other positive people, and they all feed off positivity and positive vibes.

Optimistic people also impact others around them who might not have been so confident before meeting them. They can inspire others through their positivity and optimism! When someone sees a friend or colleague stay cheery despite the negative situations, they are likely inspired to be more like that person.

It is important to remember that optimistic people are happier, attract more positive people, and positively impact others. So keep it up regardless of where you are in your quest for positivity! Your life will be better because of it.

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I'm a data scientist by day and a writer by night, so you'll often find me writing about Analytics. But lately, I've been branching into other topics. I hope you enjoy reading my articles as much as I enjoy writing them.

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  • Babs Iverson2 years ago

    Outstanding!!! Subscribed and left a heart. Believe in positivity!!!💖💕

HassanWritten by Hassan

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