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Things I Learned When I Turned 21

"If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of" —Bruce Lee

By Juan DeLaRosaPublished 6 years ago 4 min read
Accredited to Matteo Catanese @matteocatanese of Unsplash

In the 21 years that I have been on this Earth, what I have come to understand is that, if there’s one thing for certain, it is that DEATH is a FACT. Time is an illusion, it’s a lot more pleasant to think in terms of hours, days, months, years… because why not? I’ll save It for later, I have time... And once under the illusion of time, we begin to PROCRASTINATE.

“I’ll do it later,” “I’ll call home tomorrow,” “I’ll visit mom and dad next week,” “I’ll start saving once I get my next check.” I’ve come to understand that there is absolutely NO POWER in intentions. There is no difference in the person that intends to do things differently and the ones who never think about it in the first place. Intention without action is an insult to those who expect the best from you.

Who Do You Want to Become?

I want to be the best version of myself. The version that I know I’m capable of becoming. All these different social elements distract me from my true purpose, they distract me from really focusing on my big picture. Doing right for my family and all the people that have sacrificed in some way or another for me to even be where I find myself today. It’s easy to get caught up in “life” and worried about things that don’t help you grow, it’s much easier to stay right where you are and never change. It’s easier to stay the SAME. But that is where danger hides, the devil is in the details. Without knowing, subconsciously I begin to create all these different excuses as to why I can’t do it and I begin to focus my attention on the problems and therefore never move energy towards a solution. Most men are a slave to their brain, to their habits, and I wish not to become such a victim. We all know what feels right and what doesn’t, and I’ve been running away from myself for some time now; not engaging in the tasks that I know will push me forward, or even having conversations that I know need to have. All out of fear. I no longer wish to be a victim of time; I don’t want to waste anymore. I don’t want to fall under the stereotype of my background or family tree. I want to be able to take care of my family financially and all money is, is a leverage for time. I don’t want money to dictate my focus.

I want to be a man, yet I’m too busy thinking like a kid.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.

-Ayn Rand

What Kind of Man Do You Want to Be?

I want to be a man my family, friends, and future kids can look up to, I want to show other people that they are also capable of achieving whatever it is that they want, I want to surround myself with people who value the same principles. Decisions today will shape your tomorrow. Perhaps I’m searching for a solace for myself… I know that if I wish to see a change in my life, the external, I must first and foremost change my internal world…. Every little thing, such as the way I see myself or the way I process information. I must believe in myself first, and that is sometimes the hardest step, because we are so unaware of our potential. There is so much resistance built within us, our habits and patterns deeply engraved into our lives.

Break Out of Your Habits, Consciousness Is Power!

Photo by Eddie Garcia on Unsplash

Kill your ego by doing things that are out of your comfort zone, things that you don’t normally engage in. My brain built resistance, producing excuses as to why I could not do it, it was rationalizing so that I could stay the same. It was a means of keeping me “safe” and comfortable. I want prove to myself more than anybody, else that I can do whatever it is I set my mind to and I can stay committed.

Stop being so concerned about yourself, and start being concerned for other people… and that’s where the change really starts to happen.

This is all about digging deep within in you and being curious about WHO you are meant to be and WHAT you want to accomplish in the unknown time you have here on this earth.

Perspective, perspective, perspective. It will shrink whatever problem you are dealing with.

What Is Important in Life?

Life is a process and most people only realize what is important in life once it’s too late.

I want to be around people that take action and not intentions. I’ve realized that no amount of money, or cars, houses or relationship will ever change how you feel internally… you can spend your entire life focused on how to make the external better, but you can never run away from yourself. You will recreate the same circumstances over and over until you make the effort to peek inside. Life is all about living in the moment, it is about living in the NOW. It is about CHOOSING to be happy, we have the power to CHOOSE. You dictate your own thoughts, emotions, friendships, circumstances, you get to CHOOSE what your PERSPECTIVE is.

Today I choose to be a man of my word, and commit. It will be difficult and I will always have excuses, but it’s during those times that I will really find out who I am.

Photo by Linh Nguyen on Unsplash

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.

-Earl Nightingale

self help

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    Juan DeLaRosaWritten by Juan DeLaRosa

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