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Stop Getting Stuck

The Truth on Why You Suck at New Year's Resolutions

By Clare FreemanPublished 7 years ago 3 min read
If all else fails, ditch the bike and quit. Well, not exactly...

Another year of failed New Year's resolutions? Are you finding the list of fix-its for 2018 surprisingly similar to this time last year? Questioning why even bother setting goals in the first place?

Then stop. Take a breath. And finally admit to yourself why you're setting yourself up to fail.

We're a clever species, us humans. Deceitful, deceptive and chronic liars. But the folk who we're worst at lying to—is ourselves.

So it's time to admit why we're hampering our own success. Brace yourself, as the truth hurts.

10 Reasons Why You Suck At New Year's Resolutions

  1. Whose voice is yelling inside you? Is it your worried mother, a school bully, a pushy colleague? And why do you care so much what they think? Question whether you're setting your own goals, or whether you're letting others dictate your life for you?
  2. Why are you focussing on the problem and not the end goal? If you sign up for that marathon, train and complete it—then what? What exactly are you doing all that hard work for exactly? Find your 'why' and 'because.'
  3. Your plan isn't SMART. In the corporate world we make business plans, those that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. If you're serious about stepping up, why aren't you planning like a pro with your pledges?
  4. You haven't written them down. And you haven't told anyone about them. Fair play, you might not want to post your current waistline measurements on Facebook or pin the fat photos to the fridge for everyone to see, but do stick your goals on a post-it by the alarm clock or toothbrush. Find a place that keeps you focused just a little bit everyday.
  5. You are using the wrong language. Or if you want to get technical about it, you're using the wrong auxiliary verbs. Aim to shoehorn a positive focus into your resolutions; I will, I do, I am. Avoid phrases such as "I will not cake everyday," or "I must not avoid the gym any more." Heard of the phrase "You are what you think?" Be nice to yourself on paper, not just in your head.
  6. You're failing to admit what will sabotage you along the way. Instead, consider the "what ifs" around your resolution and set a "what then" plan for when the inevitable happens. This is huge. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail said a wise owl once. Next to each pledge write down a "what if" and "what then" beside each one.
  7. Three is the magic number. Less is more. Keep it simple stupid... This point is pretty self explanatory. But I will say this—picture in your mind just one thing that would make your life better. If you were really to focus all your energy on the change that one thing would require, smash it, nail it, upgrade your life...why are you bothering setting more than one resolution anyway?
  8. Why do you only set goals at New Year? What if you set smaller steps to complete each quarter contributing to a bigger longer term picture? Or you went wild, and set yourself resolutions every May instead of January?
  9. You keep work goals separate from personal goals as if you were two different people. A good-rounded human being needs to improve and grow in all areas of their life. Consider both hand in hand—if you're saving for a deposit on a house, tell your boss why you want to reach for that promotion—it'll help centre your motivation, and your boss's.
  10. Do you care enough? Is yearly goal-setting just a habit? Maybe you had a really top 2017, and are happy to chill for a few months. That's OK. Instead, take time to thank those who helped you get there. Be grateful. Write down those achievements as a record somewhere. How did you do it, what did you have to overcome, what would you do differently if you did it again. Maybe even blog about it to share with others in need of inspiration?

Research by the thinktank ComRes (2015) revealed seven out of the top ten resolutions are often centered around bettering our health.

The top three won't surprise you: Lose weight, eat healthier and exercise more. Which of those is number one on your list right now? Which goal will you absolutely nail in 2018? And which resolution will still be sitting there untouched in 12 months time?

Go make 2018 work for you. Be smart. Be bold. But be focused.

I believe in you.


About the Creator

Clare Freeman

Presenter. Podcaster. Storyteller.

Helping ordinary people tell their incredible stories. @ClareFreeman_

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    Clare FreemanWritten by Clare Freeman

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