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Simply Me.

For the #200 challenge

By Tressa RosePublished 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago 8 min read
Top Story - February 2024
Picture of my youngest daughter I took one of the last times I saw her

I'll start this off by saying that if I had to choose a word for this next year on Vocal, it would be Discovery. Vocal has been my breakthrough for my writing. What I mean by that, is I have enjoyed writing since I can remember. As a child, and into my teens I loved writing poems and song lyrics, and eventually started writing fictional love stories. But then I became an adult, and that life hit me like a freight train. Writing fell on the back burner for many years, even though I still had a desire deep down to continue it. I always let life get in the way though. And then, in my early 30's I ran across the Vocal platform. A spark lit back up in me, just a small one though. Because unfortunately at the time I was stuck in an unhealthy addiction which consumed my time and energy. So I signed up for the yearly subscription, and started to write. And boy did I write, for several months in fact. But sadly a year down the road I looked at my progress, and all I had to show for it were a bunch of unfinished drafts. I was going through so much I didn't really have the ability or attention span to commit myself to what I so badly wanted to do. With that being said, and before I can talk about my goals and aspirations for this new year on Vocal, I need to give you a bit more insight into my past.

I have two amazingly beautiful daughters, they will be 14 and 16 this year. Due to my addiction, I lost them several years ago. But I went to a treatment program for 9 months, worked my ass off to become a better person, and won them back. That was one of the most fulfilling moments in my life. But I was a single mother, and life started to kick me in the face again. Long story short, I was not in the position to pay for after-school child care. And with my full-time job, my girls were at home for a bit alone after school. So besides the fact that it was already a sketchy school, some things ended up happening at home while I was still at work that made me realize I needed help. Their paternal grandparent’s at the time, were my only solution. They offered me a deal, they would take them to their city and my girls would go to school and stay there until middle school, or until I was able to afford child care. I felt like that was the best choice at the time, but it absolutely crushed me. I felt like I lost them all over again, and it didn't take long before the loneliness and heartache got the better of me, and I slipped up. I ended up getting sober again, but it was a little too late. Their grandma had never cared for me, because she wanted her son to marry an LDS woman, but instead she got me. So she was all too happy to take advantage of the situation and take custody of my girls. Don't get me wrong, there was a decent period of time where I don't blame her for doing that. I was not in the right place to be a good parent. And I'll always be grateful to her for stepping up when I couldn't. Where I struggle with it, is I've been doing well for quite a while now, but I am still not allowed to see or speak to them. It's been a couple of years since I've seen them, and those two years are not ones I'm proud of. I was stuck, lost as to where to go, because I have always identified myself as “Mother”. So without my kids I really had no purpose, nor any desire to find one. So I got stuck in a deep depression and became stagnant at moving my life forward in any direction, I was just going through the motions of getting through each day.

December, of 2022 that changed though. I left a 5 year relationship that was just dragging me down, and decided it was time to start trying to live again. Then 6 months ago, I got back on Vocal. I deleted all my half-ass drafts, and decided to finally put my voice into the world. Writing on Vocal helped me realize how much of an outlet writing is for me, it helps me process and vent in ways that I struggle to do vocally. It has helped me speak things aloud I didn't know how to voice in other ways, and has become a great coping skill for me. Part of the reason I have relapsed in the past, was from having too much stuffed deep inside myself, and it eventually would become overwhelming to the point that I just needed it to go away. And seeing as I was raised with the belief that we don't express our problems or feelings, I did not have the healthy coping tools I needed to get through life in a healthy way. I took the direction I knew. But things are different now, and I finally feel confident in my ability to manage my life and its circumstances without having to numb myself out. In fact, I've learned to embrace the struggles and pains in life, and instead use them as lessons to grow into a better version of myself every day. So writing on Vocal has become a big part of my life that I use anytime I need to let something out.

I recently had some lab tests run by my doctor, and the results showed that I am in the third stage of Chronic kidney disease. I have Cystinuria, which has caused me to pass over 200 kidney stones in my life, and because of that I have had over 20 surgeries for them. I was warned years ago by my urologist that I may someday have to be put on the transplant list. So in a way, I expected something like this to happen. Just not at 34 years old. It really put some things into perspective for me, and made me realize just how much I've taken time and life for granted. So this year I really am going to spend as much time writing on Vocal as I can, really diving into myself and figuring some shit out. Exploring who I am as a person, and trying to make a name for myself that people will remember. I want to evoke emotion from people, and create pieces that make them really feel it inside. I want to make them question things and see different perspectives. I want to make a lasting impression, so that eventually when I am gone, people are still coming back to read my work.

So how does this year on Vocal play into all of this? Well I plan to use the platform to start to build myself another identity besides "Mother”. Until my kids are old enough to decide for themselves if I am worthy enough to be in their life, I need to start focusing on myself and who I want to be as a person. And especially who I want them to be introduced to, if they do choose to be a part of my life again. And “Writer” has always appealed to me, plus has always been a dream of mine. I have two books in mind that I plan to start writing this year. A personal one, dedicated to my daughter's, and a fiction piece that I've had an idea about for the last couple of years. So my plan is to use Vocal to really practice and hone in on my writing skills, to find where I thrive, and find where there can be improvement. I have not yet won a challenge, but I have not expected to either, as I know I still have a lot to learn. But I have made top story a handful of times, and those moments I cherish, because it shows me I'm on the right track. It has helped me with the motivation to keep going, and not give up in pursuing this dream of being a successful writer. I have made it a goal to win, or at least place in at least one Vocal challenge this year, I don't know if I will enter every one, but at least the ones that feel right, and I will give it my all. Even if I don’t end up winning, I won't take it to heart, or let it discredit my work. Because there are so many other amazing writers that enter, so it would be irrational to take it personally. I am still going to make the effort though!

I'm so grateful to the Vocal community, and how much support I have received from so many people on here. Building positive connections is something I've greatly needed in my life. And Vocal has been a great start. I love reading other people's work on here, there are so many amazing and inspirational writers. They also motivate me to continue to write, and strive to push my creative limits. I don't have any pledges yet, but I would like to change that this year by really giving it my all, and giving my readers a reason to want to pledge.

I've written a couple pieces called “Letters to my daughter's.” I plan on continuing those letters, as they will be pieces included in the book I'm writing for them. This is a place that I find to be a safe space to express them, while also perfecting them for the book.

As far as my impact on Vocal, I want to make a big impression. I have had a very challenging life, and made some questionable choices. Many people I have known from a young age have made comments about how I was set up for failure. I want to be open and write about those experiences, because I know I'm not alone. I want to share my experiences for people to know that making mistakes is part of the human condition. And that if you have failed in the past, that changing course and finding a better, happier path in life is still a possibility. It's never too late to fight to be something better. I'm making a choice to break the mold of generational cycles that have run through my family for a long time. Along with breaking out of old programming that was forced upon me since I was a young child. I'm choosing that no matter what the outcome of my future is, that I will have made the most of whatever time I do have left in my life. That I will be able to take my last breath with a smile, and a huge amount of love and pride.

Thank you all once again, for all your support. It truly means the world to me.

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About the Creator

Tressa Rose

On a serious self-discovering, soul-searching journey. Breaking myself out of a stagnant shell and reaching out for my dream of being a writer. Small steps but this is my start! Please help me by commenting your feedback, I'd be grateful!

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  5. Compelling and original writing

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Comments (27)

  • DrStem 2 months ago

    Thank you for your openness and heartfelt story telling. Your story is very impactful inspiring and encouraging. I would love it if you are interested in writing a chapter as a co author in our next anthology book Bounce Back - Dreams to reality Faith over fear . I think your story will inspire and encourage many around the world. I would also like to interview you on my show The DrStem Show and podcast which is seen on YouTube . I enjoyed your writing. Best regards [email protected]

  • Excellent and Deserved Top Story, We are featuring this in the Vocal Social Society Community Adventure on Facebook and would love for you to join us there

  • Esala Gunathilake3 months ago

    Congrats on the top story.

  • ROCK 3 months ago

    Not sue how I missed your introduction, or re-introduction to The Vocal. I want to firstly acknowledge how your brutal honesty will always be in your favor in the long run. Our lives can twist and turn with us at the helm or while fast asleep so in my humble life experience, don't let blame or other's judgements build your character for you. I feel you expressed sheer internal drive, sincere emotion and I hope for what it's worth your daughter's find themselves not only reading your heartfelt letters but also rediscovering a relationship in real time with you soon. Congratulations on Top Story and I am newly subscribed. Peace to you!

  • Anna 4 months ago

    Congrats on Top Story!🥳

  • Dasani Jones5 months ago

    I feel like we can all relate to my latest poem❤️‍🔥

  • Carol Townend5 months ago

    I've been through similar times, and I have written about my pain and feelings, too. You have my support. I've met some great people who have supported my writing and mental health journey. I grew my confidence as a writer on this platform. I wish you the best of luck, and I look forward to reading your stories.

  • L.C. Schäfer5 months ago

    Even if you're not in a good place at a given moment, it seems like with this mindset you have, you are on the right track to get there. Psst! I don't think anyone has any pledges! 🤣

  • Novel Allen5 months ago

    Sending prayers and wishes for strength and guidance for you as you journey forward Tressa, It takes courage and perseverance to overcome our obstacles. Be strong and of great cheer, blessings and hugs to you. Congrats on TS.

  • Hannah Moore5 months ago

    I can really hear you finding pride in who you are here Tressa, and that is a beautiful thing.

  • Back to say congratulations on your Top Story! 🎉💖🎊🎉💖🎊

  • JBaz5 months ago

    I do not know you, but I will say, you are stronger than you give yourself credit for. This was an open and touching piece, that drew me into your world. All the best to you and the future. Cheers

  • Cathy holmes5 months ago

    Thank you for being so open and honest. I wish you nothing but happiness and success in life, and in your writing. Good luck in the challenge and congrats on the TS.

  • Test5 months ago

    Marvelous work! Keep it going—congrats!

  • Paul Stewart5 months ago

    Back to say, congrats on a thoroughly-well-deserved Top Story!

  • Dasani Jones5 months ago

    Tressa, don’t listen to any mean comments! Those people are just dick heads with their heads shoved so far up their asses that they cant see shit and take it out on other people. You are an amazing person! Stay strong! Im here if you need me!

  • Joe Doumont5 months ago

    This. Is. Hilarious… you lie to all these people about how you’re a good person, and how you want to improve… but you know what you are, the monster that you hide is one that should not be unpunished… you deserve a fate worse than death. A mother should be a mother, not a monstrous creature that exploits her children like that… you KNOW what you are…

  • Addison M5 months ago

    That's quite the list of challenges you've overcome. You should be proud. I'm glad writing is helping you determine a wider identity and I wish you all the best for writing this year and beyond! Sorry to hear about the physical challenges, it adds weight to how positive you remain as anybody can be positive when times are good, it takes reliance to strive when they aren't. Best of luck in health and winning a challenge this year!

  • Dasani Jones5 months ago

    I got one published, but it’s not the one i wanted at first😭. But i still got one published!!!🥳🥳🥳

  • Dasani Jones5 months ago

    Im not known to be very religious, but i heard this story recently. So a man heard the stories of Jesus walking with us in the sand. The man looks down at his beach and sees two sets of footprints, but as he continues further on in his life, he notices that in his moments when he was at his most weakness, there was only one set of footprints. The man turns to Jesus and says, “Why is it that when i was in my hardest moments of struggle, you weren’t there for me” Jesus turns to him and reply’s, “It was then, in ur hardest moments of struggle, when you could walk no further, that i carried you.”

  • With great struggles comes great wisdom, if you are willing to see it. I read once that when a dish is broken in Japan, they aggrandize the crack or chip with gold to give it added beauty. Broken to become beautiful. I love that concept, and it is true with our lives as well. Our scars make us who we are. It is up to us whether we want to be bitter about our circumstances or better because of them. You have chosen the latter, and I have full confidence you can and will come out on top. Tressa Rose, your experiences give you a special ability to write about topics that touch others, and I love this journey you are on! You have charted your course, now just take that path one small step at a time. We will be here to cheer you on and enjoy your victories!

  • Dasani Jones5 months ago

    I’m making a story that I just sent in. I really think you should read it when it comes out. Read it carefully❤️

  • Dasani Jones5 months ago

    I’m so sorry. That must’ve been so hard.🥺

  • I'm so sorry for everything that has happened with you and your daughters and your kidney disease 🥺 Sending you lots of love and hugs ❤️ I wish you all the best for your goals and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you to win a challenge!

  • Paul Stewart5 months ago

    Well. Was just about to start work and saw this, clicked on it and saw it was for 200 and my life, you're quietly inspirational and such a strong person from what I've read and been writing. And your writing talents are there...I am sorry life has been the uphill battle it as been for so long...from an addiction point of view...I know that all too well...different vices...but same beast really...and while I don't have quite the same experience...I know what it's like fighting against that desire...that usually surfaces when we are at our lowest point. So good on you for getting better and keeping up the fight. It's not about the fall, as you's about what you do next. Sorry from a health point as well. I applaud your bravery in this piece, your brutal honesty and the resolve you have Tressa! I hope 2024 is a good year for you and wish you well in the've got my vote! :) (I do know that means diddly squat lol...but, if I could vote for you to win, I'd likely do it)

Tressa RoseWritten by Tressa Rose

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