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Seize the day: You are gonna die

Embracing the Power of Now to Create a Life of Happiness

By Angelin RamsPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Listen up, folks. I want to share with you the most motivational statement you'll ever hear: "You're gonna die." Now, before you start panicking, let me explain. I'm not here to scare you; I'm here to give you a reality check. We only get one shot at this thing called life, so why waste it on complaints and regrets? It's time to take action and pursue what truly makes us happy.

I urge you to be honest with yourself and evaluate if your current actions are leading you towards success. I'm not just talking about success in your career, but success in life as a whole. When you find happiness in life, you'll realize that how you make your money is far more important than the amount you make.

Let me share a valuable lesson I learned in my early 20s. I had the privilege of spending time with people in their 90s, whether through my travels or while working in the wine industry. I would ask them about their lives, and do you know what they all said? "I wish." They wished they had worked harder, spent more time with loved ones, or followed their own dreams instead of conforming to others' expectations. Their regrets echoed through my mind.

Here's the lesson I took away from those encounters: There's no better time to act than now. If you're in your early 20s, listen up. This is your moment, your golden opportunity. Don't be practical and focus solely on maximizing your income or acquiring material possessions. This is the time to go after the life you truly desire. Travel the world with your friends, pursue your passion for music by starting a band, or build your network while living in a cramped apartment with eight other people. With minimal life commitments, this is your window to take a chance on the life you want.

But even if you're in your 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond, it's never too late to find happiness. If you want it badly enough, you can make it happen. Don't settle for retirement and golf; instead, triple down on what truly fulfills you. We live in an era of endless opportunities, thanks to the Internet. It has opened up countless avenues for us to pursue our passions and dreams.

Let's face it: We all have an expiration date. None of us are getting out of this alive. But the good news is, no matter your age, you still have time to make yourself happy. We have more opportunities at our fingertips than ever before to create the life we truly desire.

I felt compelled to write this because I've noticed a troubling trend over the past few years. People have a tendency to pass up opportunities, thinking they can always come back to them later. They live their lives as if time is infinite. But we all know that's far from the truth.

If I can inspire just one person to change their behavior, have that important conversation, or take that leap of faith, then writing this will have been worthwhile. At the end of the day, we only have one shot at this. So let the reminder of "You're gonna die" motivate you each morning to seize the day, pursue your dreams, and find true happiness. Don't let regret poison your existence. It's time to stop making excuses and start making yourself happy.

So, as you wake up each morning, let the phrase "You're gonna die" serve as a rallying cry, a call to action. Embrace the urgency and embrace the truth that life is finite. Take charge of your destiny, make no more excuses, and start making yourself truly happy. This is your one chance, your one life. Embrace it fully and make it count.

In the end, may we all look back with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, knowing that we lived our lives to the fullest, pursuing our passions, and embracing the moments that brought us joy.

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    ARWritten by Angelin Rams

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