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Sacrifices for Success: Some Ways to Escape Poverty

Adopting a Growth Mindset

By Joseph Villarito CanetePublished 2 days ago 3 min read
Sacrifices for Success: Some Ways to Escape Poverty
Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

Imagine standing on the street and asking people about their biggest wish. Most would probably say they want to be rich. But if you ask them how they plan to achieve that, many wouldn't have a clear answer. Being rich means different things to different people—some just want enough to afford daily meals, while others dream of having lots of money, cars, assets, and the ability to vacation anytime. No matter your definition of wealth, if you're watching this video, you likely want to improve your financial situation.

Here's the main takeaway: to achieve something you've never achieved before, you need to do things you've never done before. Stepping out of your comfort zone is crucial. You've probably heard this advice many times, but what you need are practical tips, not just philosophical ideas. This video provides six specific sacrifices you can make to escape poverty and start building wealth.

1. Sacrifice Your Comfort Zone: According to Carol Dweck's book "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success," success isn't just about natural ability; it's about believing that your abilities can grow. This means changing how you see the world and yourself. People who are rich and poor often think differently. For example, my dad used to say the rich are never happy because they have so much money. He believed he was happier because he was poor. Sadly, this belief held him back despite his hard work, and we often struggled financially. Psychology shows that your mindset about money plays a big role in your financial success—80% of it, in fact. The first step out of poverty is to aim for change and shed negative beliefs and attitudes associated with poverty.

2. Change Your Environment: If your dream business can't thrive where you currently live, consider moving to a place where it can. Surround yourself with people who encourage and support your goals, even if it means leaving behind old friends or family members who hold you back. These changes won't be easy and will push you out of your comfort zone, but they will be worth it.

3. Sacrifice Your Free Time: The saying "time is money" holds true. Successful people manage their time well and are highly productive. If you work from 9 to 5, think about how you spend the rest of your day. Do you relax and watch Netflix, or do you spend a few hours learning a new skill or working on a side project that could bring in passive income? The choices you make today, no matter how small, can propel you toward the future you desire.

4. Sacrifice Mediocrity: Hard work is essential, and many people swear by early morning routines like the 5 a.m. Club advocated by Robin Sharma. While waking up early can kickstart your day, success isn't guaranteed by merely working long hours. What matters is working smart. Focus on tasks that yield the highest returns and avoid activities that don't contribute significantly to your goals.

5. Sacrifice Self-Gratification: Unless you win the lottery or inherit a fortune, accumulating wealth requires careful planning and strategy. One short-term sacrifice is cutting back on indulgences—like nights out or shopping trips. Saving money is crucial, but it's not enough. Learn to invest wisely using the wealth of information available through books, online resources, and courses. It requires discipline, but the financial stability and security you'll gain will be worth it.

6. Sacrifice Your Emotions: We often crave approval and worry about what others think of our decisions. However, focusing on the outcomes of your decisions rather than seeking approval is essential. For instance, you might hesitate to sell your car because of what people will think, but selling it could provide funds for a business that leads to greater success. Don't let emotions cloud your judgment when it comes to your financial future.

7. Sacrifice Your School Certificates: Your success isn't determined solely by academic credentials. For example, my friend became a mechanical engineer but faced rejection after rejection. Eventually, she opened a successful restaurant. Your worth isn't confined to what's written on a piece of paper. Be willing to explore unconventional paths to success and look for opportunities everywhere.

No one wants to be poor, but not many are willing to put in the work to get out of it. The journey out of poverty is challenging and uncomfortable, but if you succeed, you'll be grateful for the sacrifices you made. Congratulations on choosing to change your situation. Now it's time to put in the work and make tough sacrifices to escape poverty. I hope you find value in this article. If you learn something, share this article with your friends and family—it could be life-changing for them too.

successself helphow tohappinessgoalsadvice

About the Creator

Joseph Villarito Canete

I am the architect of my imagination, constructing worlds with mere words and sculpting the human experience through the artful manipulation of language.

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    Joseph Villarito CaneteWritten by Joseph Villarito Canete

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