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Resolutions to Sleeping Better

Guiding the Sleepless

By Adair SigurdsonPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read
Resolutions to Sleeping Better
Photo by Henrik Dønnestad on Unsplash

I have always had trouble sleeping. It began just after puberty for me and, after the long quest it took to be diagnosed, I finally identified as a person who suffers from Bi Polar type 2 disorder. This was a breakthrough for me because not only was I going to begin treatment but it was going to be a major overhaul of my general day to day life. One of those journeys was learning to sleep wiser. I will share some of the useful tools that worked for me in my kit. I also recommend having some actual tools at hand including but not limited to a power drill, stud finder as well as Hex keys and screwdrivers. It all depends on what applies to your living situation and what your means are, because we all deserve a great sleep even if we live on a fixed income.

1. Your bedroom for all intensive purposes should strictly be used for only the following; Meditation, Sex, and SLEEPING. Setting clear boundaries conditions your brain to associate your bedroom to only those listed above. Doing just this will actually make you feel more tired when you hit the sheets.

2. Electronic devices such as cell phones are a major cause of sleep disturbances. Those who reported baseline usage in studies showed it can contribute to depression and sleep disorders later on in life with symptoms even showing up just after a year. Cell phone screens emit a blue-wavelength which suppresses the production of Melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone we produce to tell our brain and body it’s tired. Sure, there are some devices you can put on night mode but the point is to get off your phone. If you use it for an alarm clock, I suggest buying a traditional clock otherwise you’ll slip back into bad habits. An addendum to the rule are televisions. If you don't need it then good, but many people do watch porn and sex no matter what kind is fine. The only suggestion I would have is to have it mounted to a wall, or have a unit that has cabinet type doors. Out of sight, out of mind.

3. The next and incredibly vital part if you were to take anything away from this is CLEAN UP. The National Sleep Foundation has even proved that de-cluttering and cleaning up your space does help. If you need clarity on this subject I will provide a few suggestions. Laundry should be sorted and then put in designated areas, change and wash your bed linen every 1 to 2 weeks, vacuum or sweep/mop, and dust. Dust and allergies can effect the quality of your sleep. Most people I find have excess furniture in their bedrooms and use them to pile stuff on. If this is you I'd highly recommend figuring out a storage solution, whether its an under the bed, or a bench at the end of your bed with storage bins or clear bins in a closet or wardrobe. However before deciding to invest in more furniture I highly recommend purging because we all accumulate items over time, so consider consigning and donating your items. Everything in your space should not just have a place but a purpose. If you need visual inspiration many stores have catalogues or room layouts that can help. There are even some applications on the Apple Store or Google Play Store that can scan your space if you want to get high tech.

4. This tip is pretty general but many think it's over rated. Sticking to a sleep schedule. Going to bed at the same time every night is not exactly ideal, but highly suggested. Even more important is getting up at the same time everyday. Resisting the snooze can make a world of difference, not only will you feel like you accomplished a goal but for mental health purposes if you feel like you did nothing that day, you at least got out of bed. Adding to this is making your bed, which takes no time at all and can also make you feel like you accomplished something. This general sleep schedule also applies to people who work nights, it is a lot harder and the whole point of this is to make sure that you have time for YOU. One recommendation is blinds and blackout curtains used in conjunction. I have both in my bedroom and noticed a huge difference.

5. Paint your walls. A fun suggestion for couples or anyone who has a bit of time to spare. Blue, to me is calming and soothing probably because of some science that backs this up. When the color hits our retinas, receptors called Ganglion cells take information from our surroundings and turns it into chemical signals that transmit to the Hypothalamus, which if you didn't know was part of producing hormones such as Melatonin. The hormone I mentioned earlier that influences sleep. It also emits Cortisol, which is a stress hormone that keeps you alert. I suggested blue only based on personal experience, painting isn't for everyone but if you have the means and think it could help then do it.

6. I'm not on here to criticize anyone and I don't like throwing out the word diet but that and exercise will help. It's also been proven in the scientific community, so don't just take my word for it. Talk to your physician about possible changes you want to make to live a healthier lifestyle. Remember this is a journey, not a walk in the park.

7. Pillows and mattresses are so complicated now. Way too many choices, way too many vendors. To help you with this let me ask a few questions; What size? Spring, foam, or combo? Next, how do you plan to get it to your place? Do you need a box spring? Do you need a bed frame? These are all things you need to consider before spending anything. One tip I recommend if you buy memory foam is to get one that has a cooling gel topper otherwise they can get really hot. There are so many combinations now that almost anything you want is possible, you just may have to shop around. A quick Google search is great for comparing and finding what you need, with the pandemic everything is online now. Pillows are a little different, I have a few different choices based on what position I'm sleeping. I mentioned sheets quickly, but if you can't afford or don't need a new mattress then invest in a new set. Sheets are a personal preference and for me I have only been buying from IKEA and recently H&M Home. I like the cotton based ones and that works for me.

After all the advice I've shared with you for a better sleep the last piece is to not be afraid to ask for help from your family physician or nurse practitioner. Make them aware you are having trouble sleeping or if you're still tired during the day. Most times they will refer you to have a sleep study done. Mainly because sleep apnea is a huge problem among many people and can eventually lead to serious health complications if not treated. Think of it as a form of preventative medicine. Personally speaking doctors don't generally prescribe sleeping medications unless you've had a diagnosis that requires some assistance. Bear in mind they are not only highly addictive but can be lethal when used inappropriately. Getting a good sleep is extremely beneficial to your health and well being. Everything has to mesh together for you and it might seem overwhelming at first, but making little changes goes a long way. It is hard to make a resolution to sleep better when you don't have all the tools or an idea of where to start. Most resolutions end up in the trash because there is no clarity or steps that you should take. There's so much planning and detail that goes into the actual resolution of sleeping better, and it takes commitment. Take one piece of advice and run with it. See where it takes you, my only hope is that it takes you to the sweetest of dreams. Good Night.


About the Creator

Adair Sigurdson

Adair is currently working on the Manifestation Diaries, a fictional short story series with more poetry to come. Stay tuned!

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    Adair SigurdsonWritten by Adair Sigurdson

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