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No one new i was a famous singer 🎼🎤🎻

Short true story 🥰❤️

By Samya MohammedPublished about a year ago 14 min read
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One night , i escaped with my

boyfriend theo to go to the biggest

island party ever but when he pulled

over to a helicopter pad my excitement

turned to panic i thought we were gonna

use a yacht you know i have a phobia of

heights right it's a five-minute ride

you're just being melodramatic get over

it get over it

enjoy the party without this drama queen

then babe come on i didn't mean it i'm

sorry i just ignored him and stormed off

as i walked back to the city i noticed a

person in a hooded jacket following me i

grabbed my stiletto and yelled at him

why are you hiding dude are you scared

don't worry i don't bite to my surprise

he just threw a magazine at me and ran

away what the chocolate fudge i picked

it up and realized that it was my

magazine with a death threat drawn all

over my face unfortunately for him i was

fearless the threats kept coming over

the weekend my parents had always wanted

to hire a bodyguard for me but i didn't

want some boring old guy to keep

following me around but this time they

wouldn't take no for an answer when i

finally saw my bodyguard i almost passed

out he was the most exquisite specimen

of a man i had ever seen and he looked

just a few years older than me hey

handsome are you sure you're a bodyguard

and not my next boyfriend to my surprise

he didn't smile a bit rude you look too

young for this job how can i trust you

suddenly a ball from our neighbor came

hurling right at me and he instantly

caught it with one hand trust me i'm

really good at my job you can check my

records your father has everything you

need yeah okay whatever let's go he

opened the car door for me and as i

slipped in i accidentally brushed my

shoulder on his chest and oh my it felt

harder than a rock when we arrived at

school theo didn't look so happy to see

me with my young bodyguard he pulled me

aside and said look babe i know i

insulted you the other night but getting

back at me by flirting with another guy

how could you he's my freaking bodyguard

i'm still mad at you for what you did

and now you're accusing me of cheating

suddenly damon stepped in is there a

problem here stay out of this man theo

tried to push him aside but damon

pounced on him and pinned him to the

ground what the heck are you doing let

go of me idiot hey stop it damon finally

released my boyfriend after a minute as

expected theo went psycho i immediately

blocked him before he got his butt

kicked by damon that's enough theo he's

just doing his job why do you need a

bodyguard when you have me i'm your

boyfriend i'll protect you a small

spider suddenly landed on his shoulder

and he ran screaming protect my butt as

i walked down the hall with damon girls

were literally drooling all over him he

looks more like a model than a bodyguard

he can be the father of my children he's

way more attractive than theo i really

want to feel his biceps these girls

sounded so desperate but they were right

when i reached our classroom my best

friend tessa came up to me with my

favorite coffee hey girl so i brought

you your damon suddenly snatched it and

started sniffing it he then took a sip

and waited for a few seconds before

saying clear as he gave it back to me

tessa was glaring at him excuse me did

you really think that i'll poison my

best friend just doing my job tessa then

dragged me to a corner so you're giving

up your privacy just like that i can see

that he's very attractive but something

about him screams bad news he even

sounds like a demon you have to get rid

of him asap oh come on girl it's just

his first day let's see but tessa was

right i didn't have a second of privacy

damon followed me around every freaking

second he stood behind me in all of my

classes and even in restrooms it was so

awkward at home he'd just stand outside

my door and i never saw him sleep and

worse he had this permanent ice-cold

expression on his face that gave me

chills i had a recording event one night

and when i reached the studio a guy came

rushing toward me he was about to draw

out something from his back pocket when

suddenly damon grabbed his arm and

twisted it drop your weapon

what i just wanted an autograph from her

man damon let go of the poor guy and it

was so embarrassing what's the matter

with you i'm a popular singer so you

have to get used to my fans just doing

my job calm down sasha calm down the

next day at school theo kept following

me around to apologize but i still

ignored him until he said my producer

cousin is throwing an exclusive yacht

party with some a-listers this weekend

she's a fan of yours and she'd be

ecstatic if you came he had my attention

now parties were my weakness

not so fast sweetheart hang out with me

tomorrow okay

fine theo requested not to bring damon

to our date tomorrow so i talked to him

in private my job is not to leave your

side for a minute so sorry can't do he

was so firm about this so i finally gave

up and let him come with us we went to a

private movie theater and watched a

super sad movie together minutes into

the movie theo and i were already crying

our hearts out while damon had no


at all what was he a robot after the

movie we went to a fancy restaurant and

i was having a good time with the

lobster until theo started forcing

himself on me just one kiss babe come on

not now theo we're in a public place and

people are staring but he was persistent

just then damon grabbed him and threw

him away like a piece of paper theo was

furious he grabbed a chair but before he

could hit damon with it i pushed him

away stop it right now your stupid

bodyguard started it why don't you tell

him to get a life and go home to his

mommy no theo you go home i immediately

called him a cab and when he was finally

gone i turned to damon angrily i know he

was being a jerk but i can handle my

personal life you don't have to

interfere every freaking second he was

disrespecting your personal space your

job is to keep me safe not to meddle in

my personal matters know your boundaries

apologies it will never happen again i

actually didn't mind that theo got the

thrashing he deserved but damon always

being around was just getting on my

nerves a few days later at a concert i

was performing my newest single and

everyone was singing along with me it

felt amazing some of them even started

climbing up on the stage to join me

suddenly damon jumped in and pushed them

off stage what in the world he then

lifted me and carried me to the

backstage in the middle of my freaking

performance i finally had enough my

parents are paying you to protect me not

to annoy me and screw up my concerts

your life is in danger ma'am you have to

treat everyone as an enemy that is

ridiculous whoever sends those stupid

threats is probably just some harmless

loser better to be safe than sorry i

complained to my parents about his

behavior but they praised him for it but

he's ruining my career and even my

personal life he's just doing his job

honey and that's to make sure you're

safe all the time they were hopeless

cases so i resorted to tessa instead and

she came up with a plan test his

patience annoy him do everything you can

to make him quit you're good at that you

gorgeous brat i love the sound of it

girl you're the best of course i am i

stayed up at 4am that night to disturb

damon in the sleep but to my surprise he

was already up i need you to get my

favorite starbucks coffee that's not

part of my job description do it or i'll

make your job harder fine what's your


one i spent caramel macchiato with six

shots of mocha one quarter not that milk

one eighth almond milk with medium

whipped cream and a caramel drizzle with

a rose design on top in a biodegradable

tickle cup with a pink straw got it

what i was just messing with him but to

my surprise he immediately left and holy

mother of toads he came back with my

exact order how anything else

that that's all for now later that day i

went to the mall and went on a crazy

shopping spree making him carry all my

bags to tire him out but he was like a

machine i entered a clothing store and

as i tried on all the prettiest clothes

i kept asking for his opinion but he

wasn't paying attention hello

aren't you gonna give me a compliment or

something giving an opinion about your

outfits is not part of my job ma'am any

normal guy would have been drooling at

me by now he must be a cyborg to get

back at him i faked a sprain and forced

him to carry me on his back but he was

still as strong as a freaking tank

finally giving up i went to the bathroom

with everything i'd bought and escaped

through the window after making sure

that i'd lost him i went to an orphanage

and gave out all the clothes to the kids

while i was having fun with them tessa

sent me some pictures of theo kissing a

blonde girl in a restaurant at this

point i didn't even care theo was trash

i immediately sent him a message and

told him that we were done he was the

worst boyfriend anyway he started

calling me immediately so i just blocked

him problem solved later i went to a

local club to celebrate my breakup and

while i was dancing my heart out i was

shocked to see someone watching me from

the bar damon of course he tracked me

down a cute guy tried to dance with me

and suddenly damon came and pushed him

away hey listen buddy i'm sick of this

if you're gonna keep scaring all the

other guys away you dance with me i

don't mix business with pleasure dance

with me or go sit quietly in a corner

while i find someone before i could poke

the guy next to me damon suddenly

grabbed my hand to dance just then the

song shifted to a slow romantic one and

he pulled me in closer by the waist it's

not so bad is it if you say so ma'am you

can say my name you know if you say so

sasha he had the faintest smile on his

face and my heart skipped a beat we slow

danced as he looked deep into my eyes

and suddenly his face was so close to

mine just then he pulled away from me

like he'd had an electric shock we we

need to go home but it's still early

safety reasons ugh he was so annoying

when we got home i saw a box sitting on

my bed and when i opened it lots of rats

jumped out and started running all over

the room damon saw a little note inside

and for the first time ever it scared me

for real someone broke into your room

this person means business we have to be

more careful ma'am he suggested that i

shouldn't go to school for the next few

days for safety and i agreed one night

my manager called and reminded me of my

concert in paris the next day it was my

biggest one yet and i had to go i don't

think you should be making public

appearances till we find out who's

trying to hurt you no i'm not gonna let

some creep scare me and make me decide

what i should do this was planned in

advance and all the tickets are sold and

i'm not canceling damon was forced to

allow me but on one condition we had to

share a hotel room so he could keep a

constant eye on me when we were finally

in paris i rehearsed my songs all night

while he was constantly looking out the

window the next morning i found him

still asleep on the couch when something

on the floor caught my attention a

picture of a beautiful girl in his

wallet she looked around my age i

quickly put the wallet away feeling

something weird was i jealous

no of course not why would i care if he

had a girlfriend hours before the

concert while my makeup team was working

on me damon suddenly snatched me away

can't you just postpone this it's too

dangerous i told you i can't please

sasha just listen to me i care about you

you know oh do you i thought i was your

only client just do your job which is to

keep me alive and let me do my job which

is to entertain people and actually i

prefer it when you call me ma'am you got

me loud and clear ma'am during my

concert i tried not to think of damon

and the death threats and it was going

so well in the middle of my performance

i saw damon in the crowd and he was

smiling at me he looked so lovely now

snap out of it sasha he has a girlfriend

while i was singing my fourth song i

suddenly spotted a hooded figure in the

crowd and he was aiming something at me

no no no i froze in panic but just then

a strong pair of arms grabbed me and

carried me off the stage and i looked up

to see damon's tense face stay here

don't move he returned a few minutes

later saying he'd lost the hooded figure

i was still shaking in fear and he

gently picked me up and we returned to

the hotel he tucked me into bed and sat

on a chair close by i closed my eyes and

tried to sleep feeling safe as he

watched over me sometime later i felt

him fixing my blanket and gently

caressing my cheek as he left why did he

do that and why was it giving me a heart

attack when i woke up the next morning i

peeked into the kitchen and smiled when

i saw him dancing while cooking our

breakfast it was the first time i saw

him looking so

human i felt shy when he turned to me i

didn't have any makeup on that's the

first time i've seen you without makeup

and you look even more beautiful than

usual is complimenting me part of your

job now maybe i knew it no one can ever

resist my charms not even my emotionless

bodyguard i wonder what your girlfriend

would say about this i assume you're

talking about the picture of the girl in

my wallet gosh was he actually awake

that time he revealed that it was his

sister and they grew up in the orphanage

together he lost her because he'd failed

to protect her and that's why he became

a bodyguard she'd always wanted to go to

paris and go up the eiffel tower i

suddenly felt brave let's go there then

for her after what happened yesterday

there's no way i'm allowing you to go

anywhere also i know from your file that

you're afraid of heights i'm not scared

when i have you around i'll be fine i

promise he finally agreed but later as

we were climbing onto the escalator at

the eiffel tower he must have noticed i

was nervous are you sure about this we

can just go back you know no i can do

this when we reach the top i squealed

and covered my eyes you made it to the

top you have to see this view now i i

don't know if i can how about you take a

look and we'll go down but i don't want

you to miss this sasha i've got you do

you trust me

yes yes i do okay then open your eyes

when i say so i kept my eyes shut as he

led me forward and then suddenly i felt

his arms wrap around my waist now i

opened my eyes and i gasped i was so

close to the edge and the whole

glittering city was in front of me and

i'd never felt safer in my life damon

yes have you ever fallen for a client my

smile instantly faded at his answer no

it would never happen i can't do my job

well if i'm emotionally involved so it

was just me he was feeling this he was

just being nice to his client after a

week i had to go back to school for the

final exams i looked for tessa so we

could study together in the library but

i couldn't find her i sat down to study

alone and let damon stand by the door so

i could focus minutes later he barged in

and yelled sasha look out to my horror

the huge bookshelf behind me began to

fall on me but damon left forward and

pushed me out of harm's way and it fell

on him he was in the hospital for a week

and despite my parents protests that i

needed to stay safe at home i insisted

on visiting him every day one day while

i was in the waiting area tessa came to

see me with my favorite coffee but

before i could take a sip a hand

suddenly slapped the cup away we turned

to see damon and a cop beside him who

suddenly put handcuffs on tessa what are

you doing you damon

what's happening suddenly he revealed

something that blew my mind tessa was

the one who'd pushed the bookshelf on me

i'd been keeping an eye on her and

studying her that day i saw her enter

the library from the back door and i

knew she was up to no good i'm sure your

coffee is poison too my best friend was

trying to hurt me tessa why and suddenly

tessa turned into a monster because i

hate you you have everything i've ever

wanted beauty talent fame wealth theo

life is so unfair it would have gotten

rid of you already if your stupid

bodyguard wasn't such a pain she

screamed as the cop dragged her away and

i was left speechless damon then pulled

me into a hug are you okay i'll be fine

how are you i'm okay but i can't be your

bodyguard anymore sasha i just can't

fight my feelings for you anymore and

it's wrong if i fire you right now will

you be my boyfriend instead without a

word he grabbed my face and finally

kissed me on the lips i took that as a



About the Creator

Samya Mohammed

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    Samya MohammedWritten by Samya Mohammed

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